Curriculum Vitae

David Soskice

Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708-0204

M.A.University of Oxford (United Kingdom)1968
EconomicsNuffield College, Oxford1967
Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsTrinity College, Oxford1964
B.A.Trinity International University, College of Arts and Sciences1964
Areas of Research

Varieties of Capitalism, Comparative Political Economy, Macroeconomics and Labor Markets. Capitalism and Politics.

Professional Experience / Employment History

Oxford University
Research Professor of Comparative Political Economy and Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield College, 2007 -
London School of Economics
School Centennial Professor, 2004 - 2007
Duke University
Research Professor, Department of Political Science, 2001-2008
each Spring semester
Wissenschaftszentrum fur Sozialforschung Berlin (WZB)
Research Professor, previously Director, Research Area: Employment and Economic Change, 1990 - present
(Until retirement, 2007)
University College, Oxford; and University of Oxford
Official Fellow (from 1979, the Mynor Fellow), now Emeritus Fellow, in Economics; University Lecturer, 1967-1990
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor of Government, Harvard University, Spring Semester 2007
Forrest Mars Sr Visiting Professor of Political Science, Yale University, Spring Semester 2004
Phillip Morris Professor of International Business Strategy, Scuola Superiore di St Anna, Pisa, May 2003
Mary and James H Semans Distinguished International Visiting Professor, Duke University, 2001
Visiting Professor, Scuola Superiore di St. Anna, Pisa, 2000 - 2002
European Union Scholar, Duke University, March 1999
Marshall-Monnet Lecturer, University of Wisconsin at Madison, September 1999
Visiting Professor, London School of Economics, 1998-2000
Adjunct Research Professor, Australian National University, 1998 - present
Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, January 1996
Guest Professor, University of Trento, November 1995
working with Professors Esping-Andersen and Regini
Visiting Scholar, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioural Sciences, Stanford University, March, April 1992
Visiting Lecturer in Residence, Harvard University, 1991
to give six lecture-seminars on European political economy
Ira Wade Visiting Professor, Johns Hoplins Graduate Center for Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Spring Semester 1990
Visiting Professor, Duke University, 1989
(1st half Fall Semester)
Visiting Professor, Cornell University, 1989
(2nd half Fall Semester)
Non-resident Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins Graduate Center for Advanced International Studies, Bologna, 1985-1986
Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley, Fall 1979, Fall 1983
Visiting Associate Professor, University of California at Berkeley, 1973-1974, Fall 1977
Professional Service

Conseil Scientifique, CEREQ, 2006 - present
   The Foreign member of the Academic Advisory board of the French Government's Labour Market and Training Research Institute. Appointed by Minister of Labor and Minister of Education (Journal Officiel, August 2006).
Centenary Lecturer, Australian Federation Lecture in the Australian Parliament House, Canberra on "Institutions of Contemporary Capitalism", 2001
   One of the series of lectures organized by the Australian Parliament to commemorate the centenary of Australia as a nation.
Rapporteur, Group of Experts and Heads of Governments on the New Economy, 2000
   Conference of Heads of Centre-Left and Reform- oriented Governments, German Chancellery, Berlin; and one of the three academics to make presentations at the Heads of Government dinner (16 heads of government including Clinton, Jospin, Schroeder, Amato, Simitis, Perrson, Cardosa, Kok).
Co-convenor, 9th German American Academic Council Summer School on Institutions and Economic Performance, 1998-1990
   (WZB Berlin July 1998 and Centre for Advanced Studies, Stanford, July 1999).
Contributor with Dr. Lars-Hendrick Roeller, Annual Technology and Competitiveness Report of the Research and Training Ministry of the German Government, 1998-1999
Research Adviser, Prime Minister's Policy Unit, 10 Downing Street, 1998
   Responsibility for developing long-term policy on post-16 Education and Training, seconded on part-time basis, and with office in 10 Downing St.
Member, Editorial Board, Industry and Innovation, 1998-present
   European contributing editor
Member, Fachbeirat, Max-Planck Institut fur Gesellschaft, Koln, 1996-present
Member, Editorial Board, Formation-Emploi, 1996-1999
Member, Program Committee for the 1996 Convention of the American Political Science Association, 1995-1996
   Responsible for the panels and roundtables of the Section "Advanced Industrialized Societies"
Member, Beirat, Max-Planck Arbeitsgruppe Berlin (Wiesenthal), 1995-present
Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1995-present
Foreign member, High-level Task Force of the US Social Science Research Council, 1994
   To make recommendations on the future of the international committees of the SSRC.
Rapporteur-General, OECD's ministerial-level conference on VOTEC, 1994
   Concluding conference of the 4-year OECD research program on national vocational education systems.
Member, Programme Committee for the Biennial 1994 Conference of Europeanists, 1993
Member, Expert Group, 1990-1991
   Set up by DG5 and the Cellule de la Perspective (attached to Delors' office), on labour market and training developments in the EC.
Member, Programme Committee for the International Economic Association, 1988
   Conference on Markets, Institutions and Cooperation: Labour Relations and Economic Performance, Venice, October 1988
Member, Joint Committee of the US Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies on Western European studies, 1987-1993
OECD Technical Adviser to Mr. Costa Simitis, Greek Minister of National Economy, 1987
   Primary responsibility for developing and advising on the reentry phase of incomes policy in Greece, involved three missions to Athens.
Main adviser to Michael Meacher, Labour shadow minister of employment, 1987-1990
   Member of the Labour Party Policy Review Committee for Employment, Industrial Relations and Training.
Member, Editorial Board, Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 1987-present
Member, Kaldor group, 1985-1987
   Set up the leader of the Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, to advise on economic strategies; responsible for labour market questions.
Member and rapporteur, OECD High-level Group of Experts on industrial relations, July 1983
Member, Editorial Board, Industrial Relations, 1983-1989



