Publications of Kristin A. Goss


  1. Carlson, J; Goss, KA; Shapira, H, Gun Studies Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics, Policy, and Practice (November, 2018), pp. 348 pages, Routledge .
  2. Cook, PJ; Goss, KA, The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know (2014), pp. 280 pages, Oxford University Press .
  3. Cook, PJ; Goss, KA, The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know (2014), pp. 336 pages, Oxford University Press .
  4. Goss, KA, The Paradox of Gender Equality (December, 2012), pp. 240 pages, University of Michigan Press .
  5. Goss, KA, Disarmed: The missing movement for gun control in America (December, 2010), pp. 1-282 .
  6. Goss, KA, Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America (2006, 2009) .
  7. Goss, KA, Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America (2006), Princeton University Press .

Chapters in Books

  1. Goss, KA, Women's Citizenship and American Democracy, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 1-23 .
  2. Goss, KA, Women, Citizenship, and Public Policy in the 21st Century, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 186-201 .
  3. Goss, KA, How the Foreign and Health Policy Testimony Was Selected, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 207-208 .
  4. Goss, KA, From Public Interest to "Special Interests", in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 76-104 .
  5. Goss, KA, How Public Policy Shaped Women's Civic Place, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 157-185 .
  6. Goss, KA, THE PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY How American Women's Groups Gained and Lost Their Public Voice Preface to the 2020 Edition, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. XV-+ .
  7. Goss, KA, Sameness, Difference, and Women's Civic Place, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 105-129 .
  9. Goss, KA, Congressional Hearings Data and Other Sources, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 203-206 .
  10. Goss, KA, What Drove the Changes? The Not-So-Easy Answers, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 130-156 .
  11. Goss, KA, Suffrage and the Rise of Women's Policy Advocacy, in PARADOX OF GENDER EQUALITY: HOW AMERICAN WOMEN'S GROUPS GAINED AND LOST THEIR PUBLIC VOICE (2020), pp. 24-47 .
  12. Goss, KA, US women's groups in national policy debates, 1880-2000, in 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment: An Appraisal of Women's Political Activism (February, 2018), pp. 198-226, Oxford University Press .
  13. Goss, KA, Whatever Happened to the 'Missing Movement'? Gun Politics Over Two Decades of Change, in Gun Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics, Policy, and Practice, edited by J Carlson, KA Goss, H Shapira (2018), pp. 136-150, Routledge .
  14. Goss, K, “Whatever Happened to the ‘Missing Movement’? Gun Control Politics Over Two Decades of Change.”, in Gun Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics, Policy, and Practice, edited by Carlson, J; Goss, K; Shapira, H (2018), pp. 136-150, Routledge .
  15. Goss, KA, The Swells Between the Waves, in The Oxford Handbook of Women's Activism, edited by H McCammon, et al. (2017), pp. 51-70, Oxford University Press .
  16. Goss, K, The Swells Between the ‘Waves’: American Women’s Activism, 1920-1965, in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women’s Social Movement Activism, edited by McCammon, H; Taylor, V; Reger, J; Einwohner, R (2017), Oxford University Press .
  17. Goss, KA, Gender Identity and the Shifting Basis of Advocacy by US Women's Groups, 1920-2000, in Nonprofits and Advocacy, edited by Pekkanen, RJ; Smith, SR; Tsujinaka, Y (June, 2014), pp. 320 pages, JHU Press .
  18. Goss, KA, Introduction, vol. 10 (January, 2014), pp. 265-270 .
  19. Goss, KA, Gender Identity and the Shifting Basis of U.S. Women's Groups' Advocacy, 1920-2000, in Nonprofit Advocacy (2013), Bokutakusha (Tokyo); Johns Hopkins (USA) .
  20. Goss, KA; Shames, SL, Political Pathways to Child Care Policy: The Role of Gender in Statebuilding, in Women and Politics around the World: Comparative History and Survey (2009), ABC-CLIO .
