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Publications of Harris M. Cooper

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Peer-reviewed journal articles published

  1. Cooper, H. "Opening editorial 2022.." American Psychologist 77.1 (January, 2022): 1-4. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Koenka, AC; Linnenbrink-Garcia, L; Moshontz, H; Atkinson, KM; Sanchez, CE; Cooper, H. "A meta-analysis on the impact of grades and comments on academic motivation and achievement: a case for written feedback." Educational Psychology 41.7 (January, 2021): 922-947. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Appelbaum, M; Cooper, H; Kline, RB; Mayo-Wilson, E; Nezu, AM; Rao, SM. "Intent of reporting standards: Reply to Rossiter (2018).." American Psychologist 73.7 (October, 2018): 932. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Appelbaum, M; Cooper, H; Kline, RB; Mayo-Wilson, E; Nezu, AM; Rao, SM. "Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board task force report.." American Psychologist 73.1 (January, 2018): 3-25. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Sanchez, CE; Atkinson, KM; Koenka, AC; Moshontz, H; Cooper, H. "Self-grading and peer-grading for formative and summative assessments in 3rd through 12th grade classrooms: A meta-analysis." Journal of Educational Psychology 109.8 (November, 2017): 1049-1066. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Cooper, H. ""Opinions differ significantly": Early experiences with meta-analysis and the people who made it possible.." Research Synthesis Methods 6.3 (September, 2015): 272-276. [doi]
  7. Atkinson, KM; Koenka, AC; Sanchez, CE; Moshontz, H; Cooper, H. "Reporting standards for literature searches and report inclusion criteria: making research syntheses more transparent and easy to replicate.." Research Synthesis Methods 6.1 (March, 2015): 87-95. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Steenbergen-Hu, S; Cooper, H. "A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of intelligent tutoring systems on K-12 students' mathematical learning." Journal of Educational Psychology 105.4 (November, 2013): 970-987. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Cooper, H; Koenka, AC. "The overview of reviews: unique challenges and opportunities when research syntheses are the principal elements of new integrative scholarship.." American Psychologist 67.6 (September, 2012): 446-462. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Patall, EA; Cooper, H; Wynn, SR. "The Effectiveness and Relative Importance of Choice in the Classroom." Journal of Educational Psychology 102.4 (November, 2010): 896-915. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Smith, PJ; Blumenthal, JA; Hoffman, BM; Cooper, H; Strauman, TA; Welsh-Bohmer, K; Browndyke, JN; Sherwood, A. "Aerobic exercise and neurocognitive performance: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials.." Psychosom Med 72.3 (April, 2010): 239-252. [20223924], [doi]  [abs]
  12. Valentine, JC; Cooper, H; Patall, EA; Tyson, D; Robinson, JC. "A method for evaluating research syntheses: The quality, conclusions, and consensus of 12 syntheses of the effects of after-school programs.." Research Synthesis Methods 1.1 (January, 2010): 20-38. [doi]  [abs]
  13. Patall, EA; Cooper, H; Allen, AB. "Extending the school day or school year: A systematic review of research (1985-2009)." Review of Educational Research 80.3 (January, 2010): 401-436. [doi]  [abs]
  14. Cooper, H; Allen, A; Patall, EA; Dent, AL. "Effects of full-day kindergarten on academic achievement and social development." Review of Educational Research 80.1 (January, 2010): 34-70. [doi]  [abs]
  15. Cooper, H; Patall, EA. "The Relative Benefits of Meta-Analysis Conducted With Individual Participant Data Versus Aggregated Data." Psychological Methods 14.2 (June, 2009): 165-176. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Cooper, H. "The search for meaningful ways to express the effects of interventions." Child Development Perspectives 2.3 (December, 2008): 181-186. [doi]  [abs]
  17. with Cooper, H. "Reporting Standards for Research in Psychology: Why Do We Need Them? What Might They Be?." American Psychologist 63.9 (December, 2008): 839-851. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Valentine, JC; Cooper, H. "A Systematic and Transparent Approach for Assessing the Methodological Quality of Intervention Effectiveness Research: The Study Design and Implementation Assessment Device (Study DIAD)." Psychological Methods 13.2 (June, 2008): 130-149. [doi]  [abs]
  19. with Patall, EA; Cooper, H; Robinson, JC. "The Effects of Choice on Intrinsic Motivation and Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Research Findings." Psychological Bulletin 134.2 (March, 2008): 270-300. [doi]  [abs]
  20. Patall, EA; Cooper, H; Robinson, JC. "Parent involvement in homework: A research synthesis." Review of Educational Research 78.4 (January, 2008): 1039-1101. [doi]  [abs]
  21. H. Cooper. "Evaluating and interpreting research syntheses in adult learning and literacy." Cambridge MA: National Center for the Study of Adult learning and Literacy (January, 2007).  [abs]
  22. Cooper, H; Robinson, JC; Patall, EA. "Does homework improve academic achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987-2003." Review of Educational Research 76.1 (January, 2006): 1-62. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Robinson, JC; Hoyle, RH; Cooper, H; Smith, RH. "Self-Evaluative Consequences of Social Comparisons of Physical Attractiveness: A Meta-Analytic Review." Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology (2006).
