Kate Scholberg, Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair and Bass Fellow

Office Location: 273 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: kate.scholberg@duke.edu
Web Page: http://phy.duke.edu/~schol/
Experimental high energy physics
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1996
PhD, Caltech, 1997
M.S., California Institute of Technology, 1991
B.Sc., McGill University (Canada), 1989
Current projects:
Super-Kamiokande, K2K (KEK to Kamioka) long baseline experiment, T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) long baseline experiment, SNEWS
Research Description: Prof. Scholberg's broad research interests include experimental
elementary particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Her main
specific interests are in neutrino physics: she studies neutrino
oscillations with the Super-Kamiokande experiment, a giant underground
water Cherenkov detector located in a mine in the Japanese Alps.
Super-K was constructed to search for proton decay and to study
neutrinos from the sun, from cosmic ray collisions in the atmosphere,
and from supernovae. Prof. Scholberg's primary involvement is with the
atmospheric neutrino data analysis, which in 1998 yielded the first
convincing evidence for neutrino oscillation (implying the existence
of non-zero neutrino mass).
One of the most important questions that we may be able to answer with
neutrino oscillation experiments over the next couple of decades is
the question of CP (charge conjugation-parity) violation in
neutrinos. It's now well known that processes involving quarks violate
CP symmetry; it's suspected that the same is true for leptons (such as
neutrinos), but leptonic CP violation is as yet unobserved. We hope
that understanding of CP violation, along with knowledge of the other
neutrino parameters, may lead to insight into the question of the
observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. The long-term
program of Super-K and the associated long baseline neutrino beam
experiment aims to answer these questions.
The next steps in neutrino oscillation research involve
artifical beams of neutrinos sent hundreds of kilometers from accelerator laboratories to underground detectors.
The T2K ("Tokai to Kamioka") high-intensity
beam experiment sends neutrinos 300 km from an accelerator at the J-PARC facility in Japan to Super-K, and is currently exploring unknown oscillation parameters. LBNE (the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment) is a planned next-generation experiment designed to beam neutrinos from Fermilab to a large detector at a new underground facility in the United States.
Prof. Scholberg also coordinates SNEWS, the SuperNova Early Warning
System, an inter-experiment collaboration of detectors with Galactic
supernova sensitivity. Neutrinos from a core collapse will precede the
photon signal by hours; therefore coincident observation of a burst in
several neutrino detectors will be a robust early warning of a visible
supernova. The goals of SNEWS are to provide the astronomical
community with a prompt alert of a Galactic core collapse, as well as
to optimize global sensitivity to supernova neutrino physics.
Areas of Interest:
Particle physics