  21. Goss, KA; Skocpol, T, Changing Agendas: The Impact of Feminism on American Politics, in Gender and Social Capital, edited by Neill, BO; Gidengil, E (2006), pp. 323-356, New York: Routledge .
  22. Goss, KA, Social Capital in the Workplace, in Encyclopedia of Community (2003), Great Barrington, Mass.: Berkshire Publishing Group .
  23. Goss, KA, Altruism, in Encyclopedia of Community (2003), Great Barrington: Mass.: Berkshire Publishing Group .
  24. Putnam, RD; Goss, KA, Introduction, in Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society, vol. 7 (2002), pp. vii, New York: Oxford University Press .
  25. Putnam, R; Goss, K, Introduction, in Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society, edited by Putnam, R (2002), pp. 3-19, Oxford University Press .
  26. Robert D. Putnam with the assistance of K.A. Goss, Section IV: So What?, in Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, edited by Robert D. Putnam (2000), New York: Simon & Schuster .
  27. Putnam, RD; Goss, KA, Section IV: So What? (With the assistance of KA Goss), in Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, edited by Putnam, RD (2000), New York: Simon & Schuster .
  28. Goss, KA, Taking a Stand Against Sexism, in The Compact Reader, 2nd ed., edited by Aaron, JE (1987), New York: St. Martin’s Press (Also in Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, The St. Martin's Guide to Writing, 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988; and J. Karl Nicholas and James R. Nicholl, Effective Argument: A Writer's Guide with Readings, 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.) .

Journal Articles

  1. Goss, KA; Lacombe, MJ, Why Do Issues Whose Time Has Come Stick Around? Attention Durability and the Case of Gun Control, Perspectives on Politics, vol. 22 no. 2 (June, 2024), pp. 501-521 .
  2. Goss, K; Lacombe, M, Do Courts Change Politics? Heller and the Limits of Policy Feedback Effects, Emory Law Journal, vol. 69 no. 5 (2020), pp. 881-881 .
  3. Goss, KA; Barnes, C; Rose, D, Bringing Organizations Back In: Multilevel Feedback Effects on Individual Civic Inclusion, Policy Studies Journal, vol. 47 no. 2 (May, 2019), pp. 451-470 .
  4. Goss, KA, Book Review: Nonprofits and government: Collaboration and conflict by E. T. Boris and C. E. Steuerle (Eds.), Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 48 no. 1 (February, 2019), pp. 227-228, SAGE Publications .
  5. Berry, JM; Goss, KA, Donors for democracy? Philanthropy and the challenges facing America in the twenty-first century, Interest Groups and Advocacy, vol. 7 no. 3 (October, 2018), pp. 233-257, Springer Nature America, Inc .
  6. Goss, KA; Berry, JM, Foundations as interest groups, Interest Groups and Advocacy, vol. 7 no. 3 (October, 2018), pp. 201-205, Springer Nature America, Inc .
  7. Farley, KEW; Goss, KA; Smith, SR, Introduction to Advancing Philanthropic Scholarship: The Implications of Transformation, PS - Political Science and Politics, vol. 51 no. 1 (January, 2018), pp. 39-42, Cambridge University Press (CUP) .
  8. Siegel, M; Xuan, Z; Ross, CS; Galea, S; Kalesan, B; Fleegler, E; Goss, KA, Easiness of Legal Access to Concealed Firearm Permits and Homicide Rates in the United States., American journal of public health, vol. 107 no. 12 (December, 2017), pp. 1923-1929 .
  9. Smith, VM; Siegel, M; Xuan, Z; Ross, CS; Galea, S; Kalesan, B; Fleegler, E; Goss, KA, Broadening the Perspective on Gun Violence: An Examination of the Firearms Industry, 1990-2015., American journal of preventive medicine, vol. 53 no. 5 (November, 2017), pp. 584-591 .
  10. Díez, C; Kurland, RP; Rothman, EF; Bair-Merritt, M; Fleegler, E; Xuan, Z; Galea, S; Ross, CS; Kalesan, B; Goss, KA; Siegel, M, State Intimate Partner Violence-Related Firearm Laws and Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015., Annals of internal medicine, vol. 167 no. 8 (October, 2017), pp. 536-543 .