  24. Cooper, H. "Reading between the lines: Observations on the report of the national reading panel and its critics." Phi Delta Kappan 86.6 (January, 2005): 456-461. [doi]
  25. Reach, K; Cooper, H. "Homework hotlines: Recommendations for successful practice." Theory Into Practice 43.3 (June, 2004): 234-241. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Valentine, JC; DuBois, DL; Cooper, H. "The relation between self-beliefs and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review." Educational Psychologist 39.2 (March, 2004): 111-133. [doi]  [abs]
  27. Cooper, H. "Psychological Bulletin: Editorial.." Psychological Bulletin 129.1 (January, 2003): 3-9. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  28. Cooper, H; Valentine, JC; Charlton, K; Melson, A. "The effects of modified school calendars on student achievement and on school and community attitudes." Review of Educational Research 73.1 (January, 2003): 1-52. [doi]  [abs]
  29. Conn, VS; Valentine, JC; Cooper, HM; Rantz, MJ. "Grey literature in meta-analyses.." Nursing Research 52.4 (January, 2003): 256-261. [doi]  [abs]
  30. DePaulo, BM; Lindsay, JJ; Malone, BE; Muhlenbruck, L; Charlton, K; Cooper, H. "Cues to deception.." Psychological Bulletin 129.1 (January, 2003): 74-118. [doi]  [abs]
  31. J.C. Valentine & H.M. Cooper. "The Department of Education's What Works Clearinghouse Study Design and Implementation Device: Version 1.0." (2003). (web site: http//www.w-w-c.org/standards.html)
  32. Valentine, JC; Cooper, HM. "The Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse Study Design and Implementation Assessment Device: Version 1.0." The Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse Study Design and Implementation Assessment Device: Version 1.0 (2003).
  33. Dubois, DL; Holloway, BE; Valentine, JC; Cooper, H. "Effectiveness of Mentoring Programs for Youth: A Meta-Analytic Review." American Journal of Community Psychology 30.2 (December, 2002): 157-197. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Chalmers, I; Hedges, LV; Cooper, H. "A brief history of research synthesis." Evaluation & the Health Professions 25.1 (February, 2002): 12-37. [doi]  [abs]
  35. Valentine, JC; Cooper, H; Bettencourt, BA; DuBois, DL. "Out-of-school activities and academic achievement: The mediating role of self-beliefs." Educational Psychologist 37.4 (January, 2002): 245-256. [doi]  [abs]
  36. Conn, VS; Valentine, JC; Cooper, HM. "Interventions to increase physical activity among aging adults: A meta-analysis." Annals of Behavioral Medicine 24.3 (January, 2002): 190-200. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Cooper, H. "Homework for all - In moderation." Educational Leadership 58.7 (April, 2001): 34-38.  [abs]
  38. Cooper, H; Valentine, JC. "Using research to answer practical questions about homework." Educational Psychologist 36.3 (January, 2001): 143-153. [doi]  [abs]
  39. Cooper, H; Jackson, K; Nye, B; Lindsay, JJ. "A model of homework’s influence on the performance evaluations of elementary school students." The Journal of Experimental Education 69.2 (January, 2001): 181-199. (Reprinted in Gall, J.P., Gall, M.D., & Borg, W.R. (2005) Applying Educational Research: A Practical Guide (5th Edition) Boston: Allyn & Bacon Longman) [doi]  [abs]
  40. Valentine, JC; Blankenship, V; Cooper, H; Sullins, ES. "Interpersonal expectancy effects and the preference for consistency.." Representative Research in Social Psychology 25 (2001): 26-33.
