Publications of Patrick Charbonneau


  1. Charbonneau, P; Marinariy, E; Mézardz, M; Ricci-Tersenghiy, F; Sicurox, G; Zamponi, F, "Preface"January,, 2023, vii-viii.

  2. Charbonneau, P; Marinari, E; Mézard, M; Parisi, G; Ricci-Tersenghi, F; Sicuro, G; Zamponi, F, "Spin Glass Theory and Far Beyond: Replica Symmetry Breaking After 40 Years"January,, 2023, 1-740 [doi[abs].

Papers Published

  1. Wopat, S; Adhyapok, P; Daga, B; Crawford, JM; Norman, J; Bagwell, J; Peskin, B; Magre, I; Fogerson, SM; Levic, DS; Di Talia, S; Kiehart, DP; Charbonneau, P; Bagnat, M, "Notochord segmentation in zebrafish controlled by iterative mechanical signaling.", Dev CellJuly,, 2024, 59(14), 1860-1875.e5 [doi[abs].

  2. Bouchard, V; Charbonneau, P; De Valicourt, J, "Pralines des Voyageurs: An Iconic Intercultural Food", Cuizine : the Journal of Canadian Food CulturesJune,, 2024, 11(1), érudit [doi[abs].

  3. Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Morse, PK, "Dynamics and fluctuations of minimally structured glass formers.", Physical review. EMay,, 2024, 109(5-1), 054905 [doi[abs].

  4. Bonnet, G; Charbonneau, P; Folena, G, "Glasslike caging with random planes.", Physical review. EFebruary,, 2024, 109(2-1), 024125 [doi[abs].

  5. Charbonneau, P; Morse, PK, "Jamming, relaxation, and memory in a minimally structured glass former.", Physical review. ENovember,, 2023, 108(5-1), 054102 [doi[abs].

  6. Wopat, S; Adhyapok, P; Daga, B; Crawford, JM; Peskin, B; Norman, J; Bagwell, J; Fogerson, SM; Di Talia, S; Kiehart, DP; Charbonneau, P; Bagnat, M, "Axial segmentation by iterative mechanical signaling.", bioRxivMarch,, 2023 [doi[abs].

  7. Charbonneau, P; Kilgore, K; Pilcher, JM, "Recreating Colonial Mexican Fudge", GastronomicaFebruary,, 2023, 23(1), 112-115, University of California Press [doi].

  8. Charbonneau, P; Pilcher, JM, "From Panocha to Fudge", GastronomicaFebruary,, 2023, 23(1), 100-111, University of California Press [doi[abs].

  9. Zheng, M; Tarzia, M; Charbonneau, P, "Communication: Weakening the critical dynamical slowing down of models with SALR interactions.", The Journal of chemical physicsNovember,, 2022, 157(18), 181103 [doi[abs].

  10. Kool, L; Charbonneau, P; Daniels, KE, "Gardner-like crossover from variable to persistent force contacts in granular crystals.", Physical review. ENovember,, 2022, 106(5-1), 054901, American Physical Society (APS) [doi[abs].

  11. Charbonneau, P, "From the replica trick to the replica symmetry-breaking technique", IAMP News BulletinOctober,, 2022, 2022(October), 5-25 [abs].

  12. Folena, G; Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Zamponi, F, "Equilibrium fluctuations in mean-field disordered models.", Physical review. EAugust,, 2022, 106(2-1), 024605 [doi[abs].

  13. Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Kundu, J; Morse, PK, "The dimensional evolution of structure and dynamics in hard sphere liquids.", The Journal of chemical physicsApril,, 2022, 156(13), 134502 [doi[abs].

  14. Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Folena, G; Hu, Y; Zamponi, F, "Local Dynamical Heterogeneity in Simple Glass Formers.", Physical review lettersApril,, 2022, 128(17), 175501 [doi[abs].

  15. Charbonneau, P; Morse, PK; Perkins, W; Zamponi, F, "Three simple scenarios for high-dimensional sphere packings.", Physical review. EDecember,, 2021, 104(6-1), 064612 [doi[abs].

  16. Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Kundu, J; Morse, PK, "The dimensional evolution of structure and dynamics in hard sphere liquids", J. Chem. Phys.November,, 2021, 156, 134502 [abs].

