Publications of James T. Hamilton
- J.T. Hamilton, Conserving Data in the Conservation Reserve Program: How a Regulatory Program Runs on Imperfect Information
(2010), Washington, DC: Resources for the Future Press .
- Scott de Marchi and J.T. Hamilton, You Are What You Choose: The Habits of Mind that Really Determine How We Make Decisions
(2009), New York: Portfolio (Penguin Group) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Regulation Through Revelation: The Origin and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program
(2005), New York: Cambridge University Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, All the News That's Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms Information into News
(2004), Princeton: Princeton University Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, Channeling Violence: The Economic Market for Violent Television Programming
(2000), Princeton University Press, paperback edition .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi, Calculating Risks? The Spatial and Political Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Policy
(1999), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, Channeling Violence: The Economic Market for Violent Television Programming
(1998), Princeton: Princeton University Press (Paperback edition 2000.) .
- Television Violence and Public Policy, edited by J. T. Hamilton
(1998), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (Paperback edition 2000.) .
- J.T. Hamilton with Charles Brown and James Medoff, Employers Large and Small
(1990), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press .
- J.T. Hamilton with Joseph P. Kalt, The FACS/Ford Study of Economic and Business Journalism
(1987), Los Angeles: Foundation for American Communications and the Ford Foundation .
Chapters in Books
- J.T. Hamilton, "Measuring Spillovers in Markets for Local Public Affairs Coverage",
in The Oxford Handbook of Political Communication, edited by Kate Kenski and Kathleen Hall Jamieson
(Forthcoming 2012), Oxford University Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, "What's the Incentive to Save Journalism?",
in Will the Last Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights: The Collapse of Journalism and What Can be Done to Fix It, edited by Robert W. McChesney and Victor Pickard
pp. 277-288, New Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, The Market and the Media,
in Institutions of American Democracy: The Press, edited by Overholser and Jamieson
(2005), Oxford University Press .
- J.T. Hamilton, Environmental Equity and the Siting of Hazardous Waste Facilities in OECD Countries: Evidence and Policies,
in International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006, edited by Tietenberg and Folmer
(2005), Edward Elgar .
- J.T. Hamilton, Going by the *(Informal) Book: The EPA's Use of Informal Rules in Enforcing Hazardous Waste Laws,
in Reinventing Government and The Problem of Bureaucracy, edited by Gary Libecap
pp. 109-155, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press .
Journal Articles
- Brian G. Southwell, J.T. Hamilton, and Jonathan S. Slater, "Why Addressing the Poor and Underserved is Vexing",
Health Communication, vol. 26 no. 6
pp. 583-585 .
- Sarah Cohen, J. T. Hamilton, and Fred Turner, "Computational Journalism: How Computer Scientists Can Empower Journalists, Democracy's Watchdogs, in the Production of News in the Public Interest",
Communications of the ACM, vol. 54 no. 10
pp. 66-71 .
- J.T. Hamilton, The (Many) Missing Markets for International News: How News From Abroad Sells at Home",
Journalism Studies, vol. 11 no. 5
pp. 650-666 .
- J.T. Hamilton, News That Sells: Media Competition and News Content,
Japanese Journal of Political Science, vol. 8 no. 1
pp. 7-42 .
- Scott de Marchi and J.T. Hamilton, Assessing the Accuracy of Self-Reported Data: An Evaluation of the Toxics Release Inventory,
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty no. 32
pp. 57-76 .
- J.T. Hamilton with Ted Gayer and W. Kip Viscusi, The Market Value of Reducing Cancer Risk: Hedonic Housing Prices with Changing Information,
Southern Economic Journal, vol. 69 no. 2
pp. 266-289 .
- J.T. Hamilton with Ted Gayer and W. Kip Viscusi, Private Values of Risk Tradeoffs at Superfund Site: Housing Market Evidence on Learning about Risk,
Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 82 no. 3
(August, 2000),
pp. 439-451 .
- J.T. Hamilton with Kip Viscusi, How Costly is 'Clean'?: An Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Superfund Site Remediations,
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 18 no. 1
(Winter, 1999),
pp. 2-27 .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi, Are Risk Regulators Rational? Evidence From Hazardous Waste Cleanup Decisions,
American Economic Review, vol. 89 no. 4
(September, 1999),
pp. 1010-1027 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Exercising Property Rights to Pollute: Do Cancer Risks and Politics Affect Plant Emission Reductions?,
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 18 no. 2
(August, 1999),
pp. 105-124 .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi and P. Christen Dockins, Conservative versus Mean Risk Assessments: Implications for Superfund Policies,
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 34
(November, 1997),
pp. 187-206 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Taxes, Torts, and the Toxics Release Inventory: Congressional Voting on Instruments to Control Pollution,
Economic Inquiry, vol. 35 no. 4
(October, 1997),
pp. 745-762 .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi, The Benefits and Costs of Regulatory Reforms for Superfund,
Stanford Environmental Law Journal, vol. 16 no. 2
(May, 1997),
pp. 159-198 .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi, Cleaning Up Superfund,
The Public Interest, vol. 124
(Summer, 1996),
pp. 52-60 .