  41. Van Matre, JC; Valentine, JC; Cooper, H. "Effect of students’ after-school activities on teachers’ academic expectancies." Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.2 (January, 2000): 167-183. [doi]  [abs]
  42. Cooper, H; Lindsay, JJ; Nye, B. "Homework in the Home: How Student, Family, and Parenting-Style Differences Relate to the Homework Process." Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.4 (January, 2000): 464-487. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Muhlenbruck, L; Cooper, H; Barbara, NYE; Lindsay, JJ. "Homework and achievement: Explaining the different strengths of relation at the elementary and secondary school levels." Social Psychology of Education 3.4 (January, 1999): 295-317. [doi]  [abs]
  44. Cooper, H; Valentine, JC; Nye, B; Lindsay, JJ. "Relationships between five after-school activities and academic achievement." Journal of Educational Psychology 91.2 (January, 1999): 369-378. [doi]  [abs]
  45. DeNeve, KM; Cooper, H. "The Happy Personality: A Meta-Analysis of 137 Personality Traits and Subjective Well-Being." Psychological Bulletin 124.2 (January, 1998): 197-229. [doi]  [abs]
  46. Cooper, H; Lindsay, JJ; Nye, B; Greathouse, S. "Relationships among Attitudes about Homework, Amount of Homework Assigned and Completed, and Student Achievement." Journal of Educational Psychology 90.1 (January, 1998): 70-83. [doi]  [abs]
  47. Dorr, N; Cooper, HM; Okamura, LS. "Social psychology textbook citations: Changes across a decade.." Contemporary Social Psychology 18 (1998): 63-74.
  48. DePaulo, BM; Charlton, K; Cooper, H; Lindsay, JJ; Muhlenbruck, L. "The accuracy-confidence correlation in the detection of deception." Personality and Social Psychology Review : an Official Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc 1.4 (January, 1997): 346-357. [doi]  [abs]
  49. Anderson, KB; Cooper, H; Okamura, L. "Individual differences and attitudes toward rape: A meta-analytic review." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 23.3 (January, 1997): 295-315. [doi]  [abs]
  50. Cooper, H; Charlton, K; DeNeve, K. "Finding the Missing Science: The Fate of Studies Submitted for Review by a Human Subjects Committee." Psychological Methods 2.4 (January, 1997): 447-452. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Cooper, H; Nye, B; Charlton, K; Lindsay, J; Greathouse, S. "The effects of summer vacation on achievement test scores: A narrative and meta-analytic review." Review of Educational Research 66.3 (January, 1996): 227-268. [doi]  [abs]
  52. Cooper, HM. "Speaking power to truth: Reflections of an educational researcher after four years of school board service." Educational Researcher 25.1 (1996): 29-34. [doi]
  53. Cooper, H; Okamura, L; McNeil, P. "Situation and Personality Correlates of Psychological Well-Being: Social Activity and Personal Control." Journal of Research in Personality 29.4 (December, 1995): 395-417. [doi]  [abs]
  54. Cooper, H; Dorr, N; Bettencourt, BA. "Putting to Rest Some Old Notions About Social Science." American Psychologist 50.2 (January, 1995): 111-112. [doi]
  55. Cooper, H; Moore, CJ. "Teenage motherhood, mother-only households, and teacher expectations." The Journal of Experimental Education 63.3 (January, 1995): 231-248. [doi]  [abs]
  56. Cooper, H; Dorr, N. "Race Comparisons on Need for Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Alternative to Graham’s Narrative Review." Review of Educational Research 65.4 (January, 1995): 483-508. [doi]  [abs]
  57. Cooper, H; Dorr, N. "Narrative Versus Meta-Analytic Reviews: A Rejoinder to Graham’s Comment." Review of Educational Research 65.4 (January, 1995): 515-517. [doi]  [abs]
  58. Cooper, H; Nye, B. "Homework for students with learning disabilities: the implications of research for policy and practice.." Journal of Learning Disabilities 27.8 (January, 1994): 470-479. (This paper was reprinted in W. D. Bursock (Ed.). (1995). Homework: Issues and practices for students with learning disabilities. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.) [doi]  [abs]
  59. Cooper, H. "Children and hospitalization: Putting the new reviews in methodological context." Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : Jdbp 14.1 (January, 1993): 45-49.
