Publications [#247952] of Thomas J Phillips

Papers Published
  1. with T Affolder, D Allspach, D Ambrose, J Bialek, W Bokhari, M Brozovic, M Binkley, K Burkett, A Byon-Wagner, F Cogswell, N Dressnandt, Z Feng, M Franklin, L Galtieri, DW Gerdes, J Greenwood, V Guarino, JGD Costa, R Haggerty, C Hall, J Heinrich, A Holloway, T Jacobi, K Kephart, D Khazins, YK Kim, M Kirby, W Kononenko, AV Kotwal, J Kraus, TM Liss, N Lockyer, R Madrak, T Miao, A Mukherjee, C Neu, M Newcomer, JM Niczyporuk, L Nodulman, W Orejudous, TJ Phillips, KT Pitts, W Reigler, R Richards, C Rivetta, WJ Robertson, R Roser, L Sadler, R Sandberg, S Sansone, R Schmitt, K Schultz, D Shuman, R Silva, P Singh, R Snihur, P Tamburello, J Taylor, R Thurman-Keup, D Tousignant, F Ukegawa, RV Berg, G Veramendi, T Vickey, J Wacker, RL Wagner, R Weidenbach, WCW III, HH Williams, P Wilson, P Wittich, A Yagil, I Yu, S Yu and JC Yun, CDF Central Outer Tracker, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 526 no. 3 (2004), pp. 249-299(FERMILAB-PUB-03-355-E.) [science], [doi] .

    The Central Outer Tracker is a large cylindrical drift chamber constructed to replace Collider Detector at Fermilab's original central drift chamber for the higher luminosity expected for Run 2 at the Fermilab Tevatron. The chamber's drift properties are described in the context of meeting the operating requirements for Run 2. The design and construction of the chamber, the front-end readout electronics, and the high-voltage system are described in detail. Wire aging considerations are also discussed. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.