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Publications [#369339] of Colleen M Robles

Papers Published

  1. Robles, C, Extension of Hodge norms at infinity (February, 2023)
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    It is a long-standing problem in Hodge theory to generalize the Satake--Baily--Borel (SBB) compactification of a locally Hermitian symmetric space to arbitrary period maps. A proper topological SBB-type completion has been constructed, and the problem of showing that the construction is algebraic has been reduced to showing that the compact fibres A of the completion admit neighborhoods X satisfying certain properties. All but one of those properties has been established; the outstanding problem is to show that holomorphic functions on certain divisors "at infinity" extend to $X$. Extension theorems of this type require that the complex manifold X be pseudoconvex; that is, admit a plurisubharmonic exhaustion function. The neighborhood X is stratified, and the strata admit Hodge norms which are may be used to produce plurisubharmonic functions on the strata. One would like to extend these norms to X so that they may be used to construct the desired plurisubharmonic exhaustion of X. The purpose of this paper is show that there exists a function that simultaneously extends all the Hodge norms along the strata that intersect the fibre A nontrivially.
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821

Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320