Werner Tornow, Professor Emeritus  

Werner Tornow

Office Location: 414 TUNL, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: werner.tornow@duke.edu
Web Page: http://www.tunl.duke.edu/~tornow/

Research Categories: Experimental Nuclear Physics

Research Description: Professor Werner Tornow became the Director of TUNL in July, 1996. He is primarily interested in studying few-nucleon systems with special emphasis on two-nucleon systems and three-nucleon force effects in three-nucleon systems. Polarized beams and polarized targets are essential in this work. He collaborates with the leading theoreticians in his field to interpret the experimental data obtained at TUNL. He recently became involved in weak-interaction physics, especially in double-beta decay studies and in neutrino oscillation physics using large scale detectors at the Kamland project in Japan.

Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Papst, O; Isaak, J; Werner, V; Savran, D; Pietralla, N; Battaglia, G; Beck, T; Beuschlein, M; Finch, SW; Friman-Gayer, U; Ide, KE; Janssens, RVF; Jones, MD; Kleemann, J; Löher, B; Scheck, M; Spieker, M; Tornow, W; Zidarova, R; Zilges, A, Deviations from the Porter-Thomas distribution due to non-statistical $γ$ decay below the $^{150}$Nd neutron separation threshold (January, Preprint, 2025) .
  2. Kleemann, J; Pietralla, N; Friman-Gayer, U; Isaak, J; Papst, O; Prifti, K; Werner, V; Ayangeakaa, AD; Beck, T; Colò, G; Cortés, ML; Finch, SW; Fulghieri, M; Gribble, D; Ide, KE; James, XK-H; Janssens, RVF; Johnson, SR; Koseoglou, P; Krishichayan; Savran, D; Tornow, W, Gamma Decay of the ^{154}Sm Isovector Giant Dipole Resonance: Smekal-Raman Scattering as a Novel Probe of Nuclear Ground-State Deformation., Physical review letters, vol. 134 no. 2 (January, 2025), pp. 022503 [doi]  [abs].
  3. Araki, T; Chauhan, S; Chiba, K; Eda, T; Eizuka, M; Funahashi, Y; Furuto, A; Gando, A; Gando, Y; Goto, S; Hachiya, T; Hata, K; Ichimura, K; Ikeda, H; Inoue, K; Ishidoshiro, K; Kamei, Y; Kawada, N; Kishimoto, Y; Koga, M; Marthe, A; Matsumoto, Y; Mitsui, T; Miyake, H; Morita, D; Nakajima, R; Nakamura, K; Nakamura, R; Nakane, J; Ono, T; Ozaki, H; Saito, K; Sakai, T; Shimizu, I; Shirai, J; Shiraishi, K; Suzuki, A; Tachibana, K; Tamae, K; Watanabe, H; Watanabe, K; Kurosawa, S; Urano, Y; Yoshida, S; Umehara, S; Fushimi, K; Kotera, K; Berger, BE; Fujikawa, BK; Learned, JG; Maricic, J; Fu, Z; Ghosh, S; Smolsky, J; Winslow, LA; Efremenko, Y; Karwowski, HJ; Markoff, DM; Tornow, W; Delloro, S; Odonnell, T; Detwiler, JA; Enomoto, S; Decowski, MP; Weerman, KM; Grant, C; Penek, Ö; Song, H; Li, A; Axani, SN; Garcia, M; Sarfraz, M, Limits on the Low-Energy Electron Antineutrino Flux from the Brightest GRB of All Time (October, Preprint, 2024) .
  4. Abe, S; Eizuka, M; Futagi, S; Gando, A; Gando, Y; Goto, S; Hachiya, T; Hata, K; Ichimura, K; Ieki, S; Ikeda, H; Inoue, K; Ishidoshiro, K; Kamei, Y; Kawada, N; Kishimoto, Y; Koga, M; Kurasawa, M; Mitsui, T; Miyake, H; Morita, D; Nakahata, T; Nakajima, R; Nakamura, K; Nakamura, R; Nakane, J; Ozaki, H; Saito, K; Sakai, T; Shimizu, I; Shirai, J; Shiraishi, K; Shoji, R; Suzuki, A; Takeuchi, A; Tamae, K; Watanabe, H; Watanabe, K; Yoshida, S; Umehara, S; Fushimi, K; Kotera, K; Urano, Y; Berger, BE; Fujikawa, BK; Learned, JG; Maricic, J; Fu, Z; Smolsky, J; Winslow, LA; Efremenko, Y; Karwowski, HJ; Markoff, DM; Tornow, W; Dell’Oro, S; O’Donnell, T; Detwiler, JA; Enomoto, S; Decowski, MP; Weerman, KM; Grant, C; Song, H; Li, A; Axani, SN; Garcia, M; Suzuki, S; Abe, K; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Hosokawa, K; Ieki, K; Ikeda, M; Kameda, J; Kanemura, Y; Kaneshima, R; Kashiwagi, Y; Kataoka, Y; Miki, S; Mine, S; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakahata, M; Nakano, Y; Nakayama, S; Noguchi, Y; Sato, K; Sekiya, H; Shiba, H; Shimizu, K; Shiozawa, M; Sonoda, Y; Suzuki, Y; Takeda, A; Takemoto, Y; Tanaka, H; Yano, T; Han, S, Combined Pre-supernova Alert System with KamLAND and Super-Kamiokande, Astrophysical Journal, vol. 973 no. 2 (October, 2024) [doi]  [abs].
  5. Savran, D; Isaak, J; Albe, K; Ayangeakaa, AD; Beuschlein, M; Finch, SW; Gribble, D; Gupta, A; Hauf, J; James, XKH; Janssens, RVF; Johnson, SR; Koseoglou, P; Kowalewski, TM; Löher, B; Papst, O; Pietralla, N; Rohrer, J; Saracino, A; Sensharma, N; Tornow, W; Werner, V, Transition width of the Jπ=1- two-phonon state of Sr 88, Physical Review C, vol. 110 no. 2 (August, 2024) [doi]  [abs].


