Publications [#232052] of David N. Beratan

Journal Articles

  1. Skourtis, SS; Beratan, DN; Onuchic, JN, "The two-state reduction for electron and hole transfer in bridge-mediated electron-transfer reactions", Chemical PhysicsOctober,, 1993, 176(2-3), 501-520, Elsevier BV [doi].
    (last updated on 2024/07/16)

    We present a unified analysis of the two-state reduction in bridge-mediated electron transfer for both electron and hole transfer. The parameter that characterizes the leading error associated with a two-state reduction is derived in the energy and time domains. A precise definition of the tunnelling energy is given. We also derive analytically the regimes of validity of the two-state reduction and we interpret it in terms of the time evolution of the purely electronic part of the electron-transfer probability. © 1993.