  17. Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Numerical transfer matrix study of frustrated next-nearest-neighbor Ising models on square lattices", Physical Review BOctober,, 2021, 104(14) [doi[abs].

  18. Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Folena, G; Hu, Y; Zamponi, F, "Local dynamical heterogeneity in glass formers", Phys. Rev. Lett.September,, 2021, 128, 175501 [abs].

  19. Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Comment on "kosterlitz-Thouless-type caging-uncaging transition in a quasi-one-dimensional hard disk system"", Physical Review ResearchSeptember,, 2021, 3(3) [doi[abs].

  20. Charbonneau, P; Gish, CM; Hoy, RS; Morse, PK, "Thermodynamic stability of hard sphere crystals in dimensions 3 through 10.", The European physical journal. E, Soft matterAugust,, 2021, 44(8), 101 [doi[abs].

  21. Charbonneau, B; Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Yang, Z, "High-dimensional percolation criticality and hints of mean-field-like caging of the random Lorentz gas.", Physical review. EAugust,, 2021, 104(2-1), 024137 [doi[abs].

  22. Charbonneau, P; Tarzia, M, "Solution of disordered microphases in the Bethe approximation.", The Journal of chemical physicsJuly,, 2021, 155(2), 024501 [doi[abs].

  23. Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Dennis, RC; Díaz Hernández Rojas, R; Ikeda, H; Parisi, G; Ricci-Tersenghi, F, "Finite-size effects in the microscopic critical properties of jammed configurations: A comprehensive study of the effects of different types of disorder.", Physical review. EJuly,, 2021, 104(1-1), 014102 [doi[abs].

  24. Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Ikeda, H; Szamel, G; Zamponi, F, "Mean-Field Caging in a Random Lorentz Gas.", The journal of physical chemistry. BJune,, 2021, 125(23), 6244-6254 [doi[abs].

  25. Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Percolation thresholds on high-dimensional D_{n} and E_{8}-related lattices.", Physical review. EJune,, 2021, 103(6-1), 062115 [doi[abs].

  26. Zheng, M; Charbonneau, P, "Characterization and efficient Monte Carlo sampling of disordered microphases.", The Journal of chemical physicsJune,, 2021, 154(24), 244506 [doi[abs].

  27. Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Resolving the two-dimensional axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising model using transfer matrices", Physical Review BMarch,, 2021, 103(9) [doi[abs].

  28. Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Hu, Y; Ikeda, H; Szamel, G; Zamponi, F, "Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas.", Physical review. EMarch,, 2021, 103(3), L030104 [doi[abs].

  29. Downey, M; Lafferty-Hess, S; Charbonneau, P; Zoss, A, "Engaging Researchers in Data Dialogues: Designing Collaborative Programming to Promote Research Data Sharing", Journal of eScience LibrarianshipMarch,, 2021, 10(2), University of Massachusetts Medical School [doi[abs].

  30. Charbonneau, P; Morse, PK, "Memory Formation in Jammed Hard Spheres.", Physical review lettersFebruary,, 2021, 126(8), 088001 [doi[abs].

  31. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Kundu, J, "Finite Dimensional Vestige of Spinodal Criticality above the Dynamical Glass Transition.", Physical review lettersSeptember,, 2020, 125(10), 108001 [doi[abs].

  32. Charbonneau, P; Kundu, J, "Postponing the dynamical transition density using competing interactions", Granular MatterAugust,, 2020, 22(3) [doi[abs].

  33. Altan, I; Khan, AR; James, S; Quinn, MK; McManus, JJ; Charbonneau, P, "Using Schematic Models to Understand the Microscopic Basis for Inverted Solubility in γD-Crystallin.", The journal of physical chemistry. BNovember,, 2019, 123(47), 10061-10072 [doi[abs].

  34. Flenner, E; Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Fullerton, CJ, "Front-Mediated Melting of Isotropic Ultrastable Glasses.", Physical review lettersOctober,, 2019, 123(17), 175501 [doi[abs].

  35. Khan, AR; James, S; Quinn, MK; Altan, I; Charbonneau, P; McManus, JJ, "Temperature-Dependent Interactions Explain Normal and Inverted Solubility in a γD-Crystallin Mutant.", Biophysical journalSeptember,, 2019, 117(5), 930-937, Elsevier BV [doi[abs].

