Seog Oh, Professor  

Seog Oh

Office Location: 279 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address:

Experimental high energy physics

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981

Research Categories: Experimental High Energy Physics

Current projects: High mass di-lepton search, WW and WZ resonance search, A SUSY particle search, HEP detector R&D

Research Description: Prof. Oh’s research utilized the CDF and ATLAS experiments. Using CDF data he is presently searching for high mass resonances and SUSY particles. For the resonance search, he is looking at the decay channels involving lepton pairs, WW or WZ pairs. The candidates for these resonances could be Z', a gauge boson similar to Z, W’ and Graviton. For a SUSY particle search, the search is conducted using events with W, Z and large missing transverse momentum. The LHC is expected to deliver proton-proton collisions in 2009, and he will continue similar studies including the Higgs search using ATLAS data. For the ATLAS experiment, he was responsible for constructing a major part of the inner detector called the TRT (Transition Radiation Tracker – see

Teaching (Fall 2024):

  • Physics 417s.01, Adv physics lab & sem Synopsis
    Physics 227, TuTh 03:05 PM-05:50 PM

Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Kim, MH; Adriani, O; Berti, E; Bonechi, L; D'Alessandro, R; Goto, Y; Hong, B; Itow, Y; Kasahara, K; Kim, Y; Lee, JH; Lee, SH; Ljubicic, T; Menjo, H; Mitsuka, G; Nakagawa, I; Ogawa, A; Oh, S; Sako, T; Sakurai, N; Sato, K; Seidl, R; Tanida, K; Torii, S; Tricomi, A, Measurement of the transverse single-spin asymmetry for forward neutron production in a wide p T range in polarized p+p collisions at s =510 GeV, Physical Review D, vol. 109 no. 1 (January, 2024) [doi]  [abs].
  2. with Mu2e Run 1 Sensitivity Projections for the Neutrinoless mu- --> e- Conversion Search in Aluminum, Universe 2023, 9(1), 54 (2023) .
  3. Mu2e collaboration, Mu2e Run I Sensitivity Projections for the Neutrinoless μ−→e− Conversion Search in Aluminum, Universe (Submitted, October, 2022) .
  4. S. Oh (CDF collaboration), Search for higgs like particle produced with bottom quark, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.5, 052001 (2019) .
  5. S. Oh (ATLAS collaboration), Low mass dijet resonances with ISR 2017, Phys. Lett B (795) (2019) 56 (2019) .

Prof. Oh’s research utilized the CDF and ATLAS experiments. Using CDF data he is presently searching for high mass resonances and SUSY particles. For the resonance search, he is looking at the decay channels involving lepton pairs, WW or WZ pairs. The candidates for these resonances could be Z', a gauge boson similar to Z, W’ and Graviton. For a SUSY particle search, the search is conducted using events with W, Z and large missing transverse momentum. The LHC is expected to deliver proton-proton collisions in 2009, and he will continue similar studies including the Higgs search using ATLAS data. For the ATLAS experiment, he was responsible for constructing a major part of the inner detector called the TRT (Transition Radiation Tracker – see

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

    Postdocs Mentored

    • GeumBong Yu (September 1, 2009 - present)  
    • Jared Yamaoka (April 1, 2008 - October 31, 2011)  
    • ByeongRok Ko (April 1, 2002 - March 31, 2008)  
    • Vassilios Vassilakopoulos (1998/09-2001/08)  
    • C. Wang (September 1, 1995 - present)