Publications [#367968] of Haohua Deng

Papers Published

  1. Deng, H, Extension of period maps by polyhedral fans, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 406 (September, 2022)
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    Kato and Usui developed a theory of partial compactifications for quotients of period domains D by arithmetic groups Γ, in an attempt to generalize the toroidal compactifications of Ash-Mumford-Rapoport-Tai to non-classical cases. Their partial compactifications, which aim to fully compactify the images of period maps, rely on the choice of a fan which is strongly compatible with Γ. In particular, they conjectured the existence of a complete fan, which would serve to simultaneously compactify all period maps of a given type. In this article, we briefly review the theory, and construct a fan which compactifies the image of a period map arising from a particular two-parameter family of Calabi-Yau threefolds studied by Hosono and Takagi, with Hodge numbers (1,2,2,1). On the other hand, we disprove the existence of complete fans in some general cases, including the (1,2,2,1) case.