  60. Cooper, H; Deneve, KM; Mosteller, F. "Predicting Professional Sports Game Outcomes from Intermediate Game Scores." Chance 5.3-4 (September, 1992): 18-22. [doi]
  61. Hedges, LV; Cooper, H; Bushman, BJ. "Testing the null hypothesis in meta-anatysis: a comparison of combined probability and confidence interval procedures." Psychological Bulletin 111.1 (January, 1992): 188-194. [doi]  [abs]
  62. Cooper, H; Okamura, L; Gurka, V. "Social activity and subjective well-being." Personality and Individual Differences 13.5 (January, 1992): 573-583. [doi]  [abs]
  63. Hazelrigg, PJ; Cooper, H; Strathman, AJ. "Personality Moderators of the Experimenter Expectancy Effect: A Reexamination of Five Hypotheses." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 17.5 (October, 1991): 569-579. [doi]  [abs]
  64. Cooper, HM; Lemke, KM. "On the Role of Meta-Analysis in Personality and Social Psychology." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 17.3 (June, 1991): 245-251. [doi]  [abs]
  65. Bushman, BJ; Cooper, HM; Lemke, KM. "Meta-Analysis of Factor Analyses: An Illustration Using the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 17.3 (June, 1991): 344-349. [doi]  [abs]
  66. Cooper, H; Baumgardner, AH; Strathman, A. "Do Students with Different Characteristics Take Part in Psychology Experiments at Different Times of the Semester?." Journal of Personality 59.1 (January, 1991): 109-127. [doi]  [abs]
  67. Cooper, HM. "Homework." Feelings and their medical significance 33 (1991): 7-10.
  68. Bushman, BJ; Cooper, HM. "Effects of alcohol on human aggression: An integrative research review." Psychological Bulletin 107.3 (January, 1990): 341-354. [doi]  [abs]
  69. Vemer, E; Coleman, M; Ganong, LH; Cooper, H. "Marital Satisfaction in Remarriage: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of Marriage and the Family 51.3 (August, 1989): 713-713. [doi]
  70. Cooper, H; Ribble, RG. "Influences on the Outcome of Literature Searches for Integrative Research Reviews." Science Communication 10.3 (January, 1989): 179-201. [doi]  [abs]
  71. Cooper, HM. "Does Reducing Student-to-instructor Ratios Affect Achievement?." Educational Psychologist 24.1 (January, 1989): 79-98. [doi]  [abs]
  72. Cooper, HM. "Synthesis of research on homework." Educational Leadership 47.3 (1989): 85-91.  [abs]
  73. Cooper, HM. "Organizing knowledge syntheses: A taxonomy of literature reviews." Knowledge in Society 1.1 (March, 1988): 104-126. [doi]  [abs]
  74. Cooper, H; Hazelrigg, P. "Personality Moderators of Interpersonal Expectancy Effects: An Integrative Research Review." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55.6 (January, 1988): 937-949. [doi]  [abs]
  75. Hazelrigg, MD; Cooper, HM; Borduin, CM. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Family Therapies: An Integrative Review and Analysis." Psychological Bulletin 101.3 (January, 1987): 428-442. [doi]  [abs]
  76. Cooper, HM. "The proof is in the putting: A defense of methodology as the depositoy of social facts." Contemporary Social Psychology 12.2 (1987): 72.
  77. Tom, D; Cooper, H. "The Effect of Student Background on Teacher Performance Attributions: Evidence for Counterdefensive Patterns and Low Expectancy Cycles." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 7.1 (January, 1986): 53-62. [doi]  [abs]
  78. Cooper, HM. "Literature-Searching Strategies of Integrative Research Reviewers: A First Survey." Science Communication 8.2 (January, 1986): 372-383. (A summary of this article appeared in American Psychologist, 1985, 40, 1267-1269) [doi]  [abs]
  79. Cooper, HM. "The effect of familiarity, gender, and institutional prestige on evaluations of convention program proposals." Journal of Research and Development in Education 18 (1985): 25-28.
  80. Cooper, HM. "Teacher Expectation Research: A Review with Implications for Classroom Instruction." The Elementary School Journal 85.1 (September, 1984): 77-89. [doi]
  81. Tom, DY; Cooper, H; McGraw, M. "Influences of student background and teacher authoritarianism on teacher expectations." Journal of Educational Psychology 76.2 (April, 1984): 259-265. [doi]  [abs]
  82. Ridley-Johnson, R; Chance, JE; Cooper, H. "Correlates of children's television viewing: Expectancies, age, and sex." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 5.3 (January, 1984): 225-235. [doi]  [abs]
  83. Ottenbacher, K; Cooper, HM. "The effect of class placement on the social adjustment of mentally retarded children." Journal of Research and Development in Education 17.2 (1984): 1-14.
  84. Cooper, HM. "Methodology as the depository of social facts." Contemporary Social Psychology 10 (1984): 63-64.
  85. Moore, WL; Cooper, HM. "Correlations between teacher and student backgrounds and teacher perceptions of discipline problems and techniques.." Psychology in the Schools 21.3 (1984): 386-392. (Also published with same title in Discipline, 5(1), 1-7) [doi]  [abs]
  87. Kidley-Johnson, R; Coopkr, H; Chance, J. "The relation of children’s television viewing to school achievement and I.Q." The Journal of Educational Research 76.5 (January, 1983): 294-297. [doi]  [abs]
  88. Findley, M; Cooper, HM. "The relation between locus of control and achievement." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44 (1983): 419-427.
