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Experimental nuclear physics
Ph.D., Duke University, 1967
Research Categories: Experimental Nuclear Physics
Current projects: Low energy nuclear physics at TUNL, Photonuclear studies at HIGS (DFELl), International Collaboration to study the GDH Sum Rule in Mainz, Germany, International Collaboration to study nuclear structure using NRF at HIGS and Darmstadt, Germany
Research Description: Dr. Weller's research program at TUNL has been concentrated on using radiative capture reactions induced by polarized beams of protons and deuterons to study nuclear systems. These measurements have permitted him to observe the "D-state" in the 4He nucleus, which arises from the two body tensor force. This result changes the rate of the d+d fusion reaction by almost a factor of 50 at very low energies. This is of great interest in nuclear astrophysics. In the past year, he has focused on studies of (d,n) reactions using very low energy polarized beams. Such studies have not been previously performed. These reactions are of great interest in nuclear astrophysics. Dr. Weller is also working to help develop an intense beam of polarized gamma-rays using the facilities of the Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory. (Dr. Weller is the Nuclear Physics Program Manager and is in charge of the development of the target room for the HIGS Project at DFELL). This beam will ultimately allow new experimental studies capable of testing fundamental aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics in the low-energy sector, such as the up-to-down quark mass ratio. The experiments at HIGS require very sophisticated targets and detector systems. Dr. Weller is leading the development of these. The first experiments using these setups and the upgraded HIGS facility are expected to begin in the spring of 2008.
Areas of Interest:
Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions
Photonuclear reactions studied with gamma-rays
Nuclear Astrophysics
Recent Publications (More Publications)
Dr. Weller's research program at TUNL has been concentrated on using radiative capture reactions induced by polarized beams of protons and deuterons to study nuclear systems. These measurements have permitted him to observe the "D-state" in the 4He nucleus, which arises from the two body tensor force. This result changes the rate of the d+d fusion reaction by almost a factor of 50 at very low energies. This is of great interest in nuclear astrophysics. In the past year, he has focused on studies of (d,n) reactions using very low energy polarized beams. Such studies have not been previously performed. These reactions are of great interest in nuclear astrophysics. Dr. Weller is also working to help develop an intense beam of polarized gamma-rays using the facilities of the Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory. (Dr. Weller is the Nuclear Physics Program Manager and is in charge of the development of the target room for the HIGS Project at DFELL). This beam will ultimately allow new experimental studies capable of testing fundamental aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics in the low-energy sector, such as the up-to-down quark mass ratio. The experiments at HIGS require very sophisticated targets and detector systems. Dr. Weller is leading the development of these. The first experiments using these setups and the upgraded HIGS facility are expected to begin in the spring of 2008.