Sarcophagus fragment
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Home > Faculty > Publications: Micaela W. Janan

Fragment of a marble Sarcophagus
ca. 230-240 ACE
Duke Museum of Art


  1. Janan, M. "Narcissus on the text: Psychoanalysis, exegesis, ethics." Phoenix  vol. 61 no. 3-4,   286-295. [Gateway.cgi]

    Bringing to bear the concepts of Lou Andreas-Salomé,Julia Kristeva, and Jacques Lacan upon Ovid's Narcissus tale (Met 3.339-510) helps us see how the infatuated boy's dénouement makes the irrational intrude upon rational discourse in such a way as to rock unexamined assumptions about the autonomous self and its encounter with the possibility of meaning in the act of reading signs. ©The Classical Association of Canada/La Sociét́ canadienne des études classiques 2008.