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Publications of Jack Bookman

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Peer-reviewed journal articles published

  1. Akin, V; Bookman, J; Braley, E. "Modeling Active Learning in Professional Development for Teaching." The journal of faculty development 37.3 (September, 2023): 28-39.
  2. Schott, S; Slate Young, E; Bookman, J; Peterson, B. "Evaluating a Large-Scale Multi-Institution Project: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned." The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations (JMSCE) 16.1 (2020). [doi]  [abs]
  3. Bartlett, KW; Whicker, SA; Bookman, J; Narayan, AP; Staples, BB; Hering, H; McGann, KA. "Milestone-Based Assessments Are Superior to Likert-Type Assessments in Illustrating Trainee Progression.." J Grad Med Educ 7.1 (March, 2015): 75-80. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Bookman, J. "Why �False Implies False" is True - a Discovery Explanation." The Mathematics Teacher 71 (November 1978): 675-676. (1978).
  5. Bookman, J; Smith, DA. "A Review of �The Electronic Study Guide: Precalculus Algebra." College Mathematics Journal, June 1985 (December, 2014).
  6. Bookman, J. "NSF Workshop on Assessment in Calculus Curriculum Reform Efforts." UME Trends, October, 1992 (October, 1992).
  7. Bookman, J. "Evaluation of Calculus Reform at Duke University." UME Trends, March 1992 (March 1992).
  8. Bookman, J; Friedman, C. "A Comparison of the Problem Solving Performance of Students in Lab Based and Traditional Calculus." in Dubinsky, E., Schoenfeld, A.H., Kaput, J. (Ed) Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education I. , Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1994, pp. 101-116. (1994).
  9. Smith, D; Bookman, J. "Assessment in a Technological Age." Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (1996) Addison-Wesley 433-437 (1996).
  10. Bookman, J. "There’s Glory For You! - Why We Define Mathematical Terms The Way We Do." Centroid, Spring 1996, 36-39 (December, 2014).
  11. Bookman, J; Friedman, C. "Student Attitudes and Calculus Reform." School Science and Mathematics, March 1998: 117-122 (December, 2014).
  12. Bookman, J; Friedman, C. "The Evaluation of Project CALC at Duke University 1989 - 1994." in B. Gold, S. Keith, W. Marion, eds., Assessment Practices in Undergraduate Mathematics, MAA Notes # 49, Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1999: pp. 253-256. (December, 2014).
  13. Bookman, J. "Program Evaluation and Undergraduate Mathematics Renewal: The impact of calculus reform on student performance in subsequent courses." in Ganter, S. (Ed.) Calculus Renewal: Issues for Undergraduate Mathematics Education in the Next Decade, New York, NY: Plenum Press, 2000: pp.91 - 102 (December, 2014).
  14. Bookman, J. "Duke University’s Mathematics Department Outreach to Secondary Mathematics Teachers: Problems, Potential, and Pitfalls." Conference proceedings from the Invitational Conference on K-12 Outreach from University Science Departments, Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, 2000: pp.143 - 145 (December, 2014).
  15. Bookman, J. "Learning Mathematics Meaningfully � A Challenge to College Faculty." Proceedings of First Annual Charleston Connections: Innovations in Higher Education Conference, Charleston, SC: The Citadel, 2001: pp.92 - 100 (December, 2014).
  16. Narayan, AP; Whicker, SA; Staples, BB; Bookman, J; Bartlett, KW; McGann, KA. "Using an innovative curriculum evaluation tool to inform program improvement: the clinical skills fair.." J Grad Med Educ 6.1 (March, 2014): 133-138. [doi]  [abs]
  17. Narayan, AP; Whicker, SA; Staples, B; Bookman, J; Bartlett, K; McGann, KA. "The Clinical Skills Fair - An Innovative Curriculum Evaluation Tool." Journal of Graduate Medical Education (April, 2013).
  18. Bookman; Bar-On, R; Cooke, B; Schott, S. "(Re)discovering SoTL through a Fundamental Challenge: Helping Students Transition to College Calculus." MAA Notes: Guide to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics (October, 2012).
  19. Lardner, ED; Bookman, J. "Lessons Learned in Interdisciplinary Professional Development Designed to Promote the Teaching of Quantitative Literacy." Journal of Faculty Development 27.2 (2012).
  20. Varsavsky, C; Waldock, J; Harding, A; Jack Bookman, LS; Luaces, VM. "Undergraduate mathematics around the world." Delta Communications, conference proceedings of the Volcanic Delta ’11, the eighth Delta conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics (2011).
  21. Turner, DA; Narayan, AP; Whicker, SA; Bookman, J; McGann, KA. "Do pediatric residents prefer interactive learning? Educational challenges in the duty hours era.." Med Teach 33.6 (2011): 494-496. [21355697], [doi]  [abs]
  22. Alison Sweeney, MD; Alyssa Stephany, MD; Shari Whicker, M; Jack Bookman, P; David A Turner, MD. ""Resident Educators" - Senior Pediatric Residents as Teachers for an Innovative Multidisciplinary Mock Code Curriculum." Journal of Graduate Medical Education 3.2 (2011): 188-195. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Bookman, J; Ganter, SL; Morgan, R. "Developing assessment methodologies for quantitative literacy: A formative study." American Mathematical Monthly 115.10 (January, 2008): 911-929. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  24. Bookman, J; Malone, D. "Negotiating Roles and Meaning While Learning Mathematics in Interactive Technology-Rich Environments." The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 6.2 (October, 2006): 41-65.
  25. Bookman, J; Malone, D. "The Nature of Learning in Interactive Technological Environments: A Proposal for a Research Agenda Based on Grounded Theory." Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (2003).
  26. Winter, D; Lemons, P; Bookman, J; Hoese, W. "Novice Instructors and Student-Centered Instruction: Identifying and Addressing Obstacles to Learning in the College Science Laboratory." Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2.1 (2001).
  27. Bookman, J. "Program Evaluation and Undergraduate Mathematics Renewal." Calculus Renewal (2000): 91-102. [doi]
  28. Bookman, J; Blake, L. "Seven Years of Project CALC at Duke University - Approaching a Steady State?." PRIMUS, September 1996: 221 - 234 6.3 (January, 1996): 221-234. [doi]  [abs]
  29. Bookman, J. "An Expert Novice Study of Metacognitive Behavior in Four Types of Mathematics Problems." PRIMUS, September 1993: 284-313. 3.3 (January, 1993): 284-314. [doi]  [abs]
  30. Bookman, J; Smith, D; Rossi, DE. "Software Reviews." The College Mathematics Journal 16.3 (June, 1985): 218-218. [doi]