
Curriculum Vitae

Maureen Quilligan

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Duke Box 90015, Durham, NC 27708-0015

Ph.D.Harvard University1973
M.A.University of California, Berkeley1967
B.A.University of California, Berkeley1965
Areas of Research

Renaissance Literature

Professional Experience / Employment History

Duke University
R. Florence Brinkley Professor Emerita of English, English, July 01, 2015 - present
R. Florence Brinkley Professor of English, , January 20, 2007 - June 30, 2015
University of Pennsylvania
Catherine Bryson Professor of English, , July 1, 1994 - Jun 30, 1999
Judith and Howard Steinberg Professor of English Literature, , 1989-1994
Full Professor, , 1986 - 1999
Associate Professor (with Tenure), , 1984-1986
Visiting Lecturer, , 1983-1984
Yale University
Associate Professor, , 1977-1983
Assistant Professor, , 1973-1977
Awards, Honors and Distinctions

  1. ACLS judge, February, 2008  
    Reading 75 of so files and meeting to award felllowships.
  2. Jones Fellowship, September, 1999-2000  
    Hungtington Library
  3. ACLS Fellowship, September, 1995  
  4. ACLS Fellows (ACLS/SSRC/NEH International and Area Studies Fellowships and ACLS/New York Public Library Fellowships), 0 1987  
    American Council of Learned Societies
  5. Guggenheim Fellowship, 1983-84, September, 1983  
  6. Fellowship, 0 1981  
    John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
  1. Judge for ACLS fellowship competition, January, 2007  
  2. sec'y MLA division on English Renaissance Literature Excluding Shakespeare, December, 2007  
    organize three panels for MLA
Publications (listed separately)
Papers Presented
  1. 2012, Milton's Comus and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Chicago, Illinois
  2. 2009, Much Ado About Nothing, Burning Coal Theatre, Raleigh
  3. 2008, Theodor de Bry's America: chairing and response, San Francisco
  4. 2007, Response to MLA panel Renaissance Non Professional Theatre, MLA, Chicago
  5. 2007, Slavery and the Italian Epic, University of California, Santa Barbara
  6. 2007, Reading Chaucer Allegorically, Univ. Virginia
  7. 2007, Royal Children and Ronsard's masque, Renaissance Society of America, Miami
  8. 2004, Wroth's Urania, Renaissance Society of America
  9. 2004, "The Trouble with Harry: Book III of Spenser's Epic", San Diego MLA
  10. 2003, "The Trouble with Harry", MLA, San Diego
  11. 2003, Women Working: Elizabeth I and Mary Wroth
  12. 2002, Reading the Frontispiece to the Urania, University of Pennsylvania
  13. 2001, Mary Sidney to Elizabeth I-the Preface to the Psalms, Renaissance Society of America, Chicago
  14. 2001, Remaking the Canon: Chaucer and Wroth, Distinguished Professors Luncheon, Duke University
  15. 1998, Incest and Agency: The Case of Cordelia, Merton College, Oxford University
  16. 1998, Christine de Pizan's Joan of Arc, Columbia University Lecture Series on "Joan of Arc at the Millenium"
  17. 1997, Incest and Agency: The Case of Elizabeth, Trinity College, Cambridge University, England
  18. 1996, On Epic, Keynote Address, Spenser Conference, Yale University
  19. 1995, Christine de Pizan's Joan of Arc, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  20. 1994, Respondent Shakespeare Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York
  21. 1994, The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan, Elizabeth I, and Marguerite de Navarre, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul
  22. 1994, Christine de Pizan and Boccaccio, Keynote Speaker at Conference: New College, Sarasota, FL
  23. 1993, Christine de Pizan and Isabeau de Bavaria: Poet and Patron, Ohio State University
  24. 1993, Incestuous Agency: Christine de Pizan, Marguerite de Navarre and Mary Wroth, Loyola College, Maryland
  25. 1993, Accidental Intentions: Spenser and Shakespeare, University of Pennsylvania, Material Book Seminar
  26. 1993, Incest and Agency: Christine de Pizan and Elizabeth I, University of Virginia
  27. 1993, The Sexual Politics of Reading, Vassar College
  28. 1992, Respondent: Dissent in the Renaissance: Women's Voices, Yale University Law School Journal Symposium
  29. 1992, Urania Book I, Seminar at CUNY Graduate Center, New York
  30. 1992, Work, Gender, and the Trade in Slaves: The Problem of Labor in Paradise Lost, Conference on Renaissance Subject/Early Modern Object, University of Pennsylvania
  31. 1992, Compiling Authority: Marguerite de Navarre and Catherine de' Medici, MLA, New York
  32. 1992, John Donne and Mary Wroth: Gender Ideologies, MLA, New York
  33. 1991, Intertextuality, Moderator of Plenary Session, American Shakespeare Association, Vancouver
  34. 1991, Virgin Queen and Demon Mother: Representations of Female Authority in the Renaissance, Renaissance Society of America, Duke University
  35. 1991, Keynote: Respondent to Kent Hieatt, Kalamazoo Medieval Conference
  36. 1991, The Politics of the Body in Taming of the Shrew, International Shakespeare Association, Tokyo, Japan
