Publications [#350501] of Benjamin J. Wiley

Journal Articles

  1. Manning, HG; Flowers, PF; Cruz, MA; Rocha, CGD; Callaghan, CO; Ferreira, MS; Wiley, BJ; Boland, JJ, "The resistance of Cu nanowire-nanowire junctions and electro-optical modeling of Cu nanowire networks", Applied Physics LettersJune,, 2020, 116(25) [doi].
    (last updated on 2024/11/19)

    Flexible transparent conductors made from networks of metallic nanowires are a potential replacement for conventional, non-flexible, and transparent conducting materials such as indium tin oxide. Cu nanowires are particularly interesting as cost-effective alternatives to Ag nanowires - the most investigated metallic nanowire to date. To optimize the conductivity of Cu nanowire networks, the resistance contributions from the material and nanowire junctions must be independently known. In this paper, we report the resistivity values (ρ) of individual solution-grown Cu nanowires «ρ»= 20.1 ± 1.3 nω m and the junction resistance (Rjxn) between two overlapping Cu nanowires «Rjxn»= 205.7 ± 57.7 ω. These electrical data are incorporated into an electro-optical model that generates analogs for Cu nanowire networks, which accurately predict without the use of fitting factors the optical transmittance and sheet resistance of the transparent electrode. The model's predictions are validated using experimental data from the literature of Cu nanowire networks composed of a wide range of aspect ratios (nanowire length/diameter). The separation of the material resistance and the junction resistance allows the effectiveness of post-deposition processing methods to be evaluated, aiding research and industry groups in adopting a materials-by-design approach.