Arun Kannawadi Jayaraman, Assistant Research Professor  

Arun Kannawadi Jayaraman

Office Location: 120 Science Drive, Phy 097, Durham, NC 27708
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Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2016
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 2013

Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. OpenUniverse; Collaboration, TLSSTDES; Team, TRHLISPI; Team, TRRAPIDPI; Team, TRSCPI; Alarcon, A; Aldoroty, L; Beltz-Mohrmann, G; Bera, A; Blazek, J; Bogart, J; Braeunlich, G; Broughton, A; Cao, K; Chiang, J; Chisari, NE; Desai, V; Fang, Y; Galbany, L; Hearin, A; Heitmann, K; Hirata, C; Hounsell, R; Jain, B; Jarvis, M; Jencson, J; Kannawadi, A; Kasliwal, MK; Kessler, R; Kiessling, A; Knop, R; Kovacs, E; Laher, R; Laliotis, K; Lin, C; Lopes, I; Mahabal, A; Mandelbaum, R; Masiero, J; Mau, S; Meehan, C; Meyers, J; Moraes, B; Paladini, R; Pearl, A; Malagon, AP; Rose, B; Rubin, D; Rusholme, B; Santos, A; Šarčević, N; Singhal, J; Scolnic, D; Troxel, MA; Alfen, NV; Dyke, SV; Walter, CW; Wu, T; Yamamoto, M; Yan, Y; Zhang, T, OpenUniverse2024: A shared, simulated view of the sky for the next generation of cosmological surveys (January, Preprint, 2025) .
  2. Danieli, S; Kado-Fong, E; Huang, S; Luo, Y; Li, TS; Kelvin, LS; Leauthaud, A; Greene, JE; Mintz, A; Lin, X; Li, J; Baldassare, V; Banerjee, A; Bhattacharyya, J; Blanco, D; Brooks, A; Cai, Z; Chen, X; Cruz, A; Geda, R; Guan, R; Johnson, S; Kannawadi, A; Kim, SY; Li, M; Lupton, R; Mace, C; Medina, GE; Pan, Y; Peter, AHG; Read, JI; Rosado, RC; Seifert, A; Wasleske, EJ; Wick, J, Merian: A Wide-Field Imaging Survey of Dwarf Galaxies at z~0.06-0.10 (October, Preprint, 2024) .
  3. Armstrong, R; Sheldon, E; Huff, E; Bosch, J; Rykoff, E; Mandelbaum, R; Kannawadi, A; Melchior, P; Lupton, R; Becker, MR; Al-Sayyed, Y; Collaboration, TLSSTDES, The little coadd that could: Estimating shear from coadded images (July, Preprint, 2024) .
  4. Wright, AH; Kuijken, K; Hildebrandt, H; Radovich, M; Bilicki, M; Dvornik, A; Getman, F; Heymans, C; Hoekstra, H; Li, SS; Miller, L; Napolitano, NR; Xia, Q; Asgari, M; Brescia, M; Buddelmeijer, H; Burger, P; Castignani, G; Cavuoti, S; De Jong, J; Edge, A; Giblin, B; Giocoli, C; Harnois-Déraps, J; Jalan, P; Joachimi, B; John William, A; Joudaki, S; Kannawadi, A; Kaur, G; La Barbera, F; Linke, L; Mahony, C; Maturi, M; Moscardini, L; Nakoneczny, SJ; Paolillo, M; Porth, L; Puddu, E; Reischke, R; Schneider, P; Sereno, M; Shan, H; Sifón, C; Stölzner, B; Tröster, T; Valentijn, E; Van Den Busch, JL; Verdoes Kleijn, G; Wittje, A; Yan, Z; Yao, J; Yoon, M; Zhang, YH, The fifth data release of the Kilo Degree Survey: Multi-epoch optical/NIR imaging covering wide and legacy-calibration fields, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 686 (June, 2024) [doi]  [abs].
  5. Li, X; Zhang, T; Sugiyama, S; Dalal, R; Terasawa, R; Rau, MM; Mandelbaum, R; Takada, M; More, S; Strauss, MA; Miyatake, H; Shirasaki, M; Hamana, T; Oguri, M; Luo, W; Nishizawa, AJ; Takahashi, R; Nicola, A; Osato, K; Kannawadi, A; Sunayama, T; Armstrong, R; Bosch, J; Komiyama, Y; Lupton, RH; Lust, NB; Macarthur, LA; Miyazaki, S; Murayama, H; Nishimichi, T; Okura, Y; Price, PA; Tait, PJ; Tanaka, M; Wang, SY, Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 results: Cosmology from cosmic shear two-point correlation functions, Physical Review D, vol. 108 no. 12 (December, 2023) [doi]  [abs].


My research field is Cosmology, the study of origin and evolution of the Universe. I am interested in answering the questions about the distribution of (dark) matter in the Universe, also known as the large-scale structure and using it to understand the contents (dark matter and dark energy) of the Universe. I study the matter distribution using a technique called Weak Gravitational Lensing.

On a day-to-day basis, I work on image processing pipelines and algorithms that work at raw pixel-level data to extract useful information from millions (soon to be billions) of galaxies namely galaxy fluxes (and colors) and shapes.