Publications [#234164] of Eric J. Toone

Journal Articles

  1. Bowers, CM; Shestopalov, AA; Clark, RL; Toone, EJ, "Multicomponent patterning of indium tin oxide.", ACS applied materials & interfacesAugust,, 2012, 4(8), 3932-3937 [22834789], [doi].
    (last updated on 2024/11/19)

    We report a versatile functionalization and pattering technique that permits multicomponent pattern-specific modification of indium tin oxide (ITO) with organic species. The method relies on a bilayered molecular system that simultaneously protects ITO from degradation and provides uniform chemical functionality suitable for further elaboration. Pattern-specific modification is achieved via specific reaction between functionality on an elastomeric stamp and functionality of cognate reactivity at the surface of a bilayered molecular substrate. We demonstrate that a single molecular system in a combination with different printing approaches can be used to immobilize multiple organic functionalities with exquisite spatial control on a single ITO surface. Our study provides the first general approach that permits patterning and functionalization of ITO with different molecules using a single set of printing conditions and materials.