Nuclear physics
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- Physics 363.01, Thermal physics
- Physics 047, WF 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
Recent Publications
(More Publications)
- Abe, K; Abe, S; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Hosokawa, K; Ieki, K; Ikeda, M; Kameda, J; Kanemura, Y; Kaneshima, R; Kashiwagi, Y; Kataoka, Y; Miki, S; Mine, S; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakahata, M; Nakano, Y; Nakayama, S; Noguchi, Y; Sato, K; Sekiya, H; Shiba, H; Shimizu, K; Shiozawa, M; Sonoda, Y; Suzuki, Y; Takeda, A; Takemoto, Y; Tanaka, H; Yano, T; Han, S; Kajita, T; Okumura, K; Tashiro, T; Tomiya, T; Wang, X; Yoshida, S; Fernandez, P; Labarga, L; Ospina, N; Zaldivar, B; Pointon, BW; Kearns, E; Mirabito, J; Raaf, JL; Wan, L; Wester, T; Bian, J; Griskevich, NJ; Smy, MB; Sobel, HW; Takhistov, V; Yankelevich, A; Hill, J; Jang, MC; Lee, SH; Moon, DH; Park, RG; Bodur, B; Scholberg, K; Walter, CW; Beauchêne, A; Drapier, O; Giampaolo, A; Mueller, TA; Santos, AD; Paganini, P; Quilain, B; Rogly, R; Nakamura, T; Jang, JS; Machado, LN; Learned, JG; Choi, K; Iovine, N; Cao, S; Anthony, LHV; Martin, D; Prouse, NW; Scott, M; Uchida, Y; Berardi, V; Calabria, NF; Catanesi, MG; Radicioni, E; Langella, A; De Rosa, G; Collazuol, G; Feltre, M; Iacob, F; Mattiazzi, M; Ludovici, L; Gonin, M; Périssé, L; Pronost, G; Fujisawa, C; Horiuchi, S; Kobayashi, M; Liu, YM; Maekawa, Y; Nishimura, Y; Okazaki, R; Akutsu, R; Friend, M; Hasegawa, T; Ishida, T; Kobayashi, T; Jakkapu, M; Matsubara, T; Nakadaira, T; Nakamura, K; Oyama, Y; Portocarrero Yrey, A; Sakashita, K; Sekiguchi, T; Tsukamoto, T; Bhuiyan, N; Burton, GT; Di Lodovico, F; Gao, J; Goldsack, A; Katori, T; Migenda, J; Ramsden, RM; Xie, Z; Zsoldos, S; Suzuki, AT; Takagi, Y; Takeuchi, Y; Zhong, H; Feng, J; Feng, L; Hu, JR; Hu, Z; Kawaue, M; Kikawa, T; Mori, M; Nakaya, T; Wendell, RA; Yasutome, K; Jenkins, SJ; McCauley, N; Mehta, P; Tarrant, A; Wilking, MJ; Fukuda, Y; Itow, Y; Menjo, H; Ninomiya, K; Yoshioka, Y; Lagoda, J; Mandal, M; Mijakowski, P; Prabhu, YS; Zalipska, J; Jia, M; Jiang, J; Shi, W; Yanagisawa, C; Harada, M; Hino, Y; Ishino, H; Koshio, Y; Nakanishi, F; Sakai, S; Tada, T; Tano, T; Ishizuka, T; Barr, G; Barrow, D; Cook, L; Samani, S; Wark, D; Holin, A; Nova, F; Jung, S; Yang, BS; Yang, JY; Yoo, J; Fannon, JEP; Kneale, L; Malek, M; McElwee, JM; Thiesse, MD; Thompson, LF; Wilson, ST; Okazawa, H; Lakshmi, SM; Kim, SB; Kwon, E; Seo, JW; Yu, I; Ichikawa, AK; Nakamura, KD; Tairafune, S; Nishijima, K; Eguchi, A; Nakagiri, K; Nakajima, Y; Shima, S; Taniuchi, N; Watanabe, E; Yokoyama, M; de Perio, P; Fujita, S; Jesús-Valls, C; Martens, K; Tsui, KM; Vagins, MR; Xia, J; Izumiyama, S; Kuze, M; Matsumoto, R; Terada, K; Asaka, R; Ishitsuka, M; Ito, H; Ommura, Y; Shigeta, N; Shinoki, M; Yamauchi, K; Yoshida, T; Gaur, R; Gousy-Leblanc, V; Hartz, M; Konaka, A; Li, X; Chen, S; Xu, BD; Wu, Y; Zhang, AQ; Zhang, B; Posiadala-Zezula, M; Boyd, SB; Edwards, R; Hadley, D; Nicholson, M; O'Flaherty, M; Richards, B; Ali, A; Jamieson, B; Amanai, S; Marti, L; Minamino, A; Shibayama, R; Shimamura, R; Suzuki, S; Akhlaq, N; Alarakia-Charles, H; Alj Hakim, YI; Alonso