Kristine E. Callan, Entered 2005/06  

Kristine E. Callan

Office Location: 183 Physics
Office Phone: (919) 660-2512
Email Address:
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Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems

MS, Duke University, 2008
BS, Pacific University, 2005

Research Description: The study of chaos has been an active area of interdisciplinary research since the 1970s. Today, researchers are interested in practical applications of chaos, such as chaos communications and ranging, which require simple devices that produce complex and high-speed dynamics. Furthermore, since all physical signals travel at finite speeds, it is important to understand how inherent time delays in these devices interact with nonlinearities to affect their behavior. The continuing development of optical, electronic and optoelectronic systems with time-delayed feedback has emerged as a top contender for these applications and for fundamental investigations of time-delay systems. I study an optoelectronic device with bandpass filtered feedback that displays a rich variety of dynamics, including ‘featureless’ broadband chaos, multi-timescale dynamics (‘breathers’), and a number of different pulsing behaviors.

Recent Publications

  1. K.E. Callan, Broadband Chaos, in Nonlinear Laser Dynamics, Reviews in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, edited by Kathy Ludge (January, 2012), pp. 317-332 [available here] .
  2. D. P. Rosin, K. E. Callan, D. J. Gauthier, E. Schoell, Pulse-train solutions and excitability in an optoelectronic oscillator, Europhysics Letters, vol. 96 no. 3 (October 12, 2011), pp. 34001 [34001], [doi]  [abs].
  3. K. E. Callan, L. Illing, Z. Gao, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schoell, Broadband Chaos Generated by an Optoelectronic Oscillator, Physical Review Letters, vol. 104 (2010), pp. 113901 [PhysRevLett.104.113901], [doi]  [abs].
  4. R. J. Wiener, K. E. Callan, S. C. Hall, and T. Olsen, Proportional feedback control of chaos in a simple electronic oscillator, The American Journal of Physics, vol. 74 (2006), pp. 200 [p200_s1]  [abs].