  89. Yu, JH; Cooper, HM. "The effects of research design and incentives upon response rates to questionnaires." Journal of Marketing Research 20 (1983): 36-44.
  90. Cooper, HM. "Statistical synthesis of research literatures." Contemporary Psychology 37 (1983): 835-836.
  91. Ridley Johnson, R; Cooper, HM; Chance, J. "Children's television viewing and school achievement and I.Q.." Journal of Educational Research 76 (1983): 294-297.
  92. Findley, MJ; Cooper, HM. "Locus of control and academic achievement: A literature review.." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44.2 (1983): 419-427. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  93. Cooper, HM; Findley, M; Good, T. "Relations between student achievement and various indexes of teacher expectations." Journal of Educational Psychology 74.4 (August, 1982): 577-579. [doi]  [abs]
  94. Burger, JM; Cooper, HM; Good, TL. "Teacher attributions of student performance: Effects of outcome." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 8.4 (1982): 685-690. [doi]  [abs]
  95. Cooper, HM. "Scientific guidelines for conducting integrative research reviews." Review of Educational Research 52.2 (1982): 291-302. (This article was reprinted in R. J. Light (Ed.). (1983). Evaluation studies review annual 8, Beverly Hills: Sage.)) [doi]  [abs]
  96. Cooper, HM; Findley, M. "Expected effect sizes: Estimates for statistical power analysis in social psychology." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 8.1 (1982): 168-173. [doi]  [abs]
  97. Findley, M; Cooper, H. "Introductory Social Psychology Textbook Citations." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 7.1 (March, 1981): 173-176. [doi]  [abs]
  98. Cooper, HM; Burger, JM; Good, TL. "Gender differences in the academic locus of control beliefs of young children." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 40.3 (March, 1981): 562-572. (Summarized as:Cooper, H. M., Burger, J. M. & Good, T. L. (1980). Gender differences in learning control beliefs of young children. Evaluation in Education, 4, 73-75) [doi]  [abs]
  99. Cooper, HM. "On the significance of effects and the effects of significance." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 41.5 (January, 1981): 1013-1018. [doi]  [abs]
  100. Findley, M; Cooper, HM. "A comparison of introductory social psychology textbook citations in five research areas." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 7.1 (1981): 173-176. [doi]
  101. Cooper, HM; Arkin, RM. "On quantitative reviewing." Journal of Personality 49.2 (1981): 225-230. (This article was reprinted in R. J. Light (Ed.). (1983). Evaluation studies review annual 8, Beverly Hills: Sage) [doi]  [abs]
  102. Cooper, HM; Hinkel, GM; Good, TL. "Teachers' beliefs about interaction control and their observed behavioral correlates." Journal of Educational Psychology 72.3 (June, 1980): 345-354. [doi]  [abs]
  103. Good, TL; Cooper, HM; Blakey, SL. "Classroom interaction as a function of teacher expectations, student sex, and time of year." Journal of Educational Psychology 72.3 (June, 1980): 378-385. [doi]  [abs]
  104. Cooper, HM; Rosenthal, R. "Statistical versus traditional procedures for summarizing research findings.." Psychological Bulletin 87.3 (May, 1980): 442-449. (A summary of this article, entitled "A comparison of statistical and traditional procedures for summarizing research," appeared in Evaluations in Education: International Progress, 1980, 4(1), 33-36.) (This article was reprinted in R. J. Light (Ed.). (1983). Evaluation studies review annual 8, Beverly Hills: Sage) [doi]  [abs]
  105. Cooper, HM; Rosenthal, R. "A comparison of statistical and traditional procedures for summarising research." Evaluation in Education 4.C (January, 1980): 33-36. [doi]
  106. Cooper, HM; Burger, JM; Good, TL. "Gender differences in learning control beliefs of young children." Evaluation in Education 4.C (January, 1980): 73-75. [doi]
  107. Cooper, HM; Burger, JM. "How Teachers explain students' academic performance: A categorization of free response academic attributions." American Educational Research Journal 17.1 (1980): 95-109. [doi]  [abs]
  108. Arkin, RM; Cooper, HM; Kolditz, T. "A statistical review of literature concerning the self-serving bias in interpersonal influence situations." Journal of Personality 48.4 (1980): 435-448. [doi]  [abs]
  109. Burger, JM; Cooper, HM. "The desirability of control." Motivation and Emotion 3.4 (December, 1979): 381-393. [doi]  [abs]
  110. Cooper, HM. "Some effects of preperformance information on academic expectations." Journal of Educational Psychology 71.3 (June, 1979): 375-380. [doi]  [abs]
  111. Cooper, HM; Baron, RM. "Academic expectations, attributed responsibility, and teachers' reinforcement behavior: A suggested integration of conflicting literatures." Journal of Educational Psychology 71.2 (April, 1979): 274-277. [doi]  [abs]
  112. Cooper, HM. "Statistically combining independent studies: A meta-analysis of sex differences in conformity research." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37.1 (January, 1979): 131-146. [doi]  [abs]
  113. Cooper, HM. "A systematic replication of the Weiner model for predicting evaluative feedback." Replications in Social Psychology 1.1 (1979): 55-58.