Monsalve, S; Andreopoulos, C; Anthony, L; Antonova, M; Aoki, S; Apte, KA; Arai, T; Arihara, T; Arimoto, S; Asada, Y; Ashida, Y; Atkin, ET; Babu, N; Barbi, M; Barker, GJ; Bates, P; Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M; Berns, L; Bhadra, S; Blanchet, A; Blondel, A; Bolognesi, S; Bordoni, S; Bravar, A; Bubak, A; Buizza Avanzini, M; Caballero, JA; Carabadjac, D; Carter, AJ; Cartwright, SL; Casado, MP; Cervera, A; Chakrani, J; Chalumeau, A; Cherdack, D; Chong, PS; Chvirova, A; Cicerchia, M; Coleman, J; Cormier, F; Cudd, A; D'ago, D; Dalmazzone, C; Daret, T; Dasgupta, P; Davis, C; Davydov, YI; De Roeck, A; Dealtry, T; Delogu, CC; Densham, C; Dergacheva, A; Dharmapal, R; Diaz Lopez, G; Dolan, S; Douqa, D; Doyle, TA; Duffy, KE; Dumarchez, J; Dunne, P; Dygnarowicz, K; Elias, J; Emery-Schrenk, S; Erofeev, G; Ershova, A; Eurin, G; Fedorova, D; Fedotov, S; Ferlewicz, D; Finch, AJ; Fiorentini Aguirre, GA; Fiorillo, G; Fitton, MD; Franco Patiño, JM; Fujii, Y; Furui, Y; Giannessi, L; Giganti, C; Glagolev, V; González Rosa, J; Goodman, EAG; Gorin, A; Gorshanov, K; Grassi, M; Guigue, M; Hadley, DR; Haigh, JT; Harris, DA; Hassani, S; Hastings, NC; Heitkamp, I; Henaff, D; Hogan, M; Holeczek, J; Holvey, T; Hong Van, NT; Honjo, T; Hu, J; Izmaylov, A; Jiang, JJ; Ji, JY; Jonsson, P; Joshi, S; Jung, CK; Kabirnezhad, M; Kaboth, AC; Kakuno, H; Karpova, S; Kasetti, SP; Kasturi, VS; Kawamura, Y; Khabibullin, M; Khotjantsev, A; King, S; Kiseeva, V; Kisiel, J; Kobayashi, H; Koch, L; Kodama, S; Kolupanova, M; Kormos, LL; Koto, T; Kowalik, K; Kudenko, Y; Kudo, Y; Kuribayashi, S; Kurjata, R; Kurochka, V; Kutter, T; La Commara, M; Lachat, M; Lachner, K; Lamers James, M; Laporte, J-F; Last, D; Latham, N; Laveder, M; Lavitola, L; Lawe, M; Lee, Y; Leon Silverio, D; Levorato, S; Lewis, S; Lin, C; Litchfield, RP; Liu, SL; Li, W; Longhin, A; Long, KR; Lopez Moreno, A; Lu, X; Lux, T; Magaletti, L; Mahn, K; Mahtani, KK; Manly, S; Marino, AD; Marti-Magro, L; Martin, DGR; Martini, M; Martin, JF; Maruyama, T; Matveev, V; Mauger, C; Mavrokoridis, K; Mazzucato, E; McFarland, KS; McGrew, C; McKean, J; Mefodiev, A; Megias, GD; Mellet, L; Metelko, C; Mezzetto, M; Miller, E; Mineev, O; Molina Bueno, L; Morrison, P; Munford, D; Muñoz, A; Munteanu, L; Nagai, K; Nagai, Y; Nakamura, A; Nakayoshi, K; Naseby, CER; Ngoc, TV; Nguyen, DT; Nguyen, VQ; Niewczas, K; Nishimori, S; Nosek, T; Novella, P; Nugent, JC; O'Keeffe, HM; O'Sullivan, L; Odagawa, T; Okinaga, W; Okusawa, T; Onda, N; Osu, L; Palladino, V; Paolone, V; Pari, M; Parlone, J; Pasternak, J; Payne, D; Penn, GC; Pershey, D; Pfaff, M; Pickering, L; Pintaudi, G; Pistillo, C; Popov, B; Portocarrero Yrey, AJ; Porwit, K; Prasad, H; Pupilli, F; Quyen, PT; Radermacher, T; Radics, B; Ramirez, MA; Ratoff, PN; Reh, M; Riccio, C; Rondio, E; Roth, S; Roy, N; Rubbia, A; Russo, L; Rychter, A; Saenz, W; Sánchez, F; Sato, Y; Schefke, T; Schloesser, CM; Seiya, Y; Sgalaberna, D; Shaikhiev, A; Shiraishi, Y; Shvartsman, A; Skrobova, N; Skwarczynski, K; Smyczek, D; Smy, M; Sobczyk, JT; Sobel, H; Soler, FJP, First Joint Oscillation Analysis of Super-Kamiokande Atmospheric and T2K Accelerator Neutrino Data.,
Physical review letters, vol. 134 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 011801 [doi] [abs].
