with D Acosta, T Affolder, H Akimoto, MG Albrow, D Ambrose, D Amidei, K Anikeev, J Antos, G Apollinari, T Arisawa, A Artikov, T Asakawa, W Ashmanskas, F Azfar, P Azzi-Bacchetta, N Bacchetta, H Bachacou, W Badgett, S Bailey, P de Barbaro, A Barbaro-Galtieri, VE Barnes, BA Barnett, S Baroiant, M Barone, G Bauer, F Bedeschi, S Behari, S Belforte, WH Bell, G Bellettini, J Bellinger, D Benjamin, J Bensinger, A Beretvas, J Berryhill, A Bhatti, M Binkley, D Bisello, M Bishai, RE Blair, C Blocker, K Bloom, B Blumenfeld, SR Blusk, A Bocci, A Bodek, G Bolla, Y Bonushkin, D Bortoletto, J Boudreau, A Brandl, C Bromberg, M Brozovic, E Brubaker, N Bruner, J Budagov, HS Budd, K Burkett, G Busetto, KL Byrum, S Cabrera, P Calafiura, M Campbell, W Carithers, J Carlson, D Carlsmith, W Caskey, A Castro, D Cauz, A Cerri, AW Chan, PS Chang, PT Chang, J Chapman, C Chen, YC Chen, MT Cheng, M Chertok, G Chiarelli, I Chirikov-Zorin, G Chlachidze, F Chlebana, L Christofek, ML Chu, JY Chung, WH Chung, YS Chung, CI Ciobanu, AG Clark, M Coca, AP Colijn, A Connolly, M Convery, J Conway, M Cordelli, J Cranshaw, R Culbertson, D Dagenhart, S D'Auria, F DeJongh, S Dell'Agnello, M Dell'Orso, S Demers, L Demortier, M Deninno, PF Derwent, T Devlin, JR Dittmann, A Dominguez, S Donati, M D'Onofrio, T Dorigo, I Dunietz, N Eddy, K Einsweiler, E Engels, R Erbacher, D Errede, S Errede, Q Fan, HC Fang, RG Feild, JP Fernandez, C Ferretti, RD Field, I Fiori, B Flaugher, LR Flores-Castillo, GW Foster, M Franklin, J Freeman, J Friedman, Y Fukui, I Furic, S Galeotti, A Gallas, M Gallinaro, T Gao, M Garcia-Sciveres, AF Garfinkel, P Gatti, C Gay, DW Gerdes, E Gerstein, P Giannetti, K Giolo, M Giordani, P Giromini, V Glagolev, D Glenzinski, M Gold, J Goldstein, G Gomez, I Gorelov, AT Goshaw, Y Gotra, K Goulianos, C Green, G Grim, C Grosso-Pilcher, M Guenther, G Guillian, JG da Costa, RM Haas, C Haber, SR Hahn, C Hall, T Handa, R Handler, F Happacher, K Hara, AD Hardman, RM Harris, F Hartmann, K Hatakeyama, J Hauser, J Heinrich, A Heiss, M Herndon, C Hill, A Hocker, KD Hoffman, R Hollebeek, L Holloway, BT Huffman, R Hughes, J Huston, J Huth, H Ikeda, J Incandela, G Introzzi, A Ivanov, J Iwai, Y Iwata, E James, M Jones, U Joshi, H Kambara, T Kamon, T Kaneko, MK Unel, K Karr, S Kartal, H Kasha, Y Kato, TA Keaffaber, K Kelley, M Kelly, RD Kennedy, R Kephart, D Khazins, T Kikuchi, B Kilminster, BJ Kim, DH Kim, HS Kim, MJ Kim, SB Kim, SH Kim, YK Kim, M Kirby, M Kirk, L Kirsch, S Klimenko, P Koehn, K Kondo, J Konigsberg, A Korn, A Korytov, E Kovacs, J Kroll, M Kruse, V Krutelyov, SE Kuhlmann, K Kurino, T Kuwabara, AT Laasanen, N Lai, S Lami, S Lammel, J Lancaster, M Lancaster, R Lander, A Lath, G Latino, T LeCompte, Y Le, K Lee, SW Lee, S Leone, JD Lewis, M Lindgren, TM Liss, JB Liu, T Liu, YC Liu, DO Litvintsev, O Lobban, NS Lockyer, J Loken, M Loreti, D Lucchesi, P Lukens, S Lusin, L Lyons, J Lys, R Madrak, K Maeshima, P Maksimovic, L Malferrari, M Mangano, G Manca, M Mariotti, G Martignon, M Martin, A Martin, V Martin, JAJ Matthews, P Mazzanti, KS McFarland, P McIntyre, M Menguzzato, A Menzione, P Merkel, C Mesropian, A Meyer, T Miao, R Miller, JS Miller, H Minato, S Miscetti, M Mishina, G Mitselmakher, Y Miyazaki, N Moggi, E Moore, R Moore, Y Morita, T Moulik, M Mulhearn, A Mukherjee, T Muller, A Munar, P Murat, S Murgia, J Nachtman, V Nagaslaev, S Nahn, H Nakada, I Nakano, R Napora, C Nelson, T Nelson, C Neu, D Neuberger, C Newman-Holmes, CYP Ngan, T Nigmanov, H Niu, L Nodulman, A Nomerotski, SH Oh, YD Oh, T Ohmoto, T