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Publications [#287185] of Ingrid Daubechies

Papers Published

  1. Jafarpour, S; Polatkan, G; Brevdo, E; Hughes, S; Brasoveanu, A; Daubechies, I, Stylistic analysis of paintings using wavelets and machine learning, European Signal Processing Conference (December, 2009), pp. 1220-1224, ISSN 2219-5491
    (last updated on 2024/10/06)

    Wavelet transforms and machine learning tools can be used to assist art experts in the stylistic analysis of paintings. A dual-tree complex wavelet transform, Hidden Markov Tree modeling and Random Forest classifiers are used here for a stylistic analysis of Vincent van Gogh's paintings with results on two stylometry challenges that concern "dating, resp. extracting distinguishing features". © EURASIP, 2009.
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320