G. Allan Johnson, Charles E. Putman University Distinguished Professor of Radiology  

G. Allan Johnson

Office Location: 141D Bryan Neuroscience Bldg, Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710
Email Address: gjohnson@duke.edu
Web Page: http://www.civm.duhs.duke.edu/

Medical Imaging

Ph.D., Duke University, 1974

Research Categories: Medical Physics

Research Description: Dr. Johnson is the Charles E. Putman University Professor of Radiology, Physics, and Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Duke Center for In Vivo Microscopy (CIVM). The CIVM is an NIH NCRR/NIBIB national Biomedical Technology Resource Center with a mission to develop novel technologies for preclinical imaging (basic sciences) and apply the technologies to critical biomedical questions. Dr. Johnson was one of the first researchers to bring Paul Lauterbur's vision of magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy to practice as described in his paper, "Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging at microscopic resolution" (J Magn Reson 68:129-137, 1986). He is involved in both the engineering physics required to extend the resolution of MR imaging and in a broad range of applications in the basic sciences.

Areas of Interest:
magnetic resonance histology
magnetic resonance imaging
small animal imaging

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Calabrese, E; Johnson, GA, Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance histology reveals microstructural changes in the developing rat brain., Neuroimage, vol. 79 (October, 2013), pp. 329-339 [23648962], [doi]  [abs].
  2. Calabrese, E; Badea, A; Watson, C; Johnson, GA, A quantitative magnetic resonance histology atlas of postnatal rat brain development with regional estimates of growth and variability., Neuroimage, vol. 71 (May, 2013), pp. 196-206 [23353030], [doi]  [abs].
  3. Antonsen, BT; Jiang, Y; Veraart, J; Qu, H; Nguyen, HP; Sijbers, J; von Hörsten, S; Johnson, GA; Leergaard, TB, Altered diffusion tensor imaging measurements in aged transgenic Huntington disease rats., Brain Struct Funct, vol. 218 no. 3 (May, 2013), pp. 767-778 [doi]  [abs].
  4. Calabrese, E; Johnson, GA; Watson, C, An ontology-based segmentation scheme for tracking postnatal changes in the developing rodent brain with MRI., Neuroimage, vol. 67 (February, 2013), pp. 375-384 [23246176], [doi]  [abs].
  5. Badea, CT; Hedlund, LW; Johnson, GA, A LabVIEW Platform for Preclinical Imaging Using Digital Subtraction Angiography and Micro-CT., J Med Eng, vol. 2013 no. 581617 (2013), pp. 581617 [repository], [doi]  [abs].
  6. Perperidis, D; Bucholz, E; Johnson, GA; Constantinides, C, Morphological studies of the murine heart based on probabilistic and statistical atlases., Comput Med Imaging Graph, vol. 36 no. 2 (March, 2012), pp. 119-129 [21820867], [doi]  [abs].
  7. Liu, C; Li, W; Wu, B; Jiang, Y; Johnson, GA, 3D fiber tractography with susceptibility tensor imaging., Neuroimage, vol. 59 no. 2 (January, 2012), pp. 1290-1298 [21867759], [doi]  [abs].
  8. Badea, A; Johnson, GA, Magnetic resonance microscopy., in Medical Imaging: Principles and Practices, Anal Cell Pathol (Amst), vol. 35 no. 4 (2012), pp. 205-227, IOS Press Ebooks [22142643], [doi]  [abs].
  9. Jiang, Y; Johnson, GA, Microscopic diffusion tensor atlas of the mouse brain., Neuroimage, vol. 56 no. 3 (June, 2011), pp. 1235-1243 [21419226], [doi]  [abs].
