Jungsang Kim, Schiciano Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering  

Jungsang Kim

Office Location: 701 W Main Street, Suite 400, Durham, NC 27701
Email Address: jungsang@ee.duke.edu
Web Page: http://mist.ee.duke.edu

Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Experimental condensed matter physics

PhD, Stanford University, 1999
BS, Seoul National University, 1992

Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Ece 722.01, Quantum electronics Synopsis
    Hudson 232, MW 08:30 AM-09:45 AM

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. McKay, KS; Lu, FP; Kim, J; Yi, C; Brown, AS; Hawkins, AR, Band discontinuity measurements of the wafer bonded InGaAsSi heterojunction, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 90 no. 22 (2007), pp. 222111-222111, AIP Publishing [1.2745254], [doi]  [abs].
  2. Kim, C; Knoernschild, C; Liu, B; Kim, J, Design and characterization of MEMS micromirrors for ion-trap quantum computation, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 13 no. 2 (2007), pp. 322-329, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [JSTQE.2007.893561], [doi]  [abs].
  3. Kim, J; Pau, S; Ma, Z; McLellan, HR; Gates, JV; Kornblit, A; Slusher, RE; Jopson, RM; Kang, I; Dinu, M, System design for large-scale ion trap quantum information processor, Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 5 no. 7 (2005), pp. 515-537  [abs].
  4. Kim, J; Nuzman, CJ; Kumar, B; Lieuwen, DF; Kraus, JS; Weiss, A; Lichtenwalner, CP; Papazian, AR; Frahm, RE; Basavanhally, NR; Ramsey, DA; Aksyuk, VA; Pardo, F; Simon, ME; Lifton, V; Chan, HB; Haueis, M; Gasparyan, A; Shea, HR; Arney, S; Bolle, CA; Kolodner, PR; Ryf, R; Neilson, DT; Gates, JV, 1100 × 1100 port MEMS-based optical crossconnect with 4-dB maximum loss, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15 no. 11 (2003), pp. 1537-1539, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [LPT.2003.818653], [doi]  [abs].
  5. Kim, J. and Somani, S. and Yamamoto, Y., Nonclassical Light from Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs (2001), Springer-Verlag .
  6. Benson, O; Kim, J; Santori, C; Yamamoto, Y, Single Photon Turnstile Device, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, vol. 397 no. 6719 (January, Accepted, 1999), pp. 24-26 [17295]  [abs].
  7. Takeuchi, S; Kim, J; Yamamoto, Y; Hogue, HH, Development of a high-quantum-efficiency single-photon counting system, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 74 no. 8 (1999), pp. 1063-1065, AIP Publishing [1.123482], [doi]  [abs].
  8. Kim, J; Takeuchi, S; Yamamoto, Y; Hogue, HH, Multiphoton detection using visible light photon counter, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 74 no. 7 (1999), pp. 902-904, AIP Publishing [1.123404], [doi]  [abs].
  9. Oliver, WD; Kim, J; Liu, RC; Yamamoto, Y, Hanbury Brown and Twiss-type experiment with electrons, Science (USA), vol. 284 no. 5412 (1999), pp. 299-304, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) [299], [doi]  [abs].


Jungsang Kim leads the Multifunctional Integrated Systems Technology group at Duke University. His main area of current research is quantum information sciences, where his group uses trapped atomic ions and a range of photonics technologies in an effort to construct a scalable quantum information processors and quantum communication networks. His research focuses on introduction of new technologies, such as micro fabricated ion traps, optical micro-electromechanical systems, advanced single photon detectors, compact cryogenics and vacuum technologies, towards a functional integration of quantum information processing systems.