  114. Cooper, HM. "Pygmalion grows up: A model for teacher expectation communication and performance influence." Review of Educational Research 49.3 (1979): 389-410. [doi]  [abs]
  115. Cooper, HM; Burger, JM; Seymour, GE. "Classroom context and student ability as influences on teacher perceptions of classroom control." American Educational Research Journal 16.2 (1979): 189-196. [doi]  [abs]
  116. COOPER, HM; BURGER, JM. "CATEGORIZING OPEN-ENDED ACADEMIC ATTRIBUTIONS - REPLICATION OF EARLIER FINDINGS." Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 4.3 (January, 1978): 350-350. [Gateway.cgi]
  117. Cooper, HM. "Controlling personal rewards: Professional teachers' differential use of feedback and the effects of feedback on the student's motivation to perform." Journal of Educational Psychology 69.4 (August, 1977): 419-427. [doi]  [abs]
  118. Cooper, HM; Baron, RM. "Academic expectations and attributed responsibility as predictors of professional teachers' reinforcement behavior." Journal of Educational Psychology 69.4 (August, 1977): 409-418. [doi]  [abs]
  119. Cooper, HM; Lowe, CA. "Task information and attributions for academic performance by professional teachers and role players." Journal of Personality 45.4 (1977): 469-483. [doi]
  120. Cooper, HM; Lowe, CA; Baron, RM. "Pattern of past performance and expected future performance: A reversal of the unexpected primacy effect." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 6.1 (1976): 31-39. [doi]  [abs]
  121. Cooper, HM; Baron, RM; Lowe, CA. "The importance of race and social class information in the formation of expectancies about academic performance." Journal of Educational Psychology 67.2 (April, 1975): 312-319. [doi]  [abs]


  1. Cooper, H. Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis: A Step-by-Step Approach, 5th Edition.2 SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2017. 384 pages pp.  [abs]
  2. Cooper, HM. Ethical Choices in Research: Managing Data, Writing Reports, and Publishing Results in the Social Sciences. American Psychological Association (APA), January, 2016. 280 pages pp.  [abs]
  3. Cooper, HM. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. Edited by Camic, P; Long, D; Panter, A; Rindskopf, D; Sher, K. American Psychological Association (APA), March, 2012. 2264 pages pp.  [abs]
  4. H. Cooper. Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. American Psychological Association, 2012.
  5. Cooper, HM. Reporting Research in Psychology: How to Meet Journal Article Reporting Standards. American Psychological Association (APA), December, 2010. 137 pages pp.  [abs]
  6. Cooper, H. Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis: A Step-by-Step Approach, 4th Edition. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, May, 2009. 280 pages pp.  [abs]
  7. Valentine, JC. The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis, 2nd Edition. Edited by Cooper, H; Hedges, LV; Valentine, JC. Russell Sage Foundation, February, 2009. 632 pages pp.  [abs]
  8. H.M. Cooper. The Battle over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents. 3rd Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2007.
  9. Cooper, H. The Battle Over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents, 3rd Edition. Corwin, November, 2006. 136 pages pp.  [abs]
  10. Cooper, H; Charlton, K; Valentine, JC; Muhlenbruck, L. Making the Most of Summer School - A Meta-Analytic and Narrative Review Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. WILEY-BLACKWELL, February, 2000. 120 pages pp.  [abs]
  11. H.M. Cooper, Charlton, K., Valentine, J. & Muhlenbruck, L.. Making the Most of Summer School. Monographs Series of the Society for Research in Child Development Blackwell, 2000.
  12. Hartmann, H; Hedges, LV; Light, RJ. Meta-Analysis for Explanation: A Casebook. Edited by Cook, TD; Cooper, H; Cordray, DS. Russell Sage Foundation, September, 1994. 392 pages pp.  [abs]
  13. T. Cook, H.M. Cooper, D. Corday, H. Hartmann, L. V. Hedges, R. Light, T. Louis, & F. Mosteller. Meta-analysis for explanation: A casebook. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1992.