  10. Liu, C; Li, W; Johnson, GA; Wu, B, High-field (9.4 T) MRI of brain dysmyelination by quantitative mapping of magnetic susceptibility., Neuroimage, vol. 56 no. 3 (June, 2011), pp. 930-938 [21320606], [doi]  [abs].
  11. Bowden, DM; Johnson, GA; Zaborsky, L; Green, WDK; Moore, E; Badea, A; Dubach, MF; Bookstein, FL, A symmetrical Waxholm canonical mouse brain for NeuroMaps., J Neurosci Methods, vol. 195 no. 2 (February, 2011), pp. 170-175 [21163300], [doi]  [abs].
  12. Hawrylycz, M; Baldock, RA; Burger, A; Hashikawa, T; Johnson, GA; Martone, M; Ng, L; Lau, C; Larson, SD; Nissanov, J; Puelles, L; Ruffins, S; Verbeek, F; Zaslavsky, I; Boline, J, Digital atlasing and standardization in the mouse brain., PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 7 no. 2 (February, 2011), pp. e1001065 [21304938], [doi] .
  13. Pandit, P; Qi, Y; King, KF; Johnson, GA, Reduction of artifacts in T2 -weighted PROPELLER in high-field preclinical imaging., Magn Reson Med, vol. 65 no. 2 (February, 2011), pp. 538-543 [20928875], [doi]  [abs].
  14. Bucholz, E; Ghaghada, K; Qi, Y; Mukundan, S; Rockman, HA; Johnson, GA, Cardiovascular phenotyping of the mouse heart using a 4D radial acquisition and liposomal Gd-DTPA-BMA., Magn Reson Med, vol. 63 no. 4 (April, 2010), pp. 979-987 [20373399], [doi]  [abs].
  15. Badea, A; Johnson, GA; Jankowsky, JL, Remote sites of structural atrophy predict later amyloid formation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease., Neuroimage, vol. 50 no. 2 (April, 2010), pp. 416-427 [20035883], [doi]  [abs].
  16. Jiang, Y; Johnson, GA, Microscopic diffusion tensor imaging of the mouse brain., Neuroimage, vol. 50 no. 2 (April, 2010), pp. 465-471 [20034583], [doi]  [abs].
  17. MacKenzie-Graham, A; Tiwari-Woodruff, SK; Sharma, G; Aguilar, C; Vo, KT; Strickland, LV; Morales, L; Fubara, B; Martin, M; Jacobs, RE; Johnson, GA; Toga, AW; Voskuhl, RR, Purkinje cell loss in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis., Neuroimage, vol. 48 no. 4 (December, 2009), pp. 637-651 [doi]  [abs].
  18. Badea, A; Johnson, GA; Williams, RW, Genetic dissection of the mouse CNS using magnetic resonance microscopy., Curr Opin Neurol, vol. 22 no. 4 (August, 2009), pp. 379-386 [19542887], [doi]  [abs].
  19. Howles, GP; Nouls, JC; Qi, Y; Johnson, GA, Rapid production of specialized animal handling devices using computer-aided design and solid freeform fabrication., J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 30 no. 2 (August, 2009), pp. 466-471 [19629999], [doi]  [abs].
  20. Badea, A; Johnson, GA; Williams, RW, Genetic dissection of the mouse brain using high-field magnetic resonance microscopy., Neuroimage, vol. 45 no. 4 (May, 2009), pp. 1067-1079 [19349225], [doi]  [abs].
  21. Goddeeris, MM; Rho, S; Petiet, A; Davenport, CL; Johnson, GA; Meyers, EN; Klingensmith, J, Intracardiac septation requires hedgehog-dependent cellular contributions from outside the heart., Development, vol. 135 no. 10 (May, 2008), pp. 1887-1895 [18441277], [doi]  [abs].
  22. Badea, CT; Johnston, S; Johnson, B; Lin, M; Hedlund, LW; Johnson, GA, A dual micro-CT system for small animal imaging., Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, vol. 6913 (April, 2008), pp. 691342 [22049304], [doi]  [abs].
  23. Nouls, JC; Izenson, MG; Greeley, HP; Johnson, GA, Design of a superconducting volume coil for magnetic resonance microscopy of the mouse brain., J Magn Reson, vol. 191 no. 2 (April, 2008), pp. 231-238 [18221901], [doi]  [abs].
