Roxanne P. Springer, Professor

Office Location: 252 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
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Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1990
Research Categories: Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
Research Description: Prof. Roxanne Springer works on weak interactions (the force responsible for nuclear beta decay) and quantum chromodynamics (QCD, the force that binds quarks into hadrons). The weak interactions are an excellent place to look for fundamental symmetry violations which may occur in nature, while the study of QCD is necessary for understanding protons, neutrons, and their partner particles. Dr. Springer uses effective theories involving these forces to study processes in both nuclear and particle physics.
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- Physics 781.01, Quantum field theory
- Physics 259, TuTh 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
Recent Publications
(More Publications)
- Lin, X; Singh, H; Springer, RP; Vanasse, J, Cold neutron-deuteron capture and Wigner-SU(4) symmetry,
Physical Review C, vol. 108 no. 4
(October, 2023) [doi] [abs] [author's comments].
- Richardson, TR; Schindler, MR; Springer, RP, Implications of Large-N QCD for the NN Interaction,
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, vol. 73 no. 1
(September, 2023),
pp. 123-152 [doi] [abs].
- Tews, I; Davoudi, Z; Ekström, A; Holt, JD; Becker, K; Briceño, R; Dean, DJ; Detmold, W; Drischler, C; Duguet, T; Epelbaum, E; Gasparyan, A; Gegelia, J; Green, JR; Grießhammer, HW; Hanlon, AD; Heinz, M; Hergert, H; Hoferichter, M; Illa, M; Kekejian, D; Kievsky, A; König, S; Krebs, H; Launey, KD; Lee, D; Navrátil, P; Nicholson, A; Parreño, A; Phillips, DR; Płoszajczak, M; Ren, XL; Richardson, TR; Robin, C; Sargsyan, GH; Savage, MJ; Schindler, MR; Shanahan, PE; Springer, RP; Tichai, A; Kolck, UV; Wagman, ML; Walker-Loud, A; Yang, CJ; Zhang, X, Nuclear Forces for Precision Nuclear Physics: A Collection of Perspectives,
Few-Body Systems, vol. 63 no. 4
(December, 2022) [doi] [abs].
- T.R. Richardson, M.R. Schindler, R.P. Springer, Implications of Large-Nc QCD for the NN Interaction,
Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science, vol. 73
(Accepted, to appear in 2023) (commissioned review; arXiv: 2212.13049.) .
- C. Howell et al., International Workshop on Next Generation Gamma Source,
J. Phys G: Nucl. Part. Phys., vol. 49
pp. 010502 [author's comments].
Prof. Roxanne Springer works on weak interactions (the force responsible for nuclear beta decay) and quantum chromodynamics (QCD, the force that binds quarks into hadrons). The weak interactions are an excellent place to look for fundamental symmetry violations which may occur in nature, while the study of QCD is necessary for understanding protons, neutrons, and their partner particles. Dr. Springer uses effective theories involving these forces to study processes in both nuclear and particle physics.
Physics Department Goals and Policy on Conduct
- Postdocs Mentored
- Jared Vanasse (Aug 2012 -- Aug 2015)
- Andriy Badin (25 Aug 2010 -- 15 June 2012)
- Brian Tiburzi (2004 - 2007)
- Fabrizio Gabbiani (1997/08-2000/08)
- Silas Beane (1995/09-1997/09)