- Acero, MA; Argüelles, CA; Hostert, M; Kalra, D; Karagiorgi, G; Kelly, KJ; Littlejohn, BR; Machado, P; Pettus, W; Toups, M; Ross-Lonergan, M; Sousa, A; Surukuchi, PT; Wong, YYY; Abdallah, W; Abdullahi, AM; Akutsu, R; Alvarez-Ruso, L; Alves, DSM; Aurisano, A; Balantekin, AB; Berryman, JM; Bertólez-Martínez, T; Brunner, J; Blennow, M; Bolognesi, S; Borusinski, M; Chen, TY; Cianci, D; Collin, G; Conrad, JM; Crow, B; Denton, PB; Duvall, M; Fernández-Martinez, E; Fong, CS; Foppiani, N; Forero, DV; Friend, M; García-Soto, A; Giganti, C; Giunti, C; Gandhi, R; Ghosh, M; Hardin, J; Heeger, KM; Ishitsuka, M; Izmaylov, A; Jones, BJP; Jordan, JR; Kamp, NW; Katori, T; Kim, SB; Koerner, LW; Lamoureux, M; Lasserre, T; Leach, KG; Learned, J; Li, YF; Link, JM; Louis, WC; Mahn, K; Meyers, PD; Maricic, J; Markoff, D; Maruyama, T; Mertens, S; Minakata, H; Mocioiu, I; Mooney, M; Moulai, MH; Nunokawa, H; Ochoa-Ricoux, JP; Oh, YM; Ohlsson, T; Päs, H; Pershey, D; Robertson, RGH; Rosauro-Alcaraz, S; Rott, C; Roy, S; Salvado, J; Scott, M; Seo, SH; Shaevitz, MH; Smiley, M; Spitz, J; Stachurska, J; Tammaro, M; Thakore, T; Ternes, CA; Thompson, A; Tseng, S; Vogelaar, B; Weiss, T; Wendell, RA; Wilson, RJ; Wright, T; Xin, Z; Yang, BS, White paper on light sterile neutrino searches and related phenomenology,
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, vol. 51 no. 12
(December, 2024) [doi] .
- Abed Abud, A; Abi, B; Acciarri, R; Acero, MA; Adames, MR; Adamov, G; Adamowski, M; Adams, D; Adinolfi, M; Adriano, C; Aduszkiewicz, A; Aguilar, J; Akbar, F; Allison, K; Alonso Monsalve, S; Alrashed, M; Alton, A; Alvarez, R; Alves, T; Amar, H; Amedo, P; Anderson, J; Andreopoulos, C; Andreotti, M; Andrews, MP; Andrianala, F; Andringa, S; Anfimov, N; Ankowski, A; Antic, D; Antoniassi, M; Antonova, M; Antoshkin, A; Aranda-Fernandez, A; Arellano, L; Arrieta Diaz, E; Arroyave, MA; Asaadi, J; Ashkenazi, A; Asner, DM; Asquith, L; Atkin, E; Auguste, D; Aurisano, A; Aushev, V; Autiero, D; Azam, MB; Azfar, F; Back, A; Back, H; Back, JJ; Bagaturia, I; Bagby, L; Balashov, N; Balasubramanian, S; Baldi, P; Baldini, W; Baldonedo, J; Baller, B; Bambah, B; Banerjee, R; Barao, F; Barbu, D; Barenboim, G; Barham Alzás, P; Barker, GJ; Barkhouse, W; Barr, G; Barranco Monarca, J; Barros, A; Barros, N; Barrow, D; Barrow, JL; Basharina-Freshville, A; Bashyal, A; Basque, V; Batchelor, C; Bathe-Peters, L; Battat, JBR; Battisti, F; Bay, F; Bazetto, MCQ; Bazo Alba, JLL; Beacom, JF; Bechetoille, E; Behera, B; Belchior, E; Bell, G; Bellantoni, L; Bellettini, G; Bellini, V; Beltramello, O; Benekos, N; Benitez Montiel, C; Benjamin, D; Bento Neves, F; Berger, J; Berkman, S; Bernal, J; Bernardini, P, DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions,
Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 19 no. 12
(December, 2024),
pp. P12005-P12005, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs].