  1. Iversen, T; Soskice, D; Hope, D, The Eurozone and Political Economic Institutions, vol. 19 (May, 2016), pp. 163-185.
  2. Wendy Carlin and David Soskice, Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies (2006), pp. 788 + xxiv, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  3. Varieties of Capitalism: the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, edited by Peter Hall and David Soskice (2001), Oxford University Press.
  4. Unions, Employers and Central Banks: Wage Bargaining and Macroeconomic Regimes in an Integrating Europe, edited by Torben Iversen, Jonas Pontusson, David Soskice (2000), Cambridge University Press.
  5. Okonomische Leistungsfahigkeit und institutionelle Innovation: das deutsche Produkions - und Politikregime in globalen Wettbewerb, edited by Frieder Naschold, David Soskice, Bob Hancke, Ulrich Jurgens (1997), WZB Jahrbuch 1997, Edition Sigma, Berlin 1997.
  6. Institutional Frameworks and Labour Market Performance, edited by Friedrich Buttler, Wolfgang Franz, Ronald Schettkat, David Soskice (1995), Routledge, London.
  7. Wendy Carlin and David Soskice, Macroeconomics and the Wage Bargain: A Modern Approach to Employment, Inflation and Exchange Rates (1990), pp. 472 + xv, Oxford University Press, Oxford (translated into Italian as Macroeconomica: Occupazione, inflazione, tasso di cambio e contrattazione salariale, (Editrice CLUEB, Bologna, 1993)..).
  8. Robert Flanagan, David Soskice and Lloyd Ulman, Unionism, Economic Stabilisation and Incomes Policies: European Experience (1983), pp. 705 + xviii, Brookings Institution, Washington (translated into Spanish as Sindacalismo, estabilacion economica y poiticade rentas: la experiencia europea, (MTSS, 1985)..).

