Office Location: Room 208, FEL Laboratory
Office Phone: 919-549-4257
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Research Description: My research interests are in the mathematical and physical modeling of complex adaptive phenomena, from physical processes whose evolution cannot be described by differential equations of motion, to biomedical phenomena that are so complex that we have little idea of how to mathematically describe them. I have worked on the applications of discontinuous statistical processes (Levy distributions) to all manner of phenomena including quantum chaos, non-equilibrium statistical physics and the statistics of biomedical time series. Most recently I have worked on the development of the fractional calculus for the study of stochastic processes for which the evolution of the probability density cannot be described by a partial differential equation, but requires a fractional propagation-transport equation. Recent areas of application of these ideas have included financial markets, fluctuations in global temperature, heart rate variability, migraines, variability in human gait, and quantum information.
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