  36. Berthier, L; Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Franz, S; Zamponi, F, "Gardner physics in amorphous solids and beyond.", The Journal of chemical physicsJuly,, 2019, 151(1), 010901 [doi[abs].

  37. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Ninarello, A; Ozawa, M; Yaida, S, "Zero-temperature glass transition in two dimensions.", Nature communicationsApril,, 2019, 10(1), 1508 [doi[abs].

  38. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Kundu, J, "Bypassing sluggishness: SWAP algorithm and glassiness in high dimensions.", Physical review. EMarch,, 2019, 99(3-1), 031301 [doi[abs].

  39. Biroli, G; Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y, "Dynamics around the site percolation threshold on high-dimensional hypercubic lattices.", Physical review. EFebruary,, 2019, 99(2-1), 022118 [doi[abs].

  40. Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Fu, L; Tsekenis, G; van der Naald, M, "Glassy, Gardner-like phenomenology in minimally polydisperse crystalline systems.", Physical review. EFebruary,, 2019, 99(2-1), 020901 [doi[abs].

  41. Charbonneau, P; Hu, Y; Raju, A; Sethna, JP; Yaida, S, "Morphology of renormalization-group flow for the de Almeida-Thouless-Gardner universality class.", Physical review. EFebruary,, 2019, 99(2-1), 022132 [doi[abs].

  42. Altan, I; Charbonneau, P, "Correction to: Obtaining Soft Matter Models of Proteins and their Phase Behavior.", Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)January,, 2019, 2039, C1 [doi[abs].

  43. Altan, I; Charbonneau, P, "Obtaining Soft Matter Models of Proteins and their Phase Behavior.", Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)January,, 2019, 2039, 209-228 [doi[abs].

  44. Hu, Y; Fu, L; Charbonneau, P, "Correlation lengths in quasi-one-dimensional systems via transfer matrices", Molecular PhysicsNovember,, 2018, 116(21-22), 3345-3354, Informa UK Limited [doi[abs].

  45. Norman, J; Sorrell, EL; Hu, Y; Siripurapu, V; Garcia, J; Bagwell, J; Charbonneau, P; Lubkin, SR; Bagnat, M, "Tissue self-organization underlies morphogenesis of the notochord.", Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol SciSeptember,, 2018, 373(1759), 20170320 [doi[abs].

  46. Reyes, C; Fu, L; Suthanthiraraj, PPA; Owens, CE; Shields, CW; López, GP; Charbonneau, P; Wiley, BJ, "The Limits of Primary Radiation Forces in Bulk Acoustic Standing Waves for Concentrating Nanoparticles", Particle and Particle Systems CharacterizationJuly,, 2018, 35(7), 1700470-1700470, WILEY [doi[abs].

  47. Charbonneau, B; Charbonneau, P; Szamel, G, "A microscopic model of the Stokes-Einstein relation in arbitrary dimension.", The Journal of chemical physicsJune,, 2018, 148(22), 224503 [doi[abs].

  48. Hu, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Clustering and assembly dynamics of a one-dimensional microphase former.", Soft matterMay,, 2018, 14(20), 4101-4109 [doi[abs].

  49. Altan, I; Fusco, D; Afonine, PV; Charbonneau, P, "Learning about Biomolecular Solvation from Water in Protein Crystals.", The journal of physical chemistry. BMarch,, 2018, 122(9), 2475-2486 [doi[abs].

  50. Bruno, AE; Charbonneau, P; Newman, J; Snell, EH; So, DR; Vanhoucke, V; Watkins, CJ; Williams, S; Wilson, J, "Classification of crystallization outcomes using deep convolutional neural networks.", PloS oneJanuary,, 2018, 13(6), e0198883 [doi[abs].

  51. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Flenner, E; Zamponi, F, "Origin of Ultrastability in Vapor-Deposited Glasses.", Physical review lettersNovember,, 2017, 119(18), 188002 [doi[abs].

  52. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Coslovich, D; Ninarello, A; Ozawa, M; Yaida, S, "Configurational entropy measurements in extremely supercooled liquids that break the glass ceiling.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaOctober,, 2017, 114(43), 11356-11361 [doi[abs].

