- Wurmitzer, Gabriele (2005 - May, 2012)
Postmodernity, Performance, and the Body in 1950s and 1960s Austrian Literature
- Lechleitner, Barbara (2006)
Constructions of Community and Femininity in German Revue Films of the 1930s and 1940s
- Trokhimenko, Olga (September 01, 1998 - May 01, 2006)
"Keeping up Appearances: Women's Laughter and the Performance of Virtue in Medieval German Discourse"
Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. - Summers, Sandra L. (2004)
Frouwen Schouwen: The Female Gaze in Middle High German Texts
(Currently Lecturer in the Department of Germanic
Languages and Literatures, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.) - Sumie Song (September 1, 1997 - May 1, 2004)
Places of Interest: The Rhetoric of Space in High-Medieval Courtly Romance and Late-Medieval Love Discourse
(Currently a graduate student in Chicago.) - Altpeter-Jones, Katja (2003)
Trafficking in Goods and Women: Love and Economics in Konrad Fleck's Flore and Blanscheflur
(Currently Associate Professor of German, Lewis
and Clark University, Portland, Oregon). - Poor, Sara S. (1994)
Medieval Incarnations of Self: Subjectivity and Authority in the Writings of Mechthild von Magdeburg
(Currently Associate Professor of German Studies,
Princeton University, New Jersey).