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Publications [#361594] of Alexander A. Kiselev

Papers Published

  1. Kiselev, A; Tan, C, The Flow of Polynomial Roots Under Differentiation (December, 2020)
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    The question about the behavior of gaps between zeros of polynomials under differentiation is classical and goes back to Marcel Riesz. In this paper, we analyze a nonlocal nonlinear partial differential equation formally derived by Stefan Steinerberger to model dynamics of roots of polynomials under differentiation. Interestingly, the same equation has also been recently obtained formally by Dimitri Shlyakhtenko and Terence Tao as the evolution equation for free fractional convolution of a measure - an object in free probability that is also related to minor processes for random matrices. The partial differential equation bears striking resemblance to hydrodynamic models used to describe the collective behavior of agents (such as birds, fish or robots) in mathematical biology. We consider periodic setting and show global regularity and exponential in time convergence to uniform density for solutions corresponding to strictly positive smooth initial data. In the second part of the paper we connect rigorously solutions of the Steinerberger's PDE and evolution of roots under differentiation for a class of trigonometric polynomials. Namely, we prove that the distribution of the zeros of the derivatives of a polynomial and the corresponding solutions of the PDE remain close for all times. The global in time control follows from the analysis of the propagation of errors equation, which turns out to be a nonlinear fractional heat equation with the main term similar to the modulated discretized fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^{1/2}$.
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