  11. Siegel, M; Pahn, M; Xuan, Z; Ross, CS; Galea, S; Kalesan, B; Fleegler, E; Goss, KA, Firearm-Related Laws in All 50 US States, 1991-2016., American journal of public health, vol. 107 no. 7 (July, 2017), pp. 1122-1129 .
  12. Goss, KA, The Socialization of Conflict and Its Limits: Gender and Gun Politics in America*, Social Science Quarterly, vol. 98 no. 2 (June, 2017), pp. 455-470 .
  13. Carlson, J; Goss, KA, Gendering the second amendment, Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 80 no. 2 (January, 2017), pp. 103-128 .
  14. Goss, KA, Policy Plutocrats: How America's Wealthy Seek to Influence Governance, PS - Political Science and Politics, vol. 49 no. 3 (July, 2016), pp. 442-448, Cambridge University Press (CUP) .
  15. Goss, KA, Policy Plutocrats: How America’s Wealthy Seek to Influence Governance, PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 49 no. 3 (2016), pp. 442-448 .
  16. Goss, KA, Defying the odds on gun regulation: The passage of bipartisan mental health laws across the states., The American journal of orthopsychiatry, vol. 85 no. 3 (May, 2015), pp. 203-210 .
  17. Goss, KA, Does the United States Still Need a Women's Movement? Introduction, Politics & Gender, vol. 10 no. 2 (June, 2014), pp. 265-270 .
  18. Goss, KA, The U.S. Women’s Jury Movement and Strategic Adaptation. By Holly J. McCammon. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 298p. $99.00., Perspectives on Politics, vol. 12 no. 1 (March, 2014), pp. 188-190, Cambridge University Press (CUP) .
  19. Goss, KA, Response to holly mccammon's review of the paradox of gender equality: How American women's groups gained and lost their public voice, Perspectives on Politics, vol. 12 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 187-188 .
  20. Goss, KA, Review of The U.S. Women"s Jury Movements and Strategic Adaptation, Perspectives on Politics (2014) .
  21. Goss, KA, Gendered Money: Financial Organization in Women's Movements, 1880–1933by Pernilla Jonsson and Silke Neunsinger, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, vol. 34 no. 3 (July, 2013), pp. 290-291, Informa UK Limited .
  22. Goss, KA, Review of Gendered Money: Financial Organization in Women's Movements, 1880-1933,, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, vol. 34 no. 3 (2013), pp. 290-91, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) .
  23. Goss, K, Review of Gendered Money: Financial Organization in Women’s Movements, 1880-1933, Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, vol. 34 no. 3 (2013), pp. 290-291, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) .
  24. Goss, KA, The paradox of gender equality: How American women's groups gained and lost their public voice, The Paradox of Gender Equality: How American Women's Groups Gained and Lost Their Public Voice (December, 2012), pp. 1-240, University of Michigan Press .
  25. Goss, KA, Civil society and civic engagement: Towards a multi-level theory of policy feedbacks, Journal of Civil Society, vol. 6 no. 2 (September, 2010), pp. 119-143, Informa UK Limited .
  26. Goss, KA; Gastwirth, DA; Parkash, SG, Research service-learning: Making the academy relevant again, Journal of Political Science Education, vol. 6 no. 2 (April, 2010), pp. 117-141, Informa UK Limited .
  27. Goss, KA; Heaney, MT, Organizing Women as Women: Hybridity and Grassroots Collective Action in the 21st Century,, Perspectives on Politics, vol. 8 no. 1 (March, 2010), pp. 27-27, Cambridge University Press (CUP) .
  28. Goss, KA; Heaney, MT, Organizing Women as Women: Hybridity and Grassroots Collective Action in the 21st Century (March, 2010) .
