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David E. Price, Professor Emeritus

David E. Price
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On leave, serving in the U.S. House of Representatives (4th District)
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Ph.D., Yale University, 1969

American Politics
Research Interests: Congress and Ethics

Price taught political science and public policy at Duke University. He is the author of four books on Congress and the American political system. He is a founding member of the Democratic Leadership Council, an organization of moderate Democrats. He served as Executive Director of the N.C. Democratic Party from 1979-80 and as Chairman from 1983-84. In 1990, Price was awarded the American Political Science Association's Hubert H. Humphrey Public Service Award. He has also been honored by the National Council of State Housing Agencies, the Association of Community College Trustees, the National Association of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities and other organizations for his work in housing and education policy.

Recent Publications

  1. Price, DE, Recruiting Teachers: A Communitarian Approach, in The Responsive Community (2002) .
  2. Price, DE; McCorkle, M, "Wilson Carey McWilliams and Communitarianism, in Friends and Citizens: Essays in Honor of Wilson Carey McWilliams, edited by Bathory, PD; Schwartz, NL (2001), Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield .
  3. Price, DE, Giving Politics its Due, in Serving the Claims of Justice: The Thoughts of Paul B. Henry, edited by Koopman, D (2001), Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics .
  4. Price, DE, Biennial Budgeting Not the Answer, Roll Call (March, 2000), pp. 38-38 .
  5. Price, DE, The Congressional Experience, 2nd edition (2000), Boulder: Westview Press .

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