Chapters in Books

  1. Soskice, D, Rethinking varieties of capitalism and growth theory in the ICT era, in Varieties of Capitalism: Second-Generation Perspectives (January, 2023), pp. 94-113.
  2. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, A structural-institutional explanation of the eurozone crisis, in Welfare Democracies and Party Politics: Explaining Electoral Dynamics in Times of Changing Welfare Capitalism (January, 2018), pp. 257-280.
  3. Lacey, N; Soskice, D, American exceptionalism in crime, punishment, and disadvantage: Race, federalization, and politicization in the perspective of local autonomy, in American Exceptionalism in Crime and Punishment (December, 2017), pp. 53-102.
  4. Carlin, W; Soskice, D, Teaching intermediate macroeconomics using the 3-equation model, in Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy (January, 2016), pp. 13-35.
  5. D. Soskice, American Exceptionalism and Comparative Political Economy, in The Great Unraveling: New Labor Market Institutions and Public Policy Responses, edited by Clair Brown, Barry Eichengreen and Michael Reich (2010), pp. 51-93, Cambridge University Press.
  6. David Soskice, Varieties of Capitalism and Macroeconomic Institutions, in Beyond Varieties of Capitalism, edited by Bob Hancke, Martin Rhodes and Mark Thatcher (2008), Oxford University Press.
  7. Steven Casper and D. Soskice, Sectoral Systems of Innovation and Varieties of Capitalism: Explaining the Development of High-Technology Entrepreneurship in Europe, edited by Franco Malerba, Sectoral Systems of Innovation in Europe (2004), pp. 348-387, Cambridge University Press.
  8. Margarita Estevez, Torben Iversen, David Soskice, Social Protection and the Formation of Skills: A Reinterpretation of the Welfare State, in Varieties of Capitalism: the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, edited by Peter Hall and David Soskice (2001), OUP.
  9. Peter Hall and David Soskice, Introduction, in Varieties of Capitalism: the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, edited by Peter Hall and David Soskice (2001), OUP.
  10. D. Soskice, Explaining Changes in Institutional Frameworks: Societal Patterns of Business Coordination, in Embedding Organizations, Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio-economic Context, edited by Marc Maurice and Arndt Sorge (2000), John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
  11. Macroeconomic Analysis and the Political Economy of Unemployment, in Unions, Employers and Central Banks: Wage Bargaining and Macroeconomic Regimes in an Integrating Europe, edited by Torben Iversen, Jonas Pontusson, David Soskice (2000), Cambridge University Press.
  12. D. Soskice, Divergent Production Regimes: Coordinated and Uncoordinated Market Economies in the 1980s and 1990s, in Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism, edited by Herbert Kitschelt, Peter Lange, Gary Marks and John D. Stephens (1999), Cambridge University Press.
  13. D. Soskice, Bob Hancké, Gunnar Trumball and Anne Wren, Wage Bargaining, Markets and Macroeconomic Performance in Germany and the Netherlands, in The German and Dutch Economies: Who follows Whom?, edited by L. Delsen and E. de Jong (1998), Springer-Verlag.
  14. D. Soskice, Openness and Diversity: Thinking about Transatlantic Economic Relations, in Transatlantic Economic Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, edited by Barry Eichengreen (1998), Brookings and New York Council on Foreign Relations.
  15. D. Soskice, Stakeholding Yes; the German Model No, in Stakeholder Capitalism, edited by Kelly, Gavin, Dominic Kelly and Andrew Gamble (1997), London, Macmillan.
  16. D. Soskice, Die zukünftige politische konomie der Ökonomie der Europäischen Währungsunion-Auswirkung der monetären Integration auf Europa, Jahrbuch Arbeit und Technik (1997), Friedrich Elbert Stiftung.
  17. D. Soskice, Technologiepolitik, Innovation und nationale Institutionengefuge in Deutschland, in Okonomische Leistungsfahigkeit und institionelle Innovation: das deutsche Produktions-und Politikregime in globalen Wettbwerb, WAB Jahrbuch 1997 (1997), Edition Sigma, Berlin.
  18. D. Soskice and Bob Hancké, De la Construction des Normes Industrielles à l'Organisation de la Formation Professionelle: Une Approche Comparative, in Les Diplômes Professionels en Allemagne et en France, edited by Martine Möbus and Eric Verdier (1997), Editions L'Harmattan, Paris.
  19. Friedrich Buttler, Wolfgang Franz, Ronald Schettkat and David Soskice, Introduction: Institutional Frameworks and Labour Market Performance, in Institutional Frameworks and Labour Market Performance, edited by Buttler, et al (1995), Routledge, London.
  20. Wolfgang Franz and David Soskice, The German Apprenticeship System, edited by Buttler et al, supra (1995).
  21. D. Soskice, A Comparative Review of National Training Models: Germany, the UK, the USA and Japan, in The European Dimension in Vocational Training, Bundesinstitut Berufsbildung, edited by Richard Koch and Jochen Reuling (1995), Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld.