  24. Bucholz, EK; Song, J; Johnson, GA; Hancu, I, Multispectral imaging with three-dimensional rosette trajectories., Magn Reson Med, vol. 59 no. 3 (March, 2008), pp. 581-589 [18306410], [doi]  [abs].
  25. Mistry, NN; Pollaro, J; Song, J; De Lin, M; Johnson, GA, Pulmonary perfusion imaging in the rodent lung using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI., Magn Reson Med, vol. 59 no. 2 (February, 2008), pp. 289-297 [18228577], [doi]  [abs].
  26. Sharief, AA; Badea, A; Dale, AM; Johnson, GA, Automated segmentation of the actively stained mouse brain using multi-spectral MR microscopy., Neuroimage, vol. 39 no. 1 (January, 2008), pp. 136-145 [17933556], [doi]  [abs].
  27. Driehuys, B; Walker, J; Pollaro, J; Cofer, GP; Mistry, N; Schwartz, D; Johnson, GA, 3He MRI in mouse models of asthma., Magn Reson Med, vol. 58 no. 5 (November, 2007), pp. 893-900 [17969115], [doi]  [abs].
  28. Chen, BT; Johnson, GA, Dynamic lung morphology of methacholine-induced heterogeneous bronchoconstriction., Magn Reson Med, vol. 52 no. 5 (November, 2004), pp. 1080-1086 [15508158], [doi]  [abs].
  29. Morgan, DL; Little, PB; Herr, DW; Moser, VC; Collins, B; Herbert, R; Johnson, GA; Maronpot, RR; Harry, GJ; Sills, RC, Neurotoxicity of carbonyl sulfide in F344 rats following inhalation exposure for up to 12 weeks., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 200 no. 2 (October, 2004), pp. 131-145 [15476866], [doi]  [abs].
  30. Brau, ACS; Hedlund, LW; Johnson, GA, Cine magnetic resonance microscopy of the rat heart using cardiorespiratory-synchronous projection reconstruction., J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 20 no. 1 (July, 2004), pp. 31-38 [15221806], [doi]  [abs].
  31. Sills, RC; Morgan, DL; Herr, DW; Little, PB; George, NM; Ton, TV; Love, NE; Maronpot, RR; Johnson, GA, Contribution of magnetic resonance microscopy in the 12-week neurotoxicity evaluation of carbonyl sulfide in Fischer 344 rats., Toxicol Pathol, vol. 32 no. 5 (2004), pp. 501-510 [doi]  [abs].
  32. Segars, WP; Tsui, BMW; Frey, EC; Johnson, GA; Berr, SS, Development of a 4-D digital mouse phantom for molecular imaging research., Mol Imaging Biol, vol. 6 no. 3 (2004), pp. 149-159 [15193249], [doi]  [abs].
  33. G. A. Johnson and G. P. Cofer and S. L. Gewalt and L. W. Hedlund, Morphologic phenotyping with MR microscopy: The visible mouse, Radiology, vol. 222 no. 3 (March, 2002), pp. 789 -- 793 .
  34. Johnson, GA; Cofer, GP; Gewalt, SL; Hedlund, LW, Morphologic phenotyping with MR microscopy: the visible mouse., Radiology, vol. 222 no. 3 (March, 2002), pp. 789-793 [11867802], [doi]  [abs].
  35. A. C. S. Brau and C. T. Wheeler and L. W. Hedlund and G. A. Johnson, Fiber-optic stethoscope: A cardiac monitoring and gating system for magnetic resonance microscopy, Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, vol. 47 no. 2 (February, 2002), pp. 314 -- 321 .
  36. H. E. Moller and L. W. Hedlund and X. J. Chen and M. R. Carey and M. S. Chawla and C. T. Wheeler and G. A. Johnson, Measurements of hyperpolarized gas properties in the lung. Part III: He-3 T-1, Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, vol. 45 no. 3 (March, 2001), pp. 421 -- 430 .
  37. Johnson, GA; Cofer, GP; Hedlund, LW; Maronpot, RR; Suddarth, SA, Registered (1)H and (3)He magnetic resonance microscopy of the lung., Magn Reson Med, vol. 45 no. 3 (March, 2001), pp. 365-370 [11241691], [doi]  [abs].
