Publications of Malachi H. Hacohen    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  by tags  bibtex listing:


  1. Hacohen, MH, Foreword: Roma, jews and european history (January, 2020), pp. xi-xiv, ISBN 9781789206425
  2. Hacohen, MH, Jacob & Esau Jewish European history between nation and empire (January, 2019), pp. 1-734, Cambridge University Press (CUP), ISBN 9781108226813 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Central European Jewish Émigrés and the Shaping of Postwar Culture: Studies in Memory of Lilian Furst (1931-2009), edited by Hacohen, MH; Julie Mell, (2014), MDPI  [abs]
  4. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper - The Formative Years, 1902-1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna (2000), Cambridge University Press  [author's comments] [1]
  5. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper in Esilio, edited by Editore, R (1999), Biblioteca Austriaca (Translated by Dario Antiseri.)

Books in Progress

  1. Malachi Haim Hacohen, Jacob and Esau Between Nation and Empire: A Jewish European History (2014)

Edited Volumes

  1. Hacohen, MH, Between Religion and Ethnicity: Twentieth-Century Jewish Émigrés and the Shaping of Postwar Culture, edited by Hacohen, M; Mell, J, Religions (2012) [available here]

Journal Articles

  1. Hacohen, M, Agassi and Popper on Nationalism – and Beyond, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 53 no. 1 (January, 2023), pp. 60-71 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Hacohen, MH, The University and the Talmud, Annali di Storia delle Universita Italiane, vol. 24 no. 1 (June, 2020), pp. 49-61 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Hacohen, MH, Central european jewish Émigrés and the shaping of postwar culture: Studies in memory of lilian furst (1931–2009), Religions, vol. 8 no. 8 (August, 2017), pp. 139-139 [doi]
  4. Hacohen, MH, Nation and Empire in Modern Jewish European History, Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, vol. 62 (2017), pp. 53-65, Oxford University Press [doi]  [abs]
  5. Hacohen, MH, ENVISIONING JEWISH CENTRAL EUROPE: FRIEDRICH TORBERG, THE AUSTRIAN ÉMIGRÉS, AND JEWISH EUROPEAN HISTORY, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, vol. 13 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 37-57, Informa UK Limited, ISSN 1472-5886 [doi]  [abs]
  6. Hacohen, MH, Envisioning Central Europe: Friedrich Torberg, the Austrian Émigrés and Jewish European History, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, vol. 13 (2014), pp. 37-57, Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
  7. Hacohen, MH, Typology and the Holocaust: Erich Auerbach and Judeo-Christian Europe, Religions, vol. 3 no. 3 (July, 2012), pp. 600-645, MDPI AG [600], [doi]  [abs]
  8. Hacohen, MH, Berlin and Popper Between Nation and Empire: Diaspora, Cosmopolitanism, and Jewish Life, Jewish Historical Studies, vol. 44 (2012), pp. 51-74
  9. Hacohen, MH, The culture of Viennese science and the riddle of Austrian liberalism, Modern Intellectual History, vol. 6 no. 2 (August, 2009), pp. 369-396, Cambridge University Press (CUP), ISSN 1479-2443 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  10. Hacohen, MH, Eugene R. Sheppard, Leo Strauss and the Politics of Exile: The Making of a Political Philosopher, Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 24 (2009)
  11. Hacohen, MH, ’The Strange Fact That the State of Israel Exists’: The Cold War Liberals Between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism, Jewish Social Studies, vol. 15 no. 2 (2009), pp. 37-81
  12. Hacohen, MH, Jacob Talmon between Zionism and Cold War Liberalism, History of European Ideas, vol. 34 no. 2 (June, 2008), pp. 146-157, Informa UK Limited, ISSN 0191-6599 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  13. Hacohen, MH, Rediscovering Intellectual Biography – and Its Limits, History of Political Economy, vol. 34 no. SUPPL. (2007), pp. 9-29, Duke University Press [doi]
  14. Hacohen, MH, The Congress for Cultural Freedom in Austria: Forum, the Rémigrés and Postwar Culture, Storiografia, vol. 11 (2007), pp. 135-145
  15. Hacohen, MH, From Empire to Cosmopolitanism: The Central-European Jewish Intelligentsia, 1867-1968, Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook, vol. V (2006), pp. 117-134
  16. Red Vienna, the ’Jewish Question,’ and Emigration, 1936-1937 (2004), pp. 1:87-133., Routledge
  17. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper and the Liberal Imagination in Science and Politics (in Hungarian), Buksz – Budapest Review of Books. (Budapesti Könyvszemle – BUKSZ) (Winter, 2003)
  18. Hacohen, MH; Popper, K, The formative years, 1902-1945, Annals of Science, vol. 59 no. 1 (January, 2002), pp. 89, Informa UK Limited [doi]
  19. La città celeste di Popper: Platone, Atene e la società aperta (2002), pp. II:12-160, Analisi-Trend
  20. Hacohen, MH, The Poverty of Historicism, 1935-1940, Storiografia, vol. 5 (2001), pp. 67.-72.
  21. Hacohen, MH, Dilemmas of cosmopolitanism: Karl Popper, Jewish identity, and "Central European Culture", Journal of Modern History, vol. 71 no. 1 (January, 1999), pp. 105-149, University of Chicago Press, ISSN 0022-2801 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  22. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper, the Vienna Circle, and Red Vienna, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 59 no. 4 (January, 1998), pp. 711-734, ISSN 0022-5037 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  23. Hacohen, MH, D. W. Hamlyn, Being a Philosopher: A History of a Practice, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 26 (June, 1996), pp. 304-310
  24. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper in Exile: The Viennese Progressive Imagination and the Making of the Open Society, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 26 no. 4 (January, 1996), pp. 452-492, SAGE Publications, ISSN 0048-3931 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  25. Hacohen, MH, Leonard Krieger: Historicization and political engagement in intellectual history, History and Theory, vol. 35 no. 1 (January, 1996), pp. 84-128, ISSN 0018-2656 [doi]  [abs]
  26. Hacohen, MH, Leonard Krieger: Historicalization and Political Engagement in Intellectual History, History and Theory, vol. 35 (1996), pp. 80-130