  53. Charbonneau, P; Li, YC; Pfister, HD; Yaida, S, "Cycle-expansion method for the Lyapunov exponent, susceptibility, and higher moments.", Physical review. ESeptember,, 2017, 96(3-1), 032129 [doi[abs].

  54. Zhuang, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Communication: Microphase equilibrium and assembly dynamics.", The Journal of chemical physicsSeptember,, 2017, 147(9), 091102 [doi[abs].

  55. Charbonneau, P, "Lecture Notes on the Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems"May,, 2017 [abs].

  56. Fu, L; Bian, C; Shields, CW; Cruz, DF; López, GP; Charbonneau, P, "Assembly of hard spheres in a cylinder: a computational and experimental study.", Soft matterMay,, 2017, 13(18), 3296-3306 [doi[abs].

  57. Charbonneau, P; Yaida, S, "Nontrivial Critical Fixed Point for Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Transitions.", Physical review lettersMay,, 2017, 118(21), 215701 [doi[abs].

  58. Pham, AT; Zhuang, Y; Detwiler, P; Socolar, JES; Charbonneau, P; Yellen, BB, "Phase diagram and aggregation dynamics of a monolayer of paramagnetic colloids.", Physical review. EMay,, 2017, 95(5-1), 052607 [doi[abs].

  59. Charbonneau, P; Kurchan, J; Parisi, G; Urbani, P; Zamponi, F, "Glass and Jamming Transitions: From Exact Results to Finite-Dimensional Descriptions", Annual Review of Condensed Matter PhysicsMarch,, 2017, 8(1), 265-288, ANNUAL REVIEWS [doi[abs].

  60. Yaida, S; Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Tarjus, G, "Point-to-set lengths, local structure, and glassiness.", Physical review. ESeptember,, 2016, 94(3-1), 032605 [doi[abs].

  61. Zhuang, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Recent Advances in the Theory and Simulation of Model Colloidal Microphase Formers.", The journal of physical chemistry. BAugust,, 2016, 120(32), 7775-7782 [doi[abs].

  62. Altan, I; Charbonneau, P; Snell, EH, "Computational crystallization.", Archives of biochemistry and biophysicsJuly,, 2016, 602, 12-20 [doi[abs].

  63. Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Parisi, G; Poncet, A; Zamponi, F, "Universal Non-Debye Scaling in the Density of States of Amorphous Solids.", Physical review lettersJuly,, 2016, 117(4), 045503 [doi[abs].

  64. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Jin, Y; Parisi, G; Seoane, B; Zamponi, F, "Growing timescales and lengthscales characterizing vibrations of amorphous solids.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaJuly,, 2016, 113(30), 8397-8401 [doi[abs].

  65. Charbonneau, P; Dyer, E; Lee, J; Yaida, S, "Linking dynamical heterogeneity to static amorphous order", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and ExperimentJuly,, 2016, 2016(7), 074004-074004, IOP Publishing [doi[abs].

  66. Zhuang, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Equilibrium Phase Behavior of the Square-Well Linear Microphase-Forming Model.", The journal of physical chemistry. BJuly,, 2016, 120(26), 6178-6188 [doi[abs].

  67. McManus, JJ; Charbonneau, P; Zaccarelli, E; Asherie, N, "The physics of protein self-assembly", Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface ScienceApril,, 2016, 22, 73-79, Elsevier BV [doi[abs].

  68. Fu, L; Steinhardt, W; Zhao, H; Socolar, JES; Charbonneau, P, "Hard sphere packings within cylinders.", Soft matterMarch,, 2016, 12(9), 2505-2514 [doi[abs].

  69. Tavarone, R; Charbonneau, P; Stark, H, "Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for birefringence relaxation of photo-switchable molecules on a surface.", The Journal of chemical physicsMarch,, 2016, 144(10), 104703 [doi[abs].

  70. Zhuang, Y; Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "Equilibrium Phase Behavior of a Continuous-Space Microphase Former.", Physical review lettersMarch,, 2016, 116(9), 098301 [doi[abs].

  71. Marcoux, C; Byington, TW; Qian, Z; Charbonneau, P; Socolar, JES, "Erratum: Emergence of limit-periodic order in tiling models (Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2014) 90 (012136))", Physical Review EFebruary,, 2016, 93(2), American Physical Society (APS) [doi].

