Department of Mathematics
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Math @ Duke



Former Ph.D. Students of Robert Bryant

  • Bell, Michael (2015 - September, 2019)
    Second-Order Families of Minimal Lagrangians in CP^3
  • Ball, Gavin (2015 - May, 2019)
    Seven-Dimensional Geometries With Special Torsion
  • Gunderson, Ryan (2015 - May, 2019)
    Riemannian 3-Manifolds with a Flatness Condition
  • Hu, Yuhao Y. (2015 - May, 2018)
    Geometry of Bäcklund Transformations
  • Zhao, Zhiyong (2015 - May, 2018)
    Complex and Lagrangian Engel Structures
  • Madnick, Jesse O. (2012 - May, 2018)
    Cohomogeneity Two Nearly-Kähler structures
  • McMillan, Benjamin (July, 2012 - May, 2016)
    Geometry and Conservtion Laws for a Class of Second Order Parabolic Equations
  • Hengesbach, Conrad A. (2006 - December, 2012)
    Prescribed Mean Curvature Systems
  • Smith, Abraham D (2009)
    Integrability of PDE and GL(2,R)-structures on manifolds
    Abe was awarded an NSF Mathematics Institutes Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years). He will be spending it at McGill University under the mentorship of Niky Kamran.
  • Xu, Feng (2008)
    The geometry of SU(3) structures on manifolds
    Feng took a 1-year postdoc at MSRI (2008-9) and now has a temporary position in the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University.
  • Fox, Dan (2005)
    Second order families of coassociative submanifolds
    Dan has a postdoc at UC-Irvine, and also received an international NSF postdoctoral fellowship award to work with Dominic Joyce in Oxford for the year 2006--7. (After that, he will return to UC-Irvine for another year.)
  • Ionel, Marianty (2002)
    Second order families of special Lagrangian4-folds in C4
    Marianty is on tenure track in the Mathematics Department at the University of Toledo in Ohio.
  • Chris Moseley (UNC) (2001)
    The geometry of sub-Riemannian Engel 4-manifolds
    Chris is taught at the US Military Academy at Westpoint until 2006, at which point he moved to a tenured position at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI.
  • Sung Ho Wang (2001)
    Legendrian submanifold path geometry
    Sung Ho is currently at Postech in Korea
  • Ben McKay (1999)
    Duality and integrable systems of pseudoholomorphic curves
    Ben is now on the faculty of the University of Cork in Ireland
  • Chris Michael (1996)
    Uniqueness of calibrated cycles using exterior differential systems
    Chris is now doing commodity trading for DRW Trading
  • Kevin Foltinek (1996)
    Quasilinear third-order scalar evolution equations and their conservation laws
    Kevin is now working in private industry in Austin, TX
  • Jeanne Clelland (1996)
    Geometry of conservation laws for a class of parabolic PDE
    Jeanne is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Keener Hughen (1995)
    The sub-Riemannian geometry of three-manifolds
    After teaching at Duke for several years, Keener went to the Haas Business School at Berkeley, CA. He received a PhD in Finance from and then taught at the University of Connecticut. He is now an assistant professor of finance at the Belk College of Business (UNC-Charlotte).
  • Thomas A. Ivey (1992)
    On solitons for the Ricci flow
    Tom is on the faculty at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC
  • Lucas Hsu (1991)
    Calculus of variations via the Griffiths formalism
    Lucas is the VP for Business Development & Sales at the company Photonic Bridges
  • Robert C. McLean (1990)
    Deformations and moduli of calibrated submanifolds
    Robert is now an ear, nose, and throat surgeon based in Pueblo, CO
  • J. M. Landsberg (1990)
    Minimal submanifolds defined by first order systems of PDE
    JM is on the faculty at Texas A&M in College Station, TX
  • Tim Murdoch (Rice) (1988)
    Twisted calibrations and the cone on the Veronese surface
    Tim is the head of quantitative analytics at Gulf Stream Asset Management in Charlotte, NC
  • Steven Van Wilkinson (Rice) (1984)
    Characterizing Gauss maps
    Steven is on the faculty at Northern Kentucky University in Mathematics
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821

Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320