Faculty: Michael Hardt  

Michael Hardt
Title: Professor of Literature and Bass Fellow
Office Location: 106 Friedl Building, Buchanan and Trinity, Durham, NC 27708-0670
Office Phone: +1 919 684 3408
Email Address: hardt@duke.edu
Web Page:


  • Ph.D., University of Washington, 1990
  • M.A., University of Washington, 1986
  • B.S., Swarthmore College, 1983

Research Interests:  

Michael Hardt's writings explore the new forms of domination in the contemporary world as well as the social movements and other forces of liberation that resist them. In the Empire trilogy -- Empire (2000), Multitude (2004), and Commonwealth(2009) -- he and Antonio Negri investigate the political, legal, economic, and social aspects of globalization. They also study the political and economic alternatives that could lead to a more democratic world. Their pamphlet Declaration (2012) attempts to articulate the significance of the encampments and occupations that began in 2011, from Tahrir Square to Zuccotti Park, and to recognize the primary challenges faced by emerging democratic social movements today.

Representative Publications   (More Publications)


  • with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Declaration.  Argo Navis (self-published), 2012 .
  • with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Commonwealth.  Harvard University Press, 2009 .
  • with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Multitude.  Penguin Press, 2004 .
  • with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Empire.  Harvard University Press, 2000 .