  37. 1991, Elizabeth I and Catherine de' Medici: The Space of Female Performance, Renaissance Conference, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
  38. 1991, The Politics of Laughter, Spenser Society Address, MLA, San Francisco
  39. 1991, The Resistance to Fiction: Mary Wroth and Marguerite de Navarre, MLA, San Francisco
  40. 1991, Christine de Pizan and the Fifteenth Century, Keynote Address, Fifteenth Century Conference, CUNY Stonybrook
  41. 1990, Imitation and Invention in Christine de Pizan, Rice University, Medieval Colloquium
  42. 1990, A Modern Allegorist: The Contrary Case of Thomas Pynchon, 12th Annual James Joyce Convention
  43. 1990, Boccaccio and Christine, Boccaccio Conference, University of Pennsylvania
  44. 1990, The Problem of Female Authority, Medieval Society of New York
  45. 1990, Accidental Intentions: Orthography and Authorship in the 1590 Faerie Queene, MLA, Chicago
  46. 1989, The Problem of Female Authority in Book V of The Faerie Queene, NEH Spenser Seminar, Princeton University
  47. 1989, Incestuous Opportunities: Female Autonomy in Pericles, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, Drew University
  48. 1989, The Politics of Martyrdom in Christine de Pizan; Textual Practice, Female Authority in the Renaissance, MLA
  49. 1988, The Anthropology of Intertextuality: Incest and Imitation in Wroth's Urania, USC Conference on New Directions in Renaissance Studies
  50. 1988, The Allegory of Female Authority in Christine de Pizan's Cite des Dames, USC Department of English
  51. 1988, The Allegory of Female Authority in Christine de Pizan's Cite des Dames, UC, San Diego, Department of Literature
  52. 1988, The Allegory of Female Authority in Christine de Pizan's Cite des Dames, UC Irvine, Department of English and Comparative Literature
  53. 1988, The Politics of Prophecy in Christine de Pizan's Cite des Dames, Renaissance Society of America, New York
  54. 1988, The Taming of the Shrew, NEH Shakespeare Seminar, Queens College
  55. 1988, The Problem of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan, Edmund Spenser, John Milton and Sigmund Freud, Milton Seminar, Princeton University
  56. 1988, Allegory and the Textual Body, SUNY Stonybrook
  57. 1988, Mary Wroth and Female Authority in the Renaissance, George Mason University
  58. 1987, The Allegory of Female Authority: The Evidence of MS IIluminations of the Cite des dames, Conference on the Legitimacy of the Middle Ages, University of Pennsylvania
  59. 1986, Courtship and Power, Distinguished Lectures in Humanities Series, University of Miami
  60. 1986, Chair, Gender Theory II, Renaissance Society of America, International meeting, University of Pennsylvania
  61. 1986, Christine de Pizan: Rewriting Boccaccio, NEMLA, Rutgers University
  62. 1986, Lady Mary Wroth as Female Reader of Elizabethan Romance; Feminine Endings: The Sexuality of Spenser's Rhymes, MLA, New York
  63. 1985, "The Woman Historian: The Case of Christine" and "The Comedy of Female Authority", Women's Studies Conference, University of Pennsylvania
  64. 1985, Milton's Labor of Love, University of Maryland, Milton Seminar
  65. 1985, Chair, Special Session on Representations of Elizabeth in Renaissance Literature, American Shakespeare Association, Nashville
  66. 1985, Milton and Women's Work, Brown University
  67. 1985, The Allegory of Female Authority in Christine de Pizan's Livre de la Cite des dames
  68. 1985, A Program for Women's Studies, Dickinson College
  69. 1985, Sidney and His Queen, Cornell University
  70. 1984, Shakespeare and the Question of Social History, American Shakespeare Association, Cambridge, MA
  71. 1984, The Allegory of Female Authority in Paradise Lost, The Comedy of Female Authority in The Faerie Queene, MLA, Washington, D.C.
  72. 1984, Respondent to a panel on androgyny in medicine and the theater: Public vs. Private: Crossovers, Berkshire Conference on Women's History, Smith College
  73. 1983, Sidney, Spenser, Milton: Reader Politics, Amherst College
  74. 1982, Allegory and Female Authority, Rutgers University
  75. 1982, Chair, session on Royal Women and the Problem of Power; Chair, session on Male vs. Female Values: The Case of Shakespeare; session Fact and Figure in the Court Tradition, Conference on Renaissance Woman/Renaissance Man, Yale
  76. 1982, The Sexual Politics of Wordplay in the Renaissance and the 18th Century, MLA, Los Angeles
  77. 1981, Milton's Spenser: The Politics of Reading, University of California, Davis
  78. 1980, Milton's Spenser: The Sin of Originality, Yale University
  79. 1980, Allegory and Irony, Modern Language Association, Houston
  80. 1979, Wordplay in Shakespeare and Spenser, Northeast Modern Language Association, Hartford
  81. 1978, The Language of Allegory: Langland and the Parlement of Foules, Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara
  82. 1977, The Language of Allegory in the Parlement of Foules, Yale University
  83. 1976, Spenser's Allegory, Medieval Conference, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Professional Service