  22. D. Soskice, The German Training System: Reconciling Markets and Institutions, in International Comparisons of Private Sector Training, edited by Lisa Lynch (1994), University of Chicago Press, NBER Conference Volume.
  23. D. Soskice, Social Skills in Mass Higher Education: Lessons from the US, in Britain's Training Deficit, edited by Richard Layard, Kenneth Mayhew and Geoffrey Owens (1994), Avebury, Aldershot.
  24. D. Soskice, Innovation Strategies of Companies: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of some Cross-Country Differences, in Institutionenvergleich und Instituionendynamik, WZB Jahrbuch, edited by Wolfgang Zapf and Meinolf Dierkes (1994), Sigma, Berlin.
  25. D. Soskice and Ronald Schettkat, German Institutions and Unemployment: How do they Function? Can They be Translated Eastwards?, in Labor Responses to European Integration, edited by William Dickens, Barry Eichengreen and Lloyd Ulman (1993), Brookings Institution.
  26. D. Soskice, Skill Mismatch, Training Systems and Equilibrium Unemployment: A Comparative Institutional Analysis, in Mismatch and Labour Mobility, edited by Fiorella Padoa-Schioppa (1991), CEPR conference volume, Cambridge University Press.
  27. D. Soskice, The Institutional Infrastructure for International Competitiveness: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and Germany, in The Economics of the New Europe, edited by A.B. Atkinson and R. Brunetta (1991), International Economic Association conference volume, Macmillan.
  28. D. Soskice, Reinterpreting Corporatism and Explaining Unemployment: Co-ordinated and Uncorordinated Market Economies, in Labour Relations and Economic Performance, edited by C. Dell'Aringa and R. Brunetta (1990), International Economic Association, vol. 95; Macmillan (A version of this was translated in Italian as "Perche variano i tassi di disoccupazione: economia e istituzioni nei paesi industriali avazati", Stato e Mercato, n. 27, December 1989..).
  29. Wendy Carlin and David Soskice, Mediums-run Keynesianism: Hysteresis and Capital Scrapping, in Macroeconomic Problems and Politics of Income Distribution, edited by Paul Davidson and Jan Kregel (1989), Edward Elgar.
  30. D. Soskice, Ce una Strategia Coerente di Politica Economica per la Sinistra?, in La Sfida della Flessibilita: Impresa, Lavoro e Sindacati nella Fase "post-Fordista", edited by Marino Regini (1988), Franco Angeli, Milan.
  31. D. Soskice, Uber unzulangliche und wegweisende Beitrage real existierender industrieller Beziehungen zum Beshaftigungs-problem-fur einen 'Flexiblen Korporatismus, in Uber okonomische und institutionelle Bedingungen erfolgreiche Beshaftigungs-und Arbeitsmarktpolitik, edited by Egon Matzner, Jan Kregel and Alessandro Roncaglia (1987), Edition Sigma, Berlin (translated into English as: "Towards a Flexible Corporatism" in Matzner et al. eds., Barriers to Full Employment (Macmillan, London, 1987).).
  32. D. Soskice, Le Politiche dei Redditi in Gran Bretagna, in Le Politiche dei Redditi: Introduzione a un Dibattito, edited by A. Roncaglia (1986), Banca Popolare dell-Etruria/Studi e Richerche, Arezzo.
  33. D. Soskice, Chapters on Productivity, and Unemployment and the Changing Labour Market, in America in Perspective: Major Trends in the 1990s (1986), Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
  34. D. Soskice, Modelling the Effect of Oil Price Changes, in Jordan's Place within the Arab Oil Economies (1986), Yarmouk University, Irbid.
  35. D. Soskice, Le Relazione Industriale e l'Economia Britannica, in Le Politiche del Lavoro in Europa agli Inizi degli Anni Ottanti, edited by Giuseppe della Rocca (1986), Quaderni della Fondazione G. Brodolini (Marsilio Editori, Milano).
  36. D. Soskice, Comment: On the nationalisations 1981-1984, in Economic Policy and Policy-making under the Mitterrand Presidency, 1981-4, edited by Howard Machin and Vincent Wright (1985), Frances Pinter, London.
  37. D. Soskice, Italy: A Non-Accommodating Economy, in Italy in the 1980s: Paradoxes of a Dual Society, edited by D.di Palma and P. Siegelman (1983), World Affairs Council of N. Calif., San Francisco.
  38. D. Soskice, Strike Waves and Wage Explosions, 1968-1970: an Economic Interpretation, in The Resurgence of Class Conflict in Western Europe since 1968, vol. 2: Comparative Analyses, edited by Colin Crouch and Alessandro Pizzorno (1978), Macmillan, London and Holmes and Meier, New York (Translated in Italian and included with a selected set of chapters in Crouch and Pizzorno, eds., Conflitti in Europa, (Etas Libri, Milano, 1979)..).
  39. David Bevan and David Soskice, Evaluating the Development of Tourism in a Small Island Economy, in Using Shadow Prices, edited by I.M.D. Little and M. Fg. Scott (1976), Heineremann Educational Books.
  40. D. Soskice, The Effects of the 1967 Abortion Act on 'Shotgun' Marriages, in The Wolfson Lectures 1973 (1974), Oxford University Press.

