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Publications [#294419] of Kristen R. Stephens

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Book chapters

  1. Stephens, KR. "Policy, Legal Issues, and Trends in the Education of Gifted Students." APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent. Ed. Pfeiffer, S; Foley-Nicpon, M; Dendrick-Shaunessy, E. American Psychological Association, 2016. 531-544. [available here], [doi]
    (last updated on 2023/01/01)

    In the absence of a federal mandate, policies and funding for the identification of and services for gifted students are left to the discretion of individual states. As a result, there is considerable inconsistency in how the educational needs of gifted students are addressed across the nation. This chapter will provide a national snapshot of the current status of gifted education as it relates to identification, programming, accountability, and teacher training. Emerging trends that influence gifted education policy development at the state and local levels will also be examined with focus given to those policies intended to remedy equity issues around identification, programming, and funding. Following a discussion on the current condition of gifted education policy, legal issues that result from a lack of coherent policy will be explored. Letters of findings from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, due process proceedings, and seminal court cases pertaining to gifted education will all be examined. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the important role teachers, parents, psychologists, counselors, and others have in advocating for strong state and local policies designed to support the academic and social-emotional growth of our nation’s gifted learners.