  38. M. S. Chawla and X. J. Chen and G. P. Cofer and L. W. Hedlund and M. B. Kerby and T. B. Ottoboni and G. A. Johnson, Hyperpolarized He-3 microspheres as a novel vascular signal source for MRI, Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, vol. 43 no. 3 (March, 2000), pp. 440 -- 445 .
  39. Benveniste, H; Einstein, G; Kim, KR; Hulette, C; Johnson, GA, Detection of neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease by magnetic resonance microscopy., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 96 no. 24 (November, 1999), pp. 14079-14084 [10570201], [doi]  [abs].
  40. Hurlston, SE; Brey, WW; Suddarth, SA; Johnson, GA, A high-temperature superconducting Helmholtz probe for microscopy at 9.4 T., Magn Reson Med, vol. 41 no. 5 (May, 1999), pp. 1032-1038 [10332887], [doi]  [abs].
  41. Möller, HE; Chawla, MS; Chen, XJ; Driehuys, B; Hedlund, LW; Wheeler, CT; Johnson, GA, Magnetic resonance angiography with hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in a lipid emulsion., Magn Reson Med, vol. 41 no. 5 (May, 1999), pp. 1058-1064 [10332890], [doi]  [abs].
  42. SE Hurlston, WW Brey, SA Suddarth, GA Johnson, A high-temperature superconducting Helmholtz probe for microscopy at 9.4 T., Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, UNITED STATES, vol. 41 no. 5 (May, 1999), pp. 1032-8  [abs].
  43. M. Delnomdedieu and L. W. Hedlund and R. R. Maronpot and G. A. Johnson, Magnetic resonance microscopy and histopathology: Comparative approach of bromobenzene-induced hepatotoxicity in the rat, Hepatology, vol. 27 no. 2 (February, 1998), pp. 526 -- 532 .
  44. Allan Johnson, G; Hedlund, L; MacFall, J, A new window into the lung, Physics World, vol. 11 no. 11 (January, 1998), pp. 35-38, IOP Publishing [doi] .
  45. R.T. Engelhardt, G.A. Johnson, T1r relaxation and its application to MR  histology.  Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 35, 781-786 (1996). .
  46. L.W. Hedlund, M.D. Shattuck, G.A. Johnson.  Three-dimensional MR  microscopy of pulmonary dynamics.  in "Proc., 1996.  New York, NY,  1996," p.327. .
  47. G.A. Johnson, G. Cates, X.J. Chen, G.P. Cofer,  B. Driehuys, W. Happer,  L.W. Hedlund, B. Saam, M. Shattuck, J. Swartz.  Dynamics of  magnetization in hyperpolarized gas MRI of the lung.  Magnetic Resonance  in Medicine submitted (1996). .
  48. Johnson, GA; Maki, JH, In vivo measurement of proton diffusion in the presence of coherent motion., Invest Radiol, vol. 26 no. 6 (June, 1991), pp. 540-545 [1650333], [doi]  [abs].

Dr. Johnson is the Charles E. Putman University Professor of Radiology, Professor of Physics, and Biomedical Engineering, and Director of the Duke Center for In Vivo Microscopy (CIVM). The CIVM is an NIH/NIBIB national Biomedical Technology Resource Center with a mission to develop novel technologies for preclinical imaging (basic sciences) and apply the technologies to critical biomedical questions. Dr. Johnson was one of the first researchers to bring Paul Lauterbur's vision of magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy to practice as described in his paper, "Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging at microscopic resolution" (J Magn Reson 68:129-137, 1986). Dr. Johnson is involved in both the engineering physics required to extend the resolution of MR imaging and in a broad range of applications in the basic sciences.