Journal Articles

  1. Soskice, D, Rethinking Varieties of Capitalism and growth theory in the ICT era, Review of Keynesian Economics, vol. 10 no. 2 (April, 2022), pp. 222-241.
  2. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Response to Carles Boix’s review of Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century, Perspectives on Politics, vol. 18 no. 2 (June, 2020), pp. 547-548, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  3. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads: Technological Change and the Future of Politics. By Carles Boix. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. 272p. $27.95 cloth., Perspectives on Politics, vol. 18 no. 2 (June, 2020), pp. 548-549, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  4. Soskice, D, The ICT revolution and neo-liberalism: Its major pathologies and a Polanyian second movement, Stato e Mercato no. 118 (April, 2020), pp. 17-39.
  5. Carlin, W; Soskice, D, Stagnant productivity and low unemployment: Stuck in a Keynesian equilibrium, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 34 no. 1-2 (January, 2018), pp. 169-194.
  6. Lacey, N; Soskice, D; Hope, D, Understanding the determinants of penal policy: Crime, culture, and comparative political economy, Annual Review of Criminology, vol. 1 (January, 2018), pp. 219-234.
  7. Hope, D; Soskice, D, Growth Models, Varieties of Capitalism, and Macroeconomics*, vol. 44 no. 2 (June, 2016), pp. 209-226.
  8. Hope, D; Soskice, D, Growth Models, Varieties of Capitalism, and Macroeconomics*, Politics and Society, vol. 44 no. 2 (June, 2016), pp. 209-226.
  9. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Democratic Limits to Redistribution: Inclusionary versus Exclusionary Coalitions in the Knowledge Economy, World Politics, vol. 67 no. 2 (April, 2015), pp. 185-225.
  10. with Abrams, S; Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Informal social networks and Rational Voting, British Journal of Political Science, vol. 41 no. 2 (January, 2011), pp. 229-257, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  11. with Torben Iversen, Real Exchange Rates and Competitiveness: The Political Economic Foundations of Comparative Advantage, American Political Science Review (August, 2010).
  12. with Cusack, T; Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Coevolution of capitalism and political representation: The choice of electoral systems, American Political Science Review, vol. 104 no. 2 (May, 2010), pp. 393-403, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  13. with Torben Iversen, With Torben Iversen, “Distribution and Redistribution: the Shadow of the Nineteenth Century., World Politics (July, 2009).
  14. Iversen, T; Soskice, D; Cusack, TR, Economic interests and the origins of electoral systems (May, 2009).
  15. Iversen, T; Soskice, D; Cusack, TR, Economic interests and the origins of electoral systems (May, 2009).
  16. with Schneider, BR; Soskice, D, Inequality in developed countries and Latin America: Coordinated, liberal and hierarchical systems, Economy and Society, vol. 38 no. 1 (February, 2009), pp. 17-52, Informa UK Limited.
  17. with Carlin, W; Soskice, D, German economic performance: Disentangling the role of supply-side reforms, macroeconomic policy and coordinated economy institutions, Socio-Economic Review, vol. 7 no. 1 (January, 2009), pp. 67-99, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  18. Casper, S; Lehrer, M; Soskice, D, Can High-technology Industries Prosper in Germany? Institutional Frameworks and the Evolution of the German Software and Biotechnology Industries (November, 2008).
  19. Casper, S; Lehrer, M; Soskice, D, Can High-technology Industries Prosper in Germany? Institutional Frameworks and the Evolution of the German Software and Biotechnology Industries (November, 2008).
  20. with Cusack, TR; Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Economic interests and the origins of electoral systems, American Political Science Review, vol. 101 no. 3 (August, 2007), pp. 373-391, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  21. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, New macroeconomics and political science, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 9 no. 1 (July, 2006), pp. 425-453, ANNUAL REVIEWS.
  22. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, Electoral institutions and the politics of coalitions: Why some democracies redistribute more than others, American Political Science Review, vol. 100 no. 2 (January, 2006), pp. 165-181, Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  23. Wendy, C; David, S, The 3-Equation New Keynesian Model --- A Graphical Exposition, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 5 no. 1 (December, 2005), pp. 1-38.
  24. Wendy Carlin and David Soskice, The 3-Equation New Keynesian Model - A Graphical Exposition, Contributions to Macroeconomics, vol. 5 no. 1 (November, 2005) (Article 13.).
