Publications [#233713] of Richard A. Palmer

Journal Articles

  1. Gregoriou, VG; Chao, JL; Toriumi, H; Marcott, C; Noda, I; Palmer, RA, "Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy of Liquid Crystals and Polymer Films Using Step-Scan 2D FT-IR", SPIE Proceedings, 1992, 1575, 209, 8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, September 1991 [doi].
    (last updated on 2024/07/16)

    The application of step-scan interferometry to the determination of two dimensional infrared (2D FT-IR) spectra is reported here. Two experiments will be discussed; the first monitors the dynamic changes in the IR transmission spectrum of a polymer film due to the application of a small amplitude oscillatory stress. The other experiment involves a study of the kinetics of reorientation of uniaxially aligned nematic liquid crystals under the influence of external AC electric fields. In both cases, the dynamic IR signals originate from the reorientation of the electric-dipole transition moments, and thus provide information at the molecular level about the macroscopic behavior of the systems under investigation.