An, J; Henderson, C; Ryzhik, L, Quantitative Steepness, Semi-FKPP Reactions, and Pushmi-Pullyu Fronts,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 247 no. 5
(October, 2023) [doi] [abs]
Bréchet, P; Papagiannouli, K; An, J; Montúfar, G, Critical Points and Convergence Analysis of Generative Deep Linear Networks Trained with Bures-Wasserstein Loss,
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 202
(January, 2023),
pp. 3106-3147 [abs]
An, J; Lu, J; Ying, L, Stochastic modified equations for the asynchronous stochastic gradient descent,
Information and Inference, vol. 9 no. 4
(January, 2020),
pp. 851-873 [doi] [abs]
Recent Grant Support
Simons Travel Grant, American Mathematical Society, 2023/07-2025/06.