- Taniuchi, N; Abe, K; Abe, S; Asaoka, Y; Bronner, C; Harada, M; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Hosokawa, K; Ieki, K; Ikeda, M; Kameda, J; Kanemura, Y; Kaneshima, R; Kashiwagi, Y; Kataoka, Y; Miki, S; Mine, S; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakahata, M; Nakayama, S; Noguchi, Y; Pronost, G; Okamoto, K; Sato, K; Sekiya, H; Shiba, H; Shimizu, K; Shiozawa, M; Sonoda, Y; Suzuki, Y; Takeda, A; Takemoto, Y; Takenaka, A; Tanaka, H; Watanabe, S; Yano, T; Kajita, T; Okumura, K; Tashiro, T; Tomiya, T; Wang, X; Yoshida, S; Megias, GD; Fernandez, P; Labarga, L; Ospina, N; Zaldivar, B; Pointon, BW; Kearns, E; Mirabito, J; Raaf, JL; Wan, L; Wester, T; Bian, J; Griskevich, NJ; Kropp, WR; Locke, S; Smy, MB; Sobel, HW; Takhistov, V; Yankelevich, A; Hill, J; Jang, MC; Kim, JY; Lee, SH; Lim, IT; Moon, DH; Park, RG; Yang, BS; Bodur, B; Scholberg, K; Walter, CW; Beauchêne, A; Bernard, L; Coffani, A; Drapier, O; El Hedri, S; Giampaolo, A; Mueller, TA; Santos, AD; Paganini, P; Rogly, R; Nakamura, T; Jang, JS; Machado, LN; Learned, JG; Choi, K; Iovine, N; Cao, S; Anthony, LHV; Martin, D; Prouse, NW; Scott, M; Sztuc, AA; Uchida, Y; Berardi, V; Calabria, NF; Catanesi, MG, Search for proton decay via p →e+η and p →μ+η with a 0.37 Mton-year exposure of Super-Kamiokande,
Physical Review D, vol. 110 no. 11
(December, 2024), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs].
