Publications [#232681] of Katherine J. Franz

Journal Articles

  1. Nitz, M; Sherawat, M; Franz, KJ; Peisach, E; Allen, KN; Imperiali, B, "Structural origin of the high affinity of a chemically evolved lanthanide-binding peptide.", Angewandte Chemie International EditionJuly,, 2004, 43(28), 3682-3685 [doi].
    (last updated on 2023/01/01)

    Playing tag with terbium: New hydrophobic contacts and ligating amino acids are revealed in the 2.0-Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of a chemically evolved 17-residue lanthanide-binding peptide complexed with a Tb3+ ion (see ribbon diagram). The crystal structure agrees well with luminescence-lifetime measurements in solution, which indicate that no first-shell-coordinating water molecules are present in the complex.