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Publications [#248070] of M. Ronen Plesser

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Papers Published

  1. Melnikov, IV; Plesser, MR. "The Coulomb branch in gauged linear sigma models." Journal of High Energy Physics 0506.6 (June, 2005): 239-270. [0501238v2], [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/04/23)

    We investigate toric GLSMs as models for tachyon condensation in type II strings on space-time non-supersymmetric orbifold singularities. The A-model correlators in these theories satisfy a set of relations related to the topology of the resolved orbifold. Using these relations we compute the correlators and find a non-trivial chiral ring in the IR, which we interpret as supported on isolated Coulomb vacua of the theory.