Daniel J. Gauthier, Research Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering  

Daniel J. Gauthier

Office Location: Physics Bldg, 120 Science Dr., Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: (919) 660-2511
Email Address: gauthier@phy.duke.edu
Web Page: http://www.phy.duke.edu/~gauthier/

Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Experimental condensed matter physics
Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1989
Optics, University of Rochester, 1989
Optics, University of Rochester, 1983
M.S., University of Rochester, 1983
Optics, University of Rochester, 1982
B.S., University of Rochester, 1982

Research Categories: Quantum Electronics, Quantum Optics, and Nonlinear Dynamics

Research Description:

Prof. Gauthier is interested in a broad range of topics in the fields of nonlinear and quantum optics, and nonlinear dynamical systems.

In the area of optical physics, his group is studying the fundamental characteristics of highly nonlinear light-matter interactions at both the classical and quantum levels and is using this understanding to develop practical devices.

At the quantum level, his group has three major efforts in the area of quantum communication and networking. In one project, they are investigating hybrid quantum memories where one type of memory is connected to another through the optical field (so-called flying qubits). In particular, they are exploring nonlinear optical methods for frequency converting and impedance matching photons emitted from one type of quantum memory (e.g., trapped ions) to another (e.g., quantum dots).

In another project, they are exploring methods for efficiently transmitting a large number of bits of information per photon. They are encoding information on the various photon degrees of freedom, such as the transverse modes, one photon at a time, and using efficient mode sorters to direct the photons to single-photon detectors. The experiments make use of multi-mode spontaneous down conversion in a nonlinear crystal to produce quantum correlated or entangled photon pairs.

Another recent interest is the development of the world's most sensitive all-optical switch. Currently, they have observed switching with an energy density as low as a few hundred yoctoJoules per atomic cross-section, indicating that the switch should be able to operate at the single-photon level. The experiments use a quasi-one-dimensional ultra-cold gas of rubidium atoms as the nonlinear material. They take advantage of a one-dimensional optical lattice to greatly increase the nonlinear light-matter interaction strength.

In the area of nonlinear dynamics, his group is interested in the control and synchronization of chaotic devices, especially optical and radio-frequency electronic systems.  They are developing new methods for private communication of information using chaotic carriers, using chaotic elements for distance sensing (e.g., low-probability-of-detection radar), using networks of chaotic elements for remote sensing, and using chaotic elements for generating truly random numbers at high data rates. Recently, the have observed 'Boolean chaos,' where complex behavior is observed in a small network of commercially-available free-running logic gates.

Typical Courses Taught:

Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Canaday, D; Griffith, A; Gauthier, DJ, Rapid time series prediction with a hardware-based reservoir computer., Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.), vol. 28 no. 12 (December, 2018), pp. 123119 [doi]  [abs].
  2. Nicolich, KL; Cahall, C; Islam, NT; Lafyatis, GP; Kim, J; Gauthier, DJ, Photon-Number Resolution in Conventional Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors: Theoretical Predictions, 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, Cleo 2018 Proceedings (August, 2018)  [abs].
  3. Islam, NT; Lim, CCW; Cahall, C; Qi, B; Kim, J; Gauthier, DJ, High-rate Time-bin Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum-controlled Measurement, 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, Cleo 2018 Proceedings (August, 2018)  [abs].
  4. Cahall, C; Nicolich, KL; Islam, NT; Lafyatis, GP; Miller, AJ; Gauthier, DJ; Kim, J, Photon-Number Resolution in Conventional Superconducting Nanowire Single-photon Detectors: Experimental Demonstration, 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, Cleo 2018 Proceedings (August, 2018)  [abs].
  5. Aragoneses, A; Islam, NT; Eggleston, M; Lezama, A; Kim, J; Gauthier, DJ, Bounding the outcome of a two-photon interference measurement using weak coherent states., Optics Letters, vol. 43 no. 16 (August, 2018), pp. 3806-3809, OPTICAL SOC AMER [doi]  [abs].


Prof. Gauthier is interested in a broad range of topics in the fields of nonlinear and quantum optics, and nonlinear dynamical systems.

In the area of optical physics, his group is studying the fundamental characteristics of highly nonlinear light-matter interactions at both the classical and quantum levels and is using this understanding to develop practical devices.

