Publications [#208791] of Seth D. Cohen

Papers Published
  1. S.D. Cohen, D. J. Gauthier, A pseudo-matched filter for chaos, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 22 no. 033148 (2012) [p033148_s1], [doi] .

    A matched filter maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal. In the recent work of Corron et al. [Chaos 20, 023123 (2010)], a matched filter is derived for the chaotic waveforms produced by a piecewise-linear system. This system produces a readily available binary symbolic dynamics that can be used to perform correlations in the presence of large amounts of noise using the matched filter. Motivated by these results, we describe a pseudo-matched filter, which operates similarly to the original matched filter. It consists of a notch filter followed by a first-order, low-pass filter. We compare quantitatively the matched filter’s performance to that of our pseudomatched filter using correlation functions. On average, the pseudo-matched filter performs with a correlation signal-to-noise ratio that is 2.0 dB below that of the matched filter. Our pseudo-matched filter, though somewhat inferior in comparison to the matched filter, is easily realizable at high speed (> 1 GHz) for potential radar applications.