  14. Cooper, HM. Homework. Longman Group United Kingdom, February, 1989. 218 pages pp.  [abs]
  15. Cooper, HM; Good, TL. Pygmalion Grows Up: Studies in the Expectation Communication Process. Longman, 1983. 173 pages pp.

Book chapters

  1. Cooper, H; Dent, A. "Ethical issues in the conduct and reporting of meta-analysis." Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology March, 2011. 417-443.
  2. Cooper, HM; Dent, A. "Ethical Issues in the Conduct and Reporting of Meta-Analysis." Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology. Ed. Panter, AT; Sterba, SK. Routledge, January, 2011. 415-444.  [abs]
  3. Cooper, HM; Steenburgen-Hu, S; Dent, AL. "Homework." Handbook of Educational Psychology. Ed. Graham, S. American Psychological Association (APA), 2011.
  4. Cooper, HM. "School calendars and academic achievement." Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling, and Human Development. Ed. Meece, JL; Eccles, JS. May, 2010. 342-355.
  5. Cooper, HM. "Homework." The Child An Encyclopedic Companion. Ed. Shweder, RA. University of Chicago Press, September, 2009.
  6. with Valentine, JC; Cooper, HM. "Research synthesis and meta-analysis." Handbook of Research on Adult Learning and Development. Ed. Smith, MC; DeFrates-Densch, N. Routledge, November, 2008.
  7. with Cooper, HM; Patall, EA. "Meta-analysis." Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia Gale, August, 2008.
  8. Cooper, HM; Patall, EA; Lindsay, JJ. "Research synthesis and meta-analysis." The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. Ed. Bickman, L; Rog, DJ. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, August, 2008. 26 pages.  [abs]
  9. with Cooper, HM. "Homework." Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia MacMillan Reference Library, August, 2008.
  10. with Patall, EA; Cooper, HM. "Conducting a meta-analysis." The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods. Ed. Alasuutari, P; Bickman, L; Brannen, J. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, February, 2008. 536-554.
  11. Cooper, HM. "Homework." Schools. Ed. Mathison, S; Ross, EW. Greenwood Publishing Group, December, 2007. 319-325.
  12. with Wynn, S; Cooper, HM. "Bob Dylan." Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. Ed. G.L. Anderson & K. Herr. Sage, April, 2007. 489-492.
  13. with Borman, G. & Fairchild, R.. "School Calendars and Academic Achievement." Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling, and Human Development. Ed. J. Meese & J. Eccles. Lawrence Erlbaum, Accepted for publication
  14. Cooper, HM. "Psychological testing in The Simpsons." The Psychology of the Simpsons D'oh!. Ed. Brown, A. BenBella Books, February, 2006.
  15. H.M. Cooper. "(a) None of the below: Psychological testing in The Simpsons." D’Oh: The Psychology of the Simpsons. Ed. Alan Brown. Smart PopsBenbella Books, 2006. 229-240.
  16. H.M. Cooper. "Evaluating and interpreting research syntheses in adult learning and literacy."  Cambridge MA: National Center for the Study of Adult learning and Literacy, 2006.
  17. Cooper, HM. "Research questions and research designs." Handbook of Research in Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition. Ed. Alexander, PA; Winne, PH; Phye, G. 2ndMahwah, NJ: Erlbaum & Associates, 2006. 849-877.
  18. Cooper, HM; Robinson-Civey, J; Dorr, N. "Conducting a meta-analysis." The Psychology Research Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants, 2nd Edition. Ed. Leong, FTL; Austin, JT. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, September, 2005.
  19. Valentine, JC; Cooper, H. "Can we measure the quality of causal research in education?." Experimental methods for educational interventions: Prospects, pitfalls and perspectives. Ed. Phye, GD; Robinson, DH; Levin, J. Elsevier Press, 2005. 85-112.
  20. Cooper, H. "Is the school calendar dated? Education, economics, and the politics of time." Summer Learning: Research, Policies, and Programs. Ed. G. Borman. Routledge, March, 2004. 3-23. [doi]
  21. Cooper, HM; Reach, K. "What is a meta-analysis and how do we know we can trust it?." The Voice of Evidence in Reading Research. Ed. McCardle, P; Chhabra, V. Brookes Publishing, March, 2004.
  22. H.M. Cooper & Reach, K.. "What is a meta-analysis and how do we know we can trust it?." The Voice of Evidence: Bringing Research to Classroom Educators. Ed. P. McCardle & V. Chlabra. Brookes Publishing, 2004.