At the quantum level, his group has three major efforts in the area of quantum communication and networking. In one project, they are investigating hybrid quantum memories where one type of memory is connected to another through the optical field (so-called flying qubits). In particular, they are exploring nonlinear optical methods for frequency converting and impedance matching photons emitted from one type of quantum memory (e.g., trapped ions) to another (e.g., quantum dots).

In another project, they are exploring methods for efficiently transmitting a large number of bits of information per photon. They are encoding information on the various photon degrees of freedom, such as the transverse modes, one photon at a time, and using efficient mode sorters to direct the photons to single-photon detectors. The experiments make use of multi-mode spontaneous down conversion in a nonlinear crystal to produce quantum correlated or entangled photon pairs.

Another recent interest is the development of the world's most sensitive all-optical switch. Currently, they have observed switching with an energy density as low as a few hundred yoctoJoules per atomic cross-section, indicating that the switch should be able to operate at the single-photon level. The experiments use a quasi-one-dimensional ultra-cold gas of rubidium atoms as the nonlinear material. They take advantage of a one-dimensional optical lattice to greatly increase the nonlinear light-matter interaction strength.

In the area of nonlinear dynamics, his group is interested in the control and synchronization of chaotic devices, especially optical and radio-frequency electronic systems.  They are developing new methods for private communication of information using chaotic carriers, using chaotic elements for distance sensing (e.g., low-probability-of-detection radar), using networks of chaotic elements for remote sensing, and using chaotic elements for generating truly random numbers at high data rates. Recently, the have observed 'Boolean chaos,' where complex behavior is observed in a small network of commercially-available free-running logic gates.

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

Postdocs Mentored

  • Christoph Wildfeuer (August 1, 2012 - July, 2013)  
  • Damien Rontani (October, 2011 - November, 2013)  
  • Carolyn Berger (January 01, 2009 - August 30, 2008)  
  • Rui Zhang (February, 2008 - September, 2011)  
  • Hugo L Cavalcante (February, 2008 - August, 2011)  
  • Eduardo Granado-Cabrera (October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008)  
  • Xiaopeng Zhang (May 01, 2005 - June 30, 2007)  
  • Zhaoming Zhu (September 01, 2004 - June 30, 2008)  
  • Lucas Illing (February 01, 2003 - June 30, 2007)  
  • Elena Tolkacheva (May 1, 2001 - June 30, 2004)  
  • John C. Swartz (January, 1999 - September, 1999)  
  • Olivier Pfister (1997 - 1999)  
  • Sonya Bahar (1997 - 1999)  
  • Jeff R. Gardner (1995 - 1997)  
Selected Invited Lectures

  1. Toward Single-Photon Nonlinear Optics via Self-Assembled Ultracold Atoms, October 26, 2010, Frontiers in Optics 2010/Division of Laser Science XXVI, Rochester, NY    
  2. 'High throughput, high bit-per-photon quantum communication, September 24, 2010, QIBEC (Quantum Information/BEC) Seminar, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD    
  3. 'Using self-assembly to enable single-photon nonlinear optics, May 26, 2010, EECS Distinguished Seminar Series, Northwestern University    
  4. Observation of chaos in small networks of Boolean-like logic circuits, April 09, 2010, SCCAMM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Networks, University of Maryland, College Park, MD    
  5. Slow light applications of forward stimulated Brillouin scattering, January 25, 2010, Photonics West, San Francisco, CA    
  6. Boolean Chaos, January 05, 2010, Dynamics Days 2010, Chicago, IL    
  7. Boolean Delay Systems, October 06, 2009, Workshop on Delayed Complex Systems, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany    
  8. Slow and stopped light in optical waveguides, August 29, 2008, DTU Fotonik Seminar, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Bygning, Denmark    
  9. Broadband chaos in time-delay photonic and electroic devices: Potential implications for sensor networks, May 23, 2007, Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD    
  10. Ultra-low-light-level all-optical switching, September 15, 2006, Physics Department Colloquium, Ohio University, Athens, OH    
  11. Discovery of a new type of bifurcation in paced cardiac muscle, July 14, 2006, Third Workshop Promotionskolleg, Helmholtz Center for Brain and Mind Dynamics, Liebenwalde, Germany