My research interests are in experimental nuclear physics studies performed with beams of neutrons, photons and neutrinos. While the early focus was on polarization phenomena in few-body systems studied mainly with polarized neutrons first at the University of Tuebingen and later at TUNL (Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory at Duke University), subsequent activities include experiments in the broad field of weak-interaction nuclear physics.

In 1998 TUNL joined the KamLAND collaboration in Japan to pursue reactor antineutrino oscillation measurements. Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), I was the principle investigator (PI) of TUNL’s effort in building the veto detector of KamLAND. At about the same time I became one of the four originators of the Majorana zero-neutrino double-beta decay experiment on 76Ge, which later received DOE funding and is now known as the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. Simultaneously, my group performed two-neutrino double-beta decay experiments to excited states in the daughter nucleus at TUNL and at the Kimballton mine in Virginia. In 2011, the KamLAND detector was modified to search for the zero-neutrino double-beta decay of 136Xe, resulting in the currently most stringent lower limit of larger than 3.8 x 1026 years for the decay half-life time for any zero-neutrino double-beta decay candidate nucleus, corresponding to an effective neutrino mass in the range of 28 to 125 meV, depending on the adopted nuclear matrix element calculations.  

When I started my 10-year tenure as Director of TUNL in 1996, the Duke University Free-Electron Laser Laboratory (DFFLL), funded at the time by the U.S. Air Force Medical Free-Electron Laser Program, was already collaborating with nuclear physics faculty at TUNL In November 1996 I was fortunate enough to detect the first high-energy photons produced via Compton backscattering of free-electron laser low-energy photons from electrons circulating in the Duke 1.1 GeV electron storage ring. This was the beginning of HIGS, the High-Intensity Gamma-ray Source (strictly speaking the notation “Gamma-ray” is somewhat misleading; the “Gamma-Rays” produced at HIGS are actually high-energy photons and do not originate from nuclei, as gamma-rays do). After years of work sufficient funding was raised from DOE and Duke University to upgrade HIGS and convert it into a Nuclear Physics research facility operated by TUNL. As a result, I had to enlarge my nuclear physics portfolio to now include many-body physics as well, in order to manage the research opportunity provided by this worldwide unique facility. Here, nuclear structure experiments performed with mono-energetic incident photons in the 2 to 15 MeV energy range were of special interest for the many users from all around the world.  

After retiring from teaching at Duke University in 2011, my research focus at TUNL’s Tandem Accelerator Laboratory was on experiments with mono-energetic neutron beams in the 0.5 to 30 MeV energy range. Here, nuclear fission studies have played a major role for about 12 years. In addition, my research group performed measurements to help quantify the neutron-induced background in zero-neutrino double-beta decay searches on 76Ge, 130Te and 136Xe as well as in associated shielding materials, including 40Ar. Furthermore, we studied reactions of importance for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) to help better understand the complicated physics governing the plasma generated in inertial confinement fusion laser shots at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All these activities were supported by the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Program of DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).    

Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

  • Matthew Gooden  
  • Sean Finch  
  • Anthony L. Hutcheson  
  • James H. Esterline  
Postdocs Mentored

  • Chitra Bhatia (2011/12-present)  
  • Rajarshi Raut (2009 - July 31, 2011)  
  • Gencho Rusev (2008 - November 14, 2011)  
  • Elaine Kwan (2008 - July 31, 2010)  
  • Kengo Nakamura (2000-2005)  
  • Christopher D. Roper (1999 - 2000)  
  • Richard T. Braun (1998 - 1999)  
  • Dinko Gonzalez Trotter (1998 - 1999)  
  • Richard T. Braun (1998 - 1999)  
  • Dinko E. Gonzalez Trotter (1997 - 1999)