- Abud, AA; Abi, B; Acciarri, R; Acero, MA; Adames, MR; Adamov, G; Adamowski, M; Adams, D; Adinolfi, M; Adriano, C; Aduszkiewicz, A; Aguilar, J; Akbar, F; Allison, K; Monsalve, SA; Alrashed, M; Alton, A; Alvarez, R; Alves, T; Amar, H; Amedo, P; Anderson, J; Andreopoulos, C; Andreotti, M; Andrews, MP; Andrianala, F; Andringa, S; Anfimov, N; Ankowski, A; Antic, D; Antoniassi, M; Antonova, M; Antoshkin, A; Aranda-Fernandez, A; Arellano, L; Diaz, EA; Arroyave, MA; Asaadi, J; Ashkenazi, A; Asner, D; Asquith, L; Atkin, E; Auguste, D; Aurisano, A; Aushev, V; Autiero, D; Azam, MB; Azfar, F; Back, A; Back, H; Back, JJ; Bagaturia, I; Bagby, L; Balashov, N; Balasubramanian, S; Baldi, P; Baldini, W; Baldonedo, J; Baller, B; Bambah, B; Banerjee, R; Barao, F; Barbu, D; Barenboim, G; Alzás, PB; Barker, GJ; Barkhouse, W; Barr, G; Monarca, JB; Barros, A; Barros, N; Barrow, D; Barrow, JL; Basharina-Freshville, A; Bashyal, A; Basque, V; Batchelor, C; Bathe-Peters, L; Battat, JBR; Battisti, F; Bay, F; Bazetto, MCQ; Alba, JLLB; Beacom, JF; Bechetoille, E; Behera, B; Belchior, E; Bell, G; Bellantoni, L; Bellettini, G; Bellini, V; Beltramello, O; Benekos, N; Montiel, CB; Benjamin, D; Neves, FB; Berger, J; Berkman, S; Bernal, J; Bernardini, P, First measurement of the total inelastic cross section of positively charged kaons on argon at energies between 5.0 and 7.5 GeV,
Physical Review D, vol. 110 no. 9
(November, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Prof. Scholberg's broad research interests include experimental elementary particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Her main specific interests are in neutrino physics: she studies neutrino oscillations with the Super-Kamiokande experiment, a giant underground water Cherenkov detector located in a mine in the Japanese Alps. Super-K was constructed to search for proton decay and to study neutrinos from the sun, from cosmic ray collisions in the atmosphere, and from supernovae. On Super-K, Prof. Scholberg's primary involvement is with the atmospheric neutrino data analysis, which in 1998 yielded the first convincing evidence for neutrino oscillation (implying the existence of non-zero neutrino mass).
One of the most important questions that we may be able to answer with neutrino oscillation experiments over the next couple of decades is the question of CP (charge conjugation-parity) violation in neutrinos. It's now well known that processes involving quarks violate CP symmetry; it's suspected that the same is true for leptons (such as neutrinos), but leptonic CP violation is as yet unobserved. We hope that understanding of CP violation, along with knowledge of the other neutrino parameters, may lead to insight into the question of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. The long-term program neutrino oscillation physics aims to answer these questions.
The next steps in neutrino oscillation research involve artificial beams of neutrinos sent hundreds of kilometers from accelerator laboratories to underground detectors. The T2K ("Tokai to Kamioka") high-intensity beam experiment sends neutrinos 300 km from an accelerator at the J-PARC facility in Japan to Super-K, and is currently exploring unknown oscillation parameters. The DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) is a planned next-generation U.S.-based international experiment designed to observe neutrinos beamed from Fermilab to a large liquid argon detector at a new underground facility in South Dakota. One of Prof. Scholberg's particular interests on DUNE is the detector's sensitivity to the huge bursts of neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae.
Prof. Scholberg serves as spokesperson of COHERENT, a multi-detector experiment with the primary physics goal of measuring CEvNS (Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering) using the high-intensity neutrinos produced by the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. CEvNS was measured for the first time by the collaboration in 2017.
Prof. Scholberg was a co-founder of SNEWS, the SuperNova Early Warning System, an inter-experiment collaboration of detectors with Galactic supernova sensitivity. Neutrinos from a core collapse will precede the photon signal by hours; therefore coincident observation of a burst in several neutrino detectors will be a robust early warning of a visible supernova. The goals of SNEWS are to provide the astronomical community with a prompt alert of a Galactic core collapse, as well as to optimize global sensitivity to supernova neutrino physics.
- Current Ph.D. Students
(Former Students)
- Baran Bodur
- Adryanna Smith
- Erin Conley
- Justin Raybern
- Gleb Sinev
- Postdocs Mentored
- Daniel Pershey (2018 - present)
- Mayra Cervantes (2016 - 2018)
- Erin O'Sullivan (May, 2014 - 2017)
- Alex Himmel (July, 2011 - 2014)
- Tarek Akiri (March, 2011 - September, 2013)
- Jennifer Prendki (February, 2010 - December, 2010)
- Roger Wendell (July, 2008 - present)
- Maximilien Fechner (August, 2006 - July, 2008)
- Naho Tanimoto (April 1, 2005 - February, 2008)