  72. Fusco, D; Charbonneau, P, "Soft matter perspective on protein crystal assembly.", Colloids and surfaces. B, BiointerfacesJanuary,, 2016, 137, 22-31 [doi[abs].

  73. Berthier, L; Charbonneau, P; Yaida, S, "Efficient measurement of point-to-set correlations and overlap fluctuations in glass-forming liquids.", The Journal of chemical physicsJanuary,, 2016, 144(2), 024501 [doi[abs].

  74. Owens, CE; Shields, CW; Cruz, DF; Charbonneau, P; López, GP, "Highly parallel acoustic assembly of microparticles into well-ordered colloidal crystallites.", Soft matterJanuary,, 2016, 12(3), 717-728 [doi[abs].

  75. Tavarone, R; Charbonneau, P; Stark, H, "Phase ordering of zig-zag and bow-shaped hard needles in two dimensions.", The Journal of chemical physicsSeptember,, 2015, 143(11), 114505 [doi[abs].

  76. Charbonneau, P; Jin, Y; Parisi, G; Rainone, C; Seoane, B; Zamponi, F, "Numerical detection of the Gardner transition in a mean-field glass former.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsJuly,, 2015, 92(1), 012316 [1501.07244], [doi[abs].

  77. Jin, Y; Charbonneau, P, "Dimensional study of the dynamical arrest in a random Lorentz gas.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsApril,, 2015, 91(4), 042313 [doi[abs].

  78. Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Jamming criticality revealed by removing localized buckling excitations.", Physical review lettersMarch,, 2015, 114(12), 125504 [doi[abs].

  79. Yang, Y; Fu, L; Marcoux, C; Socolar, JES; Charbonneau, P; Yellen, BB, "Phase transformations in binary colloidal monolayers.", Soft matterMarch,, 2015, 11(12), 2404-2415 [doi[abs].

  80. Ye Yang, Lin Fu, Catherine Marcoux, Joshua E. S. Socolar, Patrick Charbonneau, Benjamin B. Yellen, "Martensitic Transformations in Binary Colloidal Monolayers", Soft Matter, 2015 [doi[abs].

  81. Charbonneau, P; Kurchan, J; Parisi, G; Urbani, P; Zamponi, F, "Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension. III. the full replica symmetry breaking solution", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and ExperimentOctober,, 2014, 2014(10), P10009-P10009, IOP Publishing [2549], [doi[abs].

  82. Charbonneau, P; Jin, Y; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Hopping and the Stokes-Einstein relation breakdown in simple glass formers.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaOctober,, 2014, 111(42), 15025-15030 [5677], [doi[abs].

  83. Marcoux, C; Byington, TW; Qian, Z; Charbonneau, P; Socolar, JES, "Emergence of limit-periodic order in tiling models.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsJuly,, 2014, 90(1), 012136 [2905], [doi[abs].

  84. Fusco, D; Charbonneau, P, "Competition between monomeric and dimeric crystals in schematic models for globular proteins.", The journal of physical chemistry. BJuly,, 2014, 118(28), 8034-8041 [jp5011428], [doi[abs].

  85. Charbonneau, P; Kurchan, J; Parisi, G; Urbani, P; Zamponi, F, "Fractal free energy landscapes in structural glasses.", Nature communicationsApril,, 2014, 5, 3725 [doi[abs].

  86. Fusco, D; Barnum, TJ; Bruno, AE; Luft, JR; Snell, EH; Mukherjee, S; Charbonneau, P, "Statistical analysis of crystallization database links protein physico-chemical features with crystallization mechanisms.", PloS oneJanuary,, 2014, 9(7), e101123 [repository], [doi[abs].

  87. Fusco, D; Headd, JJ; De Simone, A; Wang, J; Charbonneau, P, "Characterizing protein crystal contacts and their role in crystallization: rubredoxin as a case study.", Soft matterJanuary,, 2014, 10(2), 290-302 [Gateway.cgi], [doi[abs].

  88. Charbonneau, B; Charbonneau, P; Jin, Y; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Dimensional dependence of the Stokes-Einstein relation and its violation.", The Journal of chemical physicsOctober,, 2013, 139(16), 164502 [6073], [doi[abs].

  89. Charbonneau, B; Charbonneau, P; Tarjus, G, "Geometrical frustration and static correlations in hard-sphere glass formers.", The Journal of chemical physicsMarch,, 2013, 138(12), 12A515 [4445], [doi[abs].