  1. Director of Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2010
  2. Ren History Search, 2007 - present
  3. Major Advisor, English Department, 2007 - present
  4. Professional Memberships, ongoing
  5. JMEMS reader, 1984-present
  6. Reader, -
  7. Tenure and Promotion Reviews, -
  8. Admissions Committee, January 10, 2012 - April 15, 2012
  9. Apointments Promotion and Tenure, December 2010
  10. Folger Shakespeare Institute Duke Rep, 2009 to present
  11. Admissions Committee, 2010
  12. Appointment Review Committee for Nate Mackey, 2010
  13. Folger Shakespeare Institute Duke Rep, Folger Shakespeare Institute Duke Rep. 2009 - 2010, 2009-10
  14. Chair, Division on Renaissance English Literature, 2006 - 2009
  15. Co- Director with Sarah Beckwith, Working Group on Performance, December 2008
  16. Provost's Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT), 2006 - 2008
  17. Director of Undergraduate Graduate Studies, Department of English, August 31, 2007 - December 31, 2007
  18. Creative Writing Search Cmte, January 2007
  19. Department Chair, English Department, 2000 - 2005
  20. Rereading the Black Legend: The discourses of Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires, April, 2004
  21. Chair, Luce Foundation Committee to develop a Religion and Arts Program, 2001 - 2002
  22. Director, Penn Programme in English at King's College, 1998-1999
  23. Humanities Chair, University Personnel Committee (Tenure), 1998-99
  24. Personnel Committee, 1989-91; 1995-97
  25. Executive Committee: 1991-94, Vice President, 1994-95; President 1995-96, Spenser Society, --
  26. Visiting Committee, Brown University English Department, 1993
  27. Judge, Christian Gauss Award of Phi Beta Kappa, 1992, 1993
  28. Organizer, Renaissance Subject/Early Modern Object, Oct. 1992
  29. Executive Council, Harvard University, Graduate School Alumni Association, 1992
  30. Judge, nonfiction, National Book Awards, 1991-92
  31. English Department Executive Committee, 1985-92
  32. Graduate Chair, English Department, 1989-91
  33. Search Committee for Provost for Graduate Studies, 1989-91
  34. Executive Committee, 1988-91; Chair 1989-90, Seventeenth Century Division, MLA, --
  35. Graduate Executive Committee, Department of English, 1985-86; 1989-91
  36. Folger Shakespeare Institute, Washington D.C., Executive Council, 1990
  37. Visiting Committee, Graduate Program in English, University of Miami, 1990
  38. Acting Director, Women's Studies, 1986-87
  39. Committee on Undergraduate Admissions, 1985-86
  40. Graduate Placement Officer, Department of English, 1985-86
  41. PMLA Editorial Board, 1984-86
  42. External Examiner, Renaissance Literature, Swarthmore College, 1983
  43. Committee on Faculty Development, 1982-83
  44. Organizer, Renaissance Woman/Renaissance Man, Mar. 12-14, 1982
  45. Director, English 125, 1980-81
  46. Admissions Committee, 1979-81
  47. Faculty Member, Scholar of the House Committee, 1975-75; 1980-81
  48. Founding Director, Yale College Writing Program, 1978-79
  49. Associate Director (Yale), Undergraduate Studies, Department of English, 1975-76; 1977-78
  50. (Yale), Committee on Women's Studies, 1974-75
Doctoral Theses Directed

Juliet Fleming, (1994 - 1998)

Last modified: 2025/01/20