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Publications [#379216] of Haohua Deng

Papers Published

  1. Castor, B; Deng, H; Kerr, M; Pearlstein, G, REMARKS ON EIGENSPECTRA OF ISOLATED SINGULARITI, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 327 no. 1 (January, 2024), pp. 29-54 [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/03/13)

    We introduce a simple calculus, extending a variant of the Steenbrink spectrum, to describe Hodge-theoretic invariants for smoothings of isolated singularities with relative automorphisms. After computing these “eigenspectra” in the quasihomogeneous case, we give three applications to singularity bounding and monodromy of variations of Hodge structure (VHS).
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Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320