  23. Cooper, H., & Reach, K.. "What is a meta-analysis and how do we know we can trust it?." The Voice of Evidence: Bringing Research to Classroom Educators. Ed. P. McCardle, P. & V. Chhabra. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing., 2004
  24. Cooper, HM. "Meta-analysis." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Ed. Lewis-Beck, M; Bryman, A; Liao, TF. 2Sage, 2004. 635-639.
  25. Cooper, H.. "Is the school calendar dated?: Education, economics, and the politics of time.." Summer Learning: Research, Policies, and Programs.. Ed. G. Borman & M. Boulay. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum., 2003.  (in press)
  26. Cooper, HM. "Homework." Encyclopedia of Education. Ed. Guthrie, JW. 2ndMacmillan Library Reference, November, 2002.
  27. Cooper, HM. "Systematic research synthesis on motivation." New Directions in Measures and Methods. Ed. Maehr, M; Pintrich, P. 12Elsevier, 2002.
  28. Cooper, HM; Valentine, JC; Charlton, K. "The methodology of meta-analysis." Contemporary Special Education Research Syntheses of the Knowledge Base on Critical Instructional Issues. Ed. Gersten, R; Schiller, E; Vaughn, S. Routledge, March, 2000.
  29. Cooper, HM. "Some finer points in conducting a meta-analysis." How Science Takes Stock The Story of Meta-Analysis. Ed. Hunt, M. Russell Sage Foundation, October, 1999.
  30. H.M. Cooper. "Some finer points in conducting a meta-analysis." How science takes stock: The story of meta-analysis. Ed. M. Hunt. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997
  31. H.M. Cooper & J.V. Lindsay. "Research synthesis and meta-analysis." The Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. Ed. L. Brickman & D. Rog. Newbury Park: Sage, 1997.
  32. H.M. Cooper & N. Dorr. "Conducting a meta-analysis." Psychology research handbook: A primer for graduate students and research assistants. Ed. F.T.L. Leong & J.T. Austin. Newbury Park: Sage, 1996
  33. Cooper, HM. "In search of a social fact: A commentary of the study of interpersonal expectation effects." Interpersonal Expectations Theory, Research and Applications. Ed. Blanck, PD. Cambridge University Press, September, 1993.
  34. Cooper, HM. "An introduction to meta-analysis and the integrative research review." Social Prevention and the Social Sciences Theoretical Controversies, Research Problems, and Evaluation Strategies. Ed. G. Albrecht & H.U. Otto. WALTER DE GRUYTER, January, 1991. 287-304.
  35. Cooper, HM. "On the social psychology of using research reviews: The case of desegregation and black achievement." The Social Psychology of Education. Ed. Feldman, R. Cambridge University Press, July, 1990. 341-364.
  36. Cooper, HM. "Moving beyond meta-analysis." The Future of Meta-Analysis. Ed. K.W. Wachter & M.L. Straf. Russell Sage Foundation, June, 1990. 89-98.  [abs]
  37. Cooper, HM. "Meta-analysis and the integrative research review." Research Methods in Personality and Social Psychology. Ed. Hendrick, C; Clark, M. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, January, 1990.
  38. H.M. Cooper. "On the social psychology of using research reviews: The case of desegregation and black achievement.." The social psychology of education. Ed. R. Feldman. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1986  (An abridged version of this paper also ap-peared in K. W. Wachter and M. L. Straf (Eds.), The future of meta- analysis. New York: Russell Sage)
  39. Cooper, HM. "Models of teacher expectancy effects." Teacher Expectancies. Ed. Dusek, JB. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Incorporated, 1985.
  40. Baron, RM; Tom, D; Cooper, HM. "Social Class, race and teacher expectancies." Teacher Expectancies. Ed. J.B. Dusek. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Incorporated, 1985.
  41. Cooper, HM; Tom, D. "Socioeconomic status and ethnic group differences in achievement motivation." Student motivation: Volume I. Ed. Ames, C; Ames, R. Academic Press, 1984.
  42. Cooper, HM. "Teacher expectation effects." Applied Social Psychology Annual Applied Social Psychology and Education. Ed. L. Brickman. Sage Publications, Incorporated, August, 1983.
  43. Cooper, HM. "Communication of teacher expectations to students." Teacher and student perceptions implications for learning. Ed. J.M. Levine & M.C. Wang. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, February, 1983.


  1. Cooper, HM. "Evaluating and Interpreting Research Syntheses in Adult Learning and Literacy." (January, 2007): 71 pages.  [abs]