Adam Hollowell
Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Program in Education

Office Location: 2024 West Main Street, Durham, NC 27705
Email Address:
Ph.D., University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 2009
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- PHIL 163.01, Ethics for robertson scholars
- Old chem 001, W 04:55 PM-07:25 PM
- PUBPOL 435S.02, Global inequality research
- Sanford 150, MW 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
Recent Publications
(More Publications)
- Hollowell, A; Swartz, J; Myers, E; Erkanli, A; Hu, C; Shin, A; Bentley-Edwards, K, Telemedicine services in higher education: a review of college and university websites.,
J Am Coll Health, vol. 72 no. 2
pp. 548-553 [doi] [abs].
- Holt, L; Hollowell, A; Truong, T; Bentley-Edwards, K; Myers, E; Erkanli, A; Chen, EL; Swartz, J, Reported changes in romantic and sexual behavior among college and graduate students during COVID-19.,
J Am Coll Health
(November, 2023),
pp. 1-7 [doi] [abs].
- Chen, E; Hollowell, A; Truong, T; Bentley-Edwards, K; Myers, E; Erkanli, A; Holt, L; Swartz, JJ, Contraceptive Access and Use Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students During COVID-19: Online Survey Study.,
JMIR Form Res, vol. 7
(March, 2023),
pp. e38491 [doi] [abs].
- Hollowell, A; Swartz, JJ; Proudman, R, Telemedicine access and higher educational attainment.,
J Am Coll Health, vol. 71 no. 2
pp. 325-328 [doi] [abs].
- Hollowell, A; Addo, F, Housing, Student Debt, and Labor Market Inequality: COVID-19, Black Families/Households, and Financial Insecurity,
in The Pandemic Divide How COVID Increased Inequality in America
(August, 2022), Duke University Press .
Curriculum Vitae
Adam Hollowell serves as Senior Research Associate at the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity and Director of the Inequality Studies Minor at Duke University. He teaches ethics and inequality studies across multiple departments at Duke University, including the Kenan Institute for Ethics, the Program in Education, the Department of History, and the Sanford School of Public Policy. He is the co-author, with Jamie McGhee, of You Mean It or You Don’t: James Baldwin’s Radical Challenge (Broadleaf Books, 2022).