Forrest Friesen, Research Scientist  

Forrest Friesen

Office Location: 424 TUNL
Email Address:

Experimental nuclear physics

BA In Physics with Honors, Grinnell College, 2011

Research Description: Research and development work for differential cross section measurements of photodisintegration of the triton. Involves design and implementation of wire/strip chambers, silicon strip detectors, gaseous tritium targets with associated containment and recovery systems, as well as the data acquisition system.

Areas of Interest:
Experimental Nuclear Physics
FPGA design
Instrumentation Design
Neural Networks
Computer Architecture

Recent Publications

  1. C.H. Skinner, J.P. Allain, M.G. Bell, F.Q.L. Friesen, B. Heim, M.A. Jaworski, H. Kugel, R Maingi, B. Rais, C.N. Taylor, Lithium wall conditioning and surface dust detection on NSTX, Physica Scripta no. T145 (December, 2011) .
  2. A.L. Roquemore, B. John, F. Friesen, K. Hartzfeld, D.K. Mansfield, Techniques for injection of pre-characterized dust into the scrape-off layer of fusion plasma, Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 86 (October, 2011) .
  3. F.Q.L. Friesen, B. John, C.H. Skinner, L. Roquemore, C. Calle, Evaluation of an electrostatic dust removal system with potential application in next-step fusion devices, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 82 no. 5 (May, 2011) .