  25. Soskice, D, Varieties of capitalism and cross-national gender differences, Social Politics, vol. 12 no. 2 (Summer, 2005), pp. 170-179, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  26. Iversen, T; Rosenbluth, F; Soskice, D, Divorce and the gender division of labor in comparative perspective, Social Politics, vol. 12 no. 2 (Summer, 2005), pp. 216-242, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  27. Carlin, W; Soskice, D, The 3-Equation New Keynesian Model: A Graphical Exposition (September, 2004).
  28. Hall, P; Soskice, D, Una risposta degli autori, Stato e Mercato no. 3 (December, 2003).
  29. Soskice, D, Varietà dei capitalismi: alcuni tratti fondamentali, Stato e Mercato no. 3 (December, 2003), pp. 341-364.
  30. Hall, P; Soskice, D, Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Change: A Reponse to Three Critics, in Review Symposium on Hall and Soskice, Comparative European Politics (July, 2003).
  31. Hancké, B; Soskice, D, Wage-setting and inflation targets in EMU, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 19 no. 1 (January, 2003), pp. 149-160, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  32. Iversen, T; Soskice, D, An asset theory of social policy preferences, American Political Science Review, vol. 95 no. 4 (January, 2001), pp. 875-893.
  33. Soskice, D; Iversen, T, The nonneutrality of monetary policy with large price or wage setters, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 115 no. 1 (January, 2000), pp. 265-284, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  34. Casper, S; Lehrer, M; Soskice, D, Can high-technology industries prosper in Germany? Institutional frameworks and the evolution of the German software and biotechnology industries, Industry and Innovation, vol. 6 no. 1 (January, 1999), pp. 5-24.
  35. Soskice, D, Globalisierung und institutionelle Divergenz: Die USA und Deutschland im Vergleich", Geschichte und Gesellschaft, vol. Heft 2 (1999).
  36. Soskice, D; Iversen, T, Multiple Wage-Bargaining Systems in the European Single Currency Area, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 14 no. 3 (November, 1998).
  37. Carlin, W; Soskice, D, Shocks to the System: the German Political Economy under Stress, National Institute Economic Review, vol. 159 no. 159 (January, 1997), pp. 57-76, SAGE Publications.
  38. Hanck, B; 233; Soskice, D, Die Wunderbare Welt der Kapitalismen, Die Mitbestimmung, vol. 7 no. 8 (1997).
  39. Soskice, D, German technology policy, innovation, and national institutional frameworks, vol. 4 (1996).
  40. Soskice, D, Labour Markets in the European Community in the 1990s, Social Europe, special issue (1994) (paper prepared for the European Commission working group on the future of European Labour markets)..).
  41. Soskice, D, Social Skills from Mass Higher Education: Rethinking the Company-based Initial Training Paradigm, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 9 no. 9 (November, 1993).
  42. Soskice, D; Bates, RH; Epstein, D, Ambition and Constraint: The Stabilizing Role of Institutions., Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 8 no. 3 (October, 1992), pp. 547-560.
  43. Soskice, D, Vocational Training: An International Perspective, Arena (January, 1992).
  44. Soskice, D, Wage determination: The changing role of institutions in advanced industrialized countries, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 6 no. 4 (December, 1990), pp. 36-61, Oxford University Press (OUP) (reprinted in Tim Jenkinson, ed., Readings in Macroeconomics (Oxford University Press, 1996)..).
  45. Finegold, D; Soskice, D, Britain's Failure to Train: Explanations and Possible Strategies, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 4 no. 3 (November, 1988) (reprinted as "Britain's Failure to Train: Analysis and Presciption", in David Gleeson, ed., Training and its Alternatives, (Open University Press, Buckingham, 1990). reprinted in Tim Jenkinson, ed., Readings in Microeconomics (Oxford University Press, 1996)..).
  46. Soskice, D, The UK Economy and Industrial Relations, 1979 to 1983, Industrial Relations, vol. 23 no. 3 (Fall, 1984).
  47. Soskice, D, Theories of Unemployment since the General Theory: Progress or Regress?, Industrial Relations, vol. 22 no. 3 (Fall, 1983).
  48. Soskice, D; Trussell, TJ, Effects of the Abortion Act, British Journal of Hospital Medicine (March, 1973) (And "Reply to Dr. Goodhart", BJHM, June 1973. Also, with Professor H.L.A. Hart, "After the Act", the Guardian, 3/5/72..).
  49. Soskice, D, Money and net wealth [1]: A comment, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 24 no. 3 (January, 1972), pp. 417-420, Oxford University Press (OUP).
  50. Soskice, D, A Modification of the CES Production Function to Allow for Changing Returns to Scale Over the Function, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. L no. 4 (1968).