  29. Goss, KA, Never Surrender? How Women's Groups Abandoned Their Policy Niche in U.S. Foreign Policy Debates, 1916–2000, Politics and Gender, vol. 5 no. 4 (January, 2009), pp. 453-489, Cambridge University Press (CUP) .
  30. Goss, KA, Foundations of feminism: How philanthropic patrons shaped gender politics, Social Science Quarterly, vol. 88 no. 5 (December, 2007), pp. 1174-1191, WILEY .
  31. Goss, KA, Review: Why Women Don’t Run for Office, Georgetown Public Policy Review, vol. 11 no. 2 (Spring, 2006), pp. 27-33 .
  32. Goss, KA, Policy, politics, and paradox: The institutional origins of the great American gun war, Fordham Law Review, vol. 73 no. 2 (November, 2004), pp. 681-714 .
  33. Goss, KA, Rethinking the Political Participation Paradigm: The Case of Women and Gun Control, Women and Politics, vol. 25 no. 4 (December, 2003), pp. 83-118, Informa UK Limited .
  34. Goss, KA, Review: Gun Violence in America: The Struggle for Control, Political Science Quarterly, vol. 117 no. 3 (Fall, 2002), pp. 532-533 .
  35. Goss, KA, Volunteering and the long civic generation, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 28 no. 4 (January, 1999), pp. 378-415, SAGE Publications .


  1. Goss, KA, Two years after Sandy Hook, the gun control movement has new energy, Washington Post - MonkeyCage Blog (December, 2014) .
  2. Cook, PJ; Goss, KA, In School Rampages, the Weapon Matters, (April, 2014) .
  3. Goss, KA, Turn Emotion Into Action, New York Times (April, 2014) .
  4. interview, KAG, Up in Arms: The Political Science Behind Gun Control, Georgetown Public Policy Review (March, 2013) .
  5. Goss, KA, Why We Need to Talk About Guns, Newsweek (January, 2013) .
  6. Goss, KA, Another View: How Military Leaders Can Change the Conversation on Guns (January, 2013), Des Moines Register; News & Observer (Raleigh) .
  7. Goss, KA; Dees, D, Rallying for Gun Reform, Tampa Bay Times; News & Observer (Raleigh) (December, 2012) .
  8. Goss, KA, NRA's Vision of Genuine Monsters, (December, 2012) .
  9. Goss, KA, Is Tenure a Matter of Life or Death?, Chronicle Review (Chronicle of Higher Education) (2010) .
  10. Goss, KA, Taking Aim at the Gun Debate, Newark Star-Ledger; Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Raleigh News & Observer; (2010) .
  11. Goss, KA, Good Policy, Not Stories, Can Reduce Violence, Chronicle Review (Chronicle of Higher Education) (May, 2007) .
  12. Goss, KA, A Family Affair, The Guardian (online) (April, 2007) .
  13. Goss, KA, Do Personal Stories Help Shape Good Policy?, Durham Herald-Sun (April, 2007) .
  14. Goss, KA, Grassroots Gun Control Effort Needed, Durham Herald-Sun (December, 2006) .
  15. Goss, KA, "Keeping Arms Behind Our Backs", Newark Star-Ledger; Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Des Moines Register; Raleigh News & Observer; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; Jackson Clarion-Ledger (October, 2006) .
  16. Goss, KA, The Missing Movement for Gun Control, The Chronicle Review (Chronicle of Higher Education) (October, 2006) .
  17. Goss, KA, Better Together: Report of the Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement in America (December, 2000), Cambridge, Mass. .
  18. Putnam, RD; Goss, KA, Picking Up the Pieces – What Bush Needs to Do Now: Restore Faith in Civic Action, Newsday (December, 2000) .
  19. Putnam, RD; Goss, KA, It’s About Time: Who Has Time to Enjoy Family Life, Connect with the Community or Be an Active Citizen?, San Francisco Chronicle (September, 2000) .
  20. Goss, KA; Cook, P, A Selective Review of the Social-Contagion Literature (1996), Terry Sanford Instiute Working Paper, Duke University .