Adrian Carl Linden-High, Teaching Assistant

Adrian Carl Linden-High

Adrian is a sixth-year PhD student whose research is fueled by a fascination with ancient documentary evidence. Having explored the multilingual epigraphic record from second and third century Histria on the Black Sea through the prism of sociolinguistic theory as part of his Mag.Phil. at the University of Vienna, he is now eager to pursue his journey into the tantalizing world of papyrology and epigraphy. In his dissertation he is studying the evidence attesting slaves and ex-slaves in the Roman military communities of the Roman imperial period, with an emphasis on inscriptions and papyri.

All this is complemented by a desire to help shape the rapidly evolving field of Digital Scholarship by embarking on projects that are born-digital, designed to leverage integrative technologies including source document markup standards such as EpiDoc. His current digital project focuses on the archive of manumission inscriptions preserved on the Polygonal Wall in Delphi. For the moment, the objective is to make large swaths of the wall available online in the form of deep-zoomable visualizations with annotations (now transitioning to IIIF!). In an initial stage of the project, he produced several prototypes and linked the inscriptions on the wall to transcriptions at PHI (Searchable Greek Inscriptions). See below for links to the prototypes (Artistic Work>Photographs).

Office Location:  03 Allen Building
Email Address: send me a message
Web Pages:

Office Hours:

The Perk
Wed., 1-3pm or by appt.

Digital humanities • History, Ancient • Military history, Ancient • Slavery

Recent Publications

  1. Linden-High, A, Testamentary Manumission for Slaves of Roman Imperial Soldiers, Tyche, vol. 35 (2020), Verlag Holzhausen  [abs]