  90. Fusco, D; Charbonneau, P, "Crystallization of asymmetric patchy models for globular proteins in solution", PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2013, 88(1), 012721 [Gateway.cgi], [doi[abs].

  91. Charbonneau, P; Tarjus, G, "Decorrelation of the static and dynamic length scales in hard-sphere glass formers", PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2013, 87(4), 042305 [23679412], [doi[abs].

  92. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "Erratum: [N]pT ensemble and finite-size-scaling study of the critical isostructural transition in the generalized exponential model of index 4", Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter PhysicsDecember,, 2012, 86(6), American Physical Society (APS) [doi].

  93. Charbonneau, P; Corwin, EI; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Universal microstructure and mechanical stability of jammed packings.", Physical review lettersNovember,, 2012, 109(20), 205501 [23215504], [doi[abs].

  94. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "[N]pT ensemble and finite-size-scaling study of the critical isostructural transition in the generalized exponential model of index 4.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsOctober,, 2012, 86(4 Pt 1), 042501 [23214631], [doi[abs].

  95. Charbonneau, P; Ikeda, A; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Dimensional study of the caging order parameter at the glass transition.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaAugust,, 2012, 109(35), 13939-13943 [22891303], [doi[abs].

  96. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "[N]pT Monte Carlo simulations of the cluster-crystal-forming penetrable sphere model.", The Journal of chemical physicsJune,, 2012, 136(21), 214106 [22697529], [doi[abs].

  97. Charbonneau, B; Charbonneau, P; Tarjus, G, "Geometrical frustration and static correlations in a simple glass former.", Physical review lettersJanuary,, 2012, 108(3), 035701 [2494], [doi[abs].

  98. Bergin, SM; Rathmell, AR; Chen, YH; Charbonneau, P; Li, ZY; Wiley, BJ, "The effect of nanowire length and diameter on the properties of transparent, conducting nanowire films", Nanoscale, 2012, 4(6), 1996 [22349106], [doi[abs].

  99. Charbonneau, P; Ikeda, A; Parisi, G; Zamponi, F, "Glass transition and random close packing above three dimensions.", Physical review lettersOctober,, 2011, 107(18), 185702 [22107645], [doi[abs].

  100. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "Monte Carlo approach for studying microphases applied to the axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising and the Ising-Coulomb models", Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials PhysicsJune,, 2011, 83(21), 214303, American Physical Society (APS) [1405], [doi[abs].

  101. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P; Mladek, BM, "Reentrant and isostructural transitions in a cluster-crystal former.", Physical review lettersDecember,, 2010, 105(24), 245701 [21231534], [doi[abs].

  102. Jin, Y; Charbonneau, P; Meyer, S; Song, C; Zamponi, F, "Application of Edwards' statistical mechanics to high-dimensional jammed sphere packings.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsNovember,, 2010, 82(5 Pt 1), 051126 [repository], [doi[abs].

  103. Zhang, K; Charbonneau, P, "Monte carlo study of the axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising model.", Physical review lettersMay,, 2010, 104(19), 195703 [20866979], [doi[abs].

  104. Charbonneau, P; Ikeda, A; van Meel, JA; Miyazaki, K, "Numerical and theoretical study of a monodisperse hard-sphere glass former.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsApril,, 2010, 81(4 Pt 1), 040501 [20481668], [doi[abs].

  105. van Meel, JA; Charbonneau, B; Fortini, A; Charbonneau, P, "Hard-sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsDecember,, 2009, 80(6 Pt 1), 061110 [repository], [doi[abs].

  106. Ikeda, A; Charbonneau, P; van, MJA; Miyazaki, K, "28aQL-4 Simulation and theoretical study of glass transition of 4d hard sphere", Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of JapanAugust,, 2009, 64(2), 293 pages, The Physical Society of Japan (JPS).

  107. van Meel, JA; Frenkel, D; Charbonneau, P, "Geometrical frustration: a study of four-dimensional hard spheres.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsMarch,, 2009, 79(3 Pt 1), 030201 [1775], [doi[abs].