  1. Sigurt Vitols, Steven Casper, David Soskice, Stephen Woolcock, Corporate Governance in large British and German Companies: Comparative Institutional Advantage or Competing for Best Practice? (1997), London, Anglo-German Foundation Report.
  2. D. Soskice and Torben Iversen, Central Bank-Trade Union Interventions and the Equilibrium Rate of Employment (1997), WZB Discussion paper FS 1 97-308.
  3. D. Soskice and Bob Hancké, Von der Konstuktion von Industrienormen zur Organisation der Berufsausbildung: Eine vergleichende Analyse am Beispiel von Großbritannien, Deutshland, Japan und Frankreich (1996), WZB Discussion Paper 96-303.
  4. Bob Hancké and David Soskice, Coordination and Restructuring in Large French Firms: the Evolution of French Industry in the 1980s (1996), WZB Discussion Paper.
  5. D. Soskice, The German Wage Bargaining System (1994), Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 46th Annual Meeting.
  6. D. Soskice, Flexibility and Unemployment: The View from Western Europe, in Proceedings of the 39th Annual Congress of the Industrial Relations Research Association (New Orleans, Dec. 1986) (1987), IRRA, Wisconsin.
  7. D. Soskice, Why are Successful Economies Successful?, in Corporatism and Accountability News no. 3 (1986), Economic and Social Research Council.
  8. D. Soskice with Lloyd Ulman, Neoclassism and Corporatism: some Provisional Notes (1985), Corporatism and Accountability News, Economic and Social Research Council.
  9. D. Soskice, Collective Bargaining and Economic Policies (1983), Rapporteurs report of High-level Expert Group, Manpower and Social Affairs Committee, OECD, MAS(83)23, (OCED, Paris).
  10. D. Soskice, Is Self-Interest Meaningful behind the Harsanyi-Rawls Veil of Ignorance? (1974), Working Paper IP-214, Committee on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, IBER, University of California, Berkeley.
  11. D. Soskice, Salop and Stiglitz on Involuntary Unemployment in Competitive Markets with Turnover Costs (1974), Working Paper IP-216, Committee on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, IBER, University of California, Berkeley.

Last modified: 2024/10/17