Articles Accepted in Journal

  1. M. Silva. "“Marilene Felinto”." Dictionary of Literary Biography 384 (2024).
  2. M. Silva. "“Language and culture in real time in Brazil and the United States”.." Law and Public Policy ReviewRevista Direito das Politicas Publicas 3:2 (2021): 95-110.

Articles Accepted in Collection

  1. M. Silva. "“Fernanda Young”." Dictionary of Literary Biography.. 2024.
  2. M. Silva. ""Salomão Laredo”." .. 2019, 142-147.

Articles in a Journal

  1. Silva, M. "“Language and culture in real time in Brazil and the United States”." Law and Public Policy Review  (2023).
  2. Silva, M. "“Indigenous Literature in the Teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language in Higher Education”." IATED International Academy of Technology, Education and Development  (2022).