Eylem Z. Yildiz, Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor

Eylem Z. Yildiz
Office Location:  120 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone:  +1 919 660 2800
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:  http://www.eylemyildiz.com

Office Hours:

Also by appointment

Ph.D.Michigan State University2019
Recent Publications

  1. Yildiz, EZ; Akbulut, S, Knot concordances in S1×S^2 and exotic smooth 4-manifolds, Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology, vol. 13 (2019), pp. 41-52, GGT  [abs]
  2. Yildiz, E, A note on knot concordance, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, vol. 18 no. 5 (August, 2018), pp. 3119-3128, Mathematical Sciences Publishers [doi]