Book Chapters

  1. Hacohen, MH, The young popper as a scholarly field: A comment on dahms, hansen, and ter hark, in Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, vol. 1 (June, 2019), pp. 99-110, ISBN 9780815390060
  2. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper, the open society, and the cosmopolitan democratic empire, in The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie (January, 2018), pp. 189-205, ISBN 9783319908250 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Hacohen, MH, Jacob & Esau Today: The End of a Two Millennia Paradigm?, in Encouraging Openness: Essays for Joseph Agassi on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday, edited by Nimrod Bar-Am and Stefano Gattei,, vol. 325 (2017), pp. 167-190, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-57669-5 [doi]  [abs]
  4. Hacohen, MH, The Young Popper, 1902–1937: History, Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna, in The Cambridge Companion to Popper, edited by Jeremy Shearmur and Geoffrey Stokes, (2016), pp. 30-68, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521890557 [doi]
  5. Hacohen, MH, The Liberal Critique of Political Theology: Political Messianism and the Cold War, in Die helle und die dunkle Seite der Moderne, edited by Werner Michael Schwarz and Ingo Zechner, (2014), pp. 38-50, Turia + Kant, ISBN 9783851327519
  6. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper and the Liberal Imagination: Rationality in Science and Politics, in I Limiti della Razionalità, edited by M. Del Castello and Michael Segre, (2013), pp. 111-132, Carabba, ISBN 9788863443141
  7. Hacohen, MH, Congress for Cultural Freedom, in Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture, edited by Diner, D, vol. 2 (2012), pp. 22-28, J. B. Metzler’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,  [author's comments]
  8. Hacohen, MH, Cosmopolitanism, the European Nation State, and Jewish Life: Berlin and Popper, in Karl Popper oggi: una riflessione multidisciplinare,, edited by Andrea Borghini and Stefano Gattei, (2011), pp. 135-160, Salomone Belforte
  9. Hacohen, MH, From Forvm to Neues Forvm: The ‘Congress for Cultural Freedom,’ the 68ers and the Émigrés, in Das Jahr 1968 – Ereignis, Symbol, Chiffre, edited by Rathkolb, O; Stadler, F (2010), pp. 239-274, Vienna University Press
  10. Hacohen, MH, Kosmopoliten in einer ethnonationalen Zeit? Juden und Österreicher in der 1. Republik, in Das Werden der Republik: Österreich 1918-1920, edited by Konrad, H; Maderthaner, W (Fall, 2008), Gerold
  11. Hacohen, MH, The Young Popper as a Scholarly Field, in Proceedings of the Karl Popper Centenary, edited by Jarvie, I; Miller, D; vols,, vol. 1 (2006), pp. 99-110, Ashgate Publishers
  12. Hacohen, MH, Liberal Dilemmas and Moral Judgment, in Naming Evil, Judging Evil, edited by Grant, R (2006), pp. 175-190, University of Chicago Press
  13. Hacohen, MH, Liberal Dilemmas and Moral Judgment, in Naming Evil, Judging Evil, edited by Grant, R (2006), pp. 175-190, University of Chicago Press
  14. Hacohen, MH, Red Vienna, the ’Jewish Question,’ and Emigration, 1936-1937, in Karl Popper: Critical Assessments., 4 vols, edited by Hear, AO; ed, (2004), pp. 1:87-133., Routledge
  15. Hacohen, M, Historicizing Deduction, in Induction and Deduction in the Sciences, edited by Galavotti, MC; Stadler, F (2003), Dordrecht: Kluwer
  16. Hacohen, MH, Critical Rationalism, Logical Positivism, and the Poststructuralist Conundrum: Reconsidering the Neurath-Popper Debate, in History of Philosophy and Science, edited by Heidelberger, M; Stadler, F (2002), pp. 307-324, Dordrecht: Kluwer
  17. Hacohen, MH, La città celeste di Popper: Platone, Atene e la società aperta, in Karl R. Popper, 1902-2002: ripensando il razionalismo critico. (Nuova Civilta delle Macchine, XX:2), Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, XX:2, edited by Gattei, S no. XX:2 (2002), pp. II:12-160, Analisi-Trend
  18. Hacohen, MH, Karl Popper’s Cosmopolitanism: Culture Clash and Jewish Identity, in Rethinking Vienna 1900, edited by Beller, S (2001), pp. 171-194, New York: Berghahn Books
  19. Hacohen, MH, The Limits of the National Paradigm in the Study of Political Thought, in Political Thought and its History in National Context, edited by Castiglione, D; Hampsher-Monk, I (2001), pp. 247-279, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  20. Hacohen, MH, The Rebirth of Liberalism in Science and Politics: Karl Popper, the Vienna Circle, and Red Vienna, in Metropole Wien. Texturen der Moderne, 2 vols., edited by Horak, R; al, E, vol. II (2000), pp. 146-179, Vienna: WUV