| Helen Solterer, Professor
My research and teaching focus on premodern literature and culture in French and their interplay with contemporary thought; twentieth-century French cultural history; writing through gender.
An Almanach of Timely Fictions, the book I'm currently completing, spans literature and graphic arts. Published works include: Migrants shaping Europe, past and present: Multilingual literatures, arts, and cultures, ed. with Vincent Joos (Manchester, 2022); James Joyce Remembered, edition 2022 (C.P. Curran), ed. with Alice Ryan (UCD, 2022); Un Moyen Âge républicain: les paradoxes du théâtre en temps de guerre (Presses Paris-Sorbonne, 2014) Medieval Roles for Modern Times (Penn State 2010); The Master and Minerva (California 1995); European Medieval Studies Under Fire, 1919-1945, an edited collection (JMEMS, Duke. 1995).
Students interested in researching premodern fiction in French are particularly welcome.
- Contact Info:
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- Languages 305, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
- (also cross-listed as HISTORY 420.01, LIT 420.01)
- Office Hours:
- Wednesdays, 5-6 pm.
& by appt.
- Education:
Ph.D. | University of Toronto (Canada) | 1986 |
Boursière, Ambassade de France, | Université de Paris VII | 1983 |
Masters of Art | University of Toronto | 1981 |
Bachelor of Arts | Georgetown University | 1978 |
Year of Study | University College of Dublin | 1978 |
- Specialties:
Early Modern European Studies Performance Studies Gender Studies, Feminism, Women Studies, Queer Studies Historicism
- Research Interests:
Pre-modern French Literature and Culture;
Twentieth-Century European Cultural History; Performance Studies; Gender Studies. Research Interests include questions of cultural memory, biography, political writing -- Christine de Pizan, Alain Chartier, François Villon; and contemporary theater.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Current Ph.D. Students
- Julie Singer
- Brooke Heidenreich Findley
- Daniel De Cillis
- Representative Publications
(More Publications)
- Solterer, H, Un Moyen Âge républicain : paradoxes du théâtre en temps de guerre
(2014), Presses universitaires Paris-Sorbonne, (translated by Chénetier Alev, M.) [un-moyen-age-republicain]
- Solterer, H, Medieval Roles in Modern Times: Theater and the Battle for the French Republic
(February, 2010),
pp. 271 pages, 40 figures pages, The Pennsylvania State University Press
- Solterer, H, "Aimer un pays tout autre: Christine de Pizan, Alain Chartier, & Compagnie”,
in Sens, Rhétorique, et Musique : Études réunies en hommage à Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, edited by Lefèvre, S; Lucken, C; Doudet, E
pp. 769-782, Champion
- Solterer, H, Parcours d’un militant de théâtre: Moussa Abadi,
in Le texte critique : expérimenter le théâtre et le cinéma aux XXe et XXIe siècles, edited by Alev, VVEMC
pp. 207-220., Presses universitaires François-Rabelais
- Solterer, H; Dominguez, V, Réactivations scéniques,
in Le Théâtre du XIIe au XIIe siècles, edited by Halévy, O; Parussa, G; Smith, D
(2014), L’Avant-Scène
- Solterer, H, “Strange or Elegant or Foul Matter,”,
Exemplaria, 25 (2013)
pp. 79-92 (A Book-review essay.) [1041257312Z.00000000026]
- Solterer, H, Timely Fictions
- H. Solterer, "Love to Hate: A Premodern Legacy?"
- Solterer, H, Teaching Free Speech in Times of War, edited by I com,
(September, 2007)
- Solterer, H, The master and Minerva: Disputing women in French medieval culture
(September, 2023),
pp. 1-301, University of California Press, ISBN 9780520088351 (co-awarded The Modern Language Association Scaglione Prize, 1995.) [abs]
- Conferences Organized
- "Théâtre et Résistance: Moussa Abadi”, June 2009