  108. Mladek, BM; Charbonneau, P; Likos, CN; Frenkel, D; Kahl, G, "Multiple occupancy crystals formed by purely repulsive soft particles", Journal of Physics Condensed MatterDecember,, 2008, 20(49), 494245-494245, IOP Publishing [doi[abs].

  109. Charbonneau, P; Das, C; Frenkel, D, "Dynamical heterogeneity in a glass-forming ideal gas.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsJuly,, 2008, 78(1 Pt 1), 011505 [3704], [doi[abs].

  110. Mladek, BM; Charbonneau, P; Frenkel, D, "Phase coexistence of cluster crystals: beyond the Gibbs phase rule.", Physical review lettersDecember,, 2007, 99(23), 235702 [2979], [doi[abs].

  111. Charbonneau, P; Reichman, DR, "Dynamical heterogeneity and nonlinear susceptibility in supercooled liquids with short-range attraction.", Physical review lettersSeptember,, 2007, 99(13), 135701 [1657], [doi[abs].

  112. Charbonneau, P; Frenkel, D, "Gas-solid coexistence of adhesive spheres.", The Journal of chemical physicsMay,, 2007, 126(19), 196101 [0703378], [doi[abs].

  113. Charbonneau, P; Reichman, DR, "Phase behavior and far-from-equilibrium gelation in charged attractive colloids.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsMay,, 2007, 75(5 Pt 1), 050401 [0604430], [doi[abs].

  114. Charbonneau, P; Reichman, DR, "Systematic characterization of thermodynamic and dynamical phase behavior in systems with short-ranged attraction.", Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physicsJanuary,, 2007, 75(1 Pt 1), 011507 [0604428], [doi[abs].

  115. Reichman, DR; Charbonneau, P, "Mode-coupling theory", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and ExperimentMay,, 2005, 2005(5), 267-289, IOP Publishing [0511407], [doi[abs].

  116. Chamon, C; Charbonneau, P; Cugliandolo, LF; Reichman, DR; Sellitto, M, "Out-of-equilibrium dynamical fluctuations in glassy systems.", The Journal of chemical physicsNovember,, 2004, 121(20), 10120-10137 [0401326], [doi[abs].

  117. Barden, CJ; Charbonneau, P; Schaefer, HF, "Group 13-group 16 heterocubanes [RM(μ3-E)]4 (R = H, CH3; M = Al, Ga, In; E = O, S, Se, Te) and group 13 cubanes [RM(μ3-M)]4 (R = F, Cl, CH3, NO2; M = Al, Ga, In): A structural study", OrganometallicsAugust,, 2002, 21(17), 3605-3609, American Chemical Society (ACS) [doi[abs].

  118. Charbonneau, P; Jean-Claude, B; Whitehead, MA, "Synthesis of a prodrug: A semi-empirical PM3 study", Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEMNovember,, 2001, 574(1-3), 85-91, Elsevier BV [doi[abs].

  119. Spivey, AC; Charbonneau, P; Fekner, T; Hochmuth, DH; Maddaford, A; Malardier-Jugroot, C; Redgrave, AJ; Whitehead, MA, "Energy barriers to rotation in axially chiral analogues of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine.", The Journal of organic chemistryNovember,, 2001, 66(22), 7394-7401, AMER CHEMICAL SOC [doi[abs].

Papers Accepted

  1. Patrick Charbonneau, Eric I. Corwin, Giorgio Parisi, and Francesco Zamponi, "Jamming Criticality Revealed by Removing “Bucklers”", Physical Review Letters, 2015 [1411.3975v1[abs].

Papers Submitted

  1. Y. Jin, P. Charbonneau, "Mapping the arrest of the random Lorentz gas to the dynamical transition of simple glass formers", 2014 [0688[abs].

Chapter in Book

  1. Charbonneau, P; Zhang, K, "ADVANCES IN THE MOLECULAR SIMULATION OF MICROPHASE FORMERS", in Reviews in Computational Chemistry: Volume 32January,, 2022, 81-133 [doi[abs].

  2. Charbonneau, P; Altan, I; De Valicourt, J, "Sugars: Soft Caramel and Sucre à la Crème--an Undergraduate Experiment about Sugar Crystallization", in Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Foundations and Culinary Applications, edited by Burke, RM; Kelly, AL; Lavelle, C; This vo Kientza, H , 2021, 545-547, CRC Press [abs].