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Faculty: Susan Willis  

Title: Associate Professor Emeritus
Office Location: Literature, Durham, NC 27708
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  • Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 1977
  • B.A., University of California, San Diego, 1970

Research Interests:  

Associate Professor of English and The Literature Program. She teaches courses in minority writing and popular culture. She is the author of Specifying: Black Women Writing the American Experience and A Primer for Daily Life. She is coauthor of Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World. Her work aims at revealing the contradictions of capitalism in everyday life and discovering utopian content in culture.

Recent Publications   (More Publications)


  • Willis, S; Jameson, S; Klugman, K; Kuenz, J. Strip Cultures: Finding America in Las Vegas.  Duke University Press, 2015 .
  • Willis, S. Cartas a Legba: Um Texto Encontrado.  Boitempo, 2008 .  [abs]
Articles in a Collection
  • Willis, S. "John Muir's Sojourn in Bonaventure Cemetery." The Good Gardener? Nature, Human, and the Garden Ed. Giesecke, A; Jacobs, N. Artifice, 2014.
  • Willis, S. "Bitta-Blue Farm and the Summer of BP." Earth Perfect? Nature, Utopia and the Garden Ed. Giesecke, A; Jacobs, N. Black Dog, 2012.
  • Willis, S. "The Whole World on a Plate."  Ed. Stanley Aronowitz. Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work, January, 2009, 151-164.  [abs]

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