- J.T. Hamilton with Helen F. Ladd, Biased Ballots? The Impact of Ballot Structure on North Carolina Elections in 1992,
Public Choice, vol. 87
(June, 1996),
pp. 259-280 .
- J.T. Hamilton with John Brehm, Noncompliance in Environmental Reporting: Are Violators Ignorant, or Evasive, of the Law?,
American Journal of Political Science, vol. 40 no. 2
(May, 1996),
pp. 444-477 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Private Interests in 'Public Interest' Programming: An Economic Assessment of Broadcaster Incentives,
Duke Law Journal, vol. 45 no. 6
pp. 1177-1192 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Testing for Environmental Racism: Prejudice, Profits, Political Power?,
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 14 no. 1
(Winter, 1995),
pp. 107-132 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Pollution as News: Media and Stock Market Reactions to the Toxics Release Inventory Data,
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 28
(January, 1995),
pp. 98-113 .
- J.T. Hamilton with W. Kip Viscusi, Human Health Risk Assessments for Superfund,
Ecology Law Quarterly, vol. 21 no. 3
pp. 573-641 (Revised version published as "The Magnitude
and Policy Implications of Health Risks
from Hazardous Waste Sites," in Richard L.
Revesz and Richard B. Stewart (eds.),
Analyzing Superfund: Economics, Science,
and Law (Washington: Resources for the
Future, 1995), 55-81; reprinted in part in
Richard L. Revesz (ed.) Foundations of
Environmental Law and Policy (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1997), 256-263.) .
- J.T. Hamilton with Christopher H. Schroeder, Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal and Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste,
Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 57
(Winter/Spring 1994),
pp. 111-160 .
- J.T. Hamilton, Politics and Social Costs: Estimating the Impact of Collective Action on Hazardous Waste Facilities,
Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 24 no. 1
(Spring, 1993),
pp. 101-125 (Reprinted in Roger D. Congleton (ed.), The
Political Economy of Environmental
Protection: Analysis and Evidence (Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996.) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Lower Pay for Analysis: Greater Rewards are Offered Those Writing Economics from Human Interest and Political Viewpoints,
Nieman Reports, vol. XLV
(Fall, 1991) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Missing and the Mark(et) in Siting Hazardous Waste Facilities,
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, vol. I
(1991) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Co-editor and Co-organizer for conference volume entitlted "News in the Public Interest: A Free and Subsidized Press"
(2004), Reilly Center, Manship School of Mass Communications, Louisiana State University .
- J.T. Hamilton, Media Coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility
(2003) (Working paper for Shorenstein Center on
Press and Public Policy.) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Special editor and organizer for conference volume entitled "Regulating Regulation: The Political Economy of Administrative Procedures and Regulatory Instruments,
Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 57
(Winter/Spring 1994) .
- J.T. Hamilton with Victor Hasselblad, The Toxics Release Inventory: Information Provision and Pollution Reduction
(1993) (Case Study.) .
- J.T. Hamilton with Frederick Mayer, Hazardous Waste in North Carolina
(1992) (Case Study.) .
- J.T. Hamilton, Politics and Social Cost: Hazardous Waste Facilities in a Truly Coasian World,
Institute of Policy Sciences and Public Affairs Working Paper
(June, 1991) .
- J.T. Hamilton with Henry Lee, Rapporteur's Report: Executive Session on Northeast Electric Power Policy,
Discussion Paper Series
(May, 1987), Energy and Environmental Policy Center, Kennedy School of Government .
- J.T. Hamilton with Joseph P. Kalt and Henry Lee, A Review of the Adequacy of Electric Power Generating Capacity in the United States, 1985-93-Beyond,
Discussion Paper Series
(June, 1986), Discussion Paper Series, Energy and Environmental Policy Center, Kennedy School of Government .
Book Chapter
- J.T. Hamilton, Environmental Equity and the Siting of Hazardous Waste Facilities in OECD Countries: Evidence and Policies,
in The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy.., edited by Yse Serret and Nick Johnstone
(2006), Edward Elgar and OECD .