Ohsugi, R Oishi, T Okusawa, J Olsen, W Orejudos, C Pagliarone, F Palmonari, R Paoletti, V Papadimitriou, D Partos, J Patrick, G Pauletta, M Paulini, T Pauly, C Paus, D Pellett, L Pescara, TJ Phillips, G Piacentino, J Piedra, KT Pitts, R Plunkett, A Pompos, L Pondrom, G Pope, T Pratt, F Prokoshin, J Proudfoot, F Ptohos, O Pukhov, G Punzi, J Rademacker, A Rakitine, F Ratnikov, D Reher, A Reichold, P Renton, A Ribon, W Riegler, F Rimondi, L Ristori, M Riveline, WJ Robertson, T Rodrigo, S Rolli, L Rosenson, R Roser, R Rossin, C Rott, A Roy, A Ruiz, A Safonov, R St Denis, WK Sakumoto, D Saltzberg, C Sanchez, A Sansoni, L Santi, H Sato, P Savard, A Savoy-Navarro, P Schlabach, EE Schmidt, MP Schmidt, M Schmitt, L Scodellaro, A Scott, A Scribano, A Sedov, S Seidel, Y Seiya, A Semenov, F Semeria, T Shah, MD Shapiro, PF Shepard, T Shibayama, M Shimojima, M Shochet, A Sidoti, J Siegrist, A Sill, P Sinervo, P Singh, AJ Slaughter, K Sliwa, FD Snider, A Solodsky, J Spalding, T Speer, M Spezziga, P Sphicas, F Spinella, M Spiropulu, L Spiegel, J Steele, A Stefanini, J Strologas, F Strumia, D Stuart, K Sumorok, T Suzuki, T Takano, R Takashima, K Takikawa, P Tamburello, M Tanaka, B Tannenbaum, M Tecchio, RJ Tesarek, PK Teng, K Terashi, S Tether, AS Thompson, E Thomson, R Thurman-Keup, P Tipton, S Tkaczyk, D Toback, K Tollefson, A Tollestrup, D Tonelli, M Tonnesmann, H Toyoda, W Trischuk, JF de Troconiz, J Tseng, D Tsybychev, N Turini, F Ukegawa, T Vaiciulis, J Valls, E Vataga, S Vejcik, G Velev, G Veramendi, R Vidal, I Vila, R Vilar, I Volobouev, M von der Mey, D Vucinic, RG Wagner, RL Wagner, W Wagner, NB Wallace, Z Wan, C Wang, MJ Wang, SM Wang, B Ward, S Waschke, T Watanabe, D Waters, T Watts, M Weber, H Wenzel, WC Wester, AB Wicklund, E Wicklund, T Wilkes, HH Williams, P Wilson, BL Winer, D Winn, S Wolbers, D Wolinski, J Wolinski, S Wolinski, S Worm, X Wu, J Wyss, UK Yang, W Yao, GP Yeh, P Yeh, K Yi, J Yoh, C Yosef, T Yoshida, I Yu, S Yu, Z Yu, JC Yun, A Zanetti, F Zetti, S Zucchelli and CDF Collaboration, Momentum distribution of charged particles in jets in dijet events in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV and comparisons to perturbative QCD predictions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 68 no. 1
(July, 2003),
pp. 012003 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
Inclusive momentum distributions of charged particles in restricted
cones around jet axes were measured in dijet events with invariant dijet
masses in the range 80 to 600 GeV/c2. Events were produced at the
Fermilab Tevatron in pp-bar collisions with a center of mass energy of
1.8 TeV and recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The results
were compared to perturbative QCD calculations carried out in the
framework of the modified leading log approximation (MLLA) and
assuming local parton-hadron duality. It was shown that the data follow
theoretical predictions quite well over the whole range of the jet energies
included in this analysis. We extracted the MLLA cutoff scale Qeff and
found a value of 230±40 MeV. The theoretical prediction of Ejetsin theta
c scaling, where theta c is the cone opening angle, was experimentally
observed for the first time. From the MLLA fits to the data, two more
parameters were extracted: the ratio of parton multiplicities in gluon and
quark jets, r=Ng-jetpartons/Nq-jetpartons=1.9±0.5, and the ratio of
the number of charged hadrons to the number of predicted partons in a
jet, KchargedLPHD=Nchargedhadrons/Npartons=0.56±0.10.