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Publications [#214844] of Carla Cederbaum

Papers Accepted

  1. Carla Cederbaum, Geometrostatics: the geometry of static space-times, Conference Proceedings "Relativity and Gravitation -- 100 years after Einstein in Prague" , accepted 2012 [arXiv:1210.4436]
    (last updated on 2013/01/15)

    We present a new geometric approach to the study of static isolated general relativistic systems for which we suggest the name geometrostatics. After describing the setup, we introduce localized formulas for the ADM-mass and ADM/CMC-center of mass of geometrostatic systems. We then explain the pseudo-Newtonian character of these formulas and show that they converge to Newtonian mass and center of mass in the Newtonian limit, respectively, using Ehlers' frame theory. Moreover, we present a novel physical interpretation of the level sets of the canonical lapse function and apply it to prove uniqueness results. Finally, we suggest a notion of force on test particles in geometrostatic space-times.
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821

Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320