Publications of Joseph D Rabinoff

Papers Published

  1. Dupuy, T; Katz, E; Rabinoff, J; Zureick-Brown, D, Total p-differentials on schemes over Z/p2, Journal of Algebra, vol. 524 (April, 2019), pp. 110-123
  2. Foster, T; Rabinoff, J; Shokrieh, F; Soto, A, Non-Archimedean and tropical theta functions, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 372 no. 3-4 (December, 2018), pp. 891-914
  3. Katz, E; Rabinoff, J; Zureick-Brown, D, Diophantine and tropical geometry, and uniformity of rational points on curves, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, vol. 97 no. 2 (January, 2018), pp. 231-279
  4. Gubler, W; Rabinoff, J; Werner, A, Tropical skeletons, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 67 no. 5 (January, 2017), pp. 1905-1961
  5. Papikian, M; Rabinoff, J, Optimal quotients of Jacobians with toric reduction and component groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 68 no. 6 (December, 2016), pp. 1362-1381
  6. Gubler, W; Rabinoff, J; Werner, A, Skeletons and tropicalizations, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 294 (May, 2016), pp. 150-215
  7. Baker, M; Payne, S; Rabinoff, J, Nonarchimedean geometry, tropicalization, and metrics on curves, Algebraic Geometry, vol. 3 no. 1 (January, 2016), pp. 63-105
  8. Katz, E; Rabinoff, J; Zureick-Brown, D, Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on curves of small mordell-weil rank, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 165 no. 16 (January, 2016), pp. 3189-3240
  9. Amini, O; Baker, M; Brugallé, E; Rabinoff, J, Lifting harmonic morphisms i: Metrized complexes and berkovich skeleta, Research in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2 no. 1 (December, 2015)
  10. Baker, M; Rabinoff, J, The skeleton of the jacobian, the jacobian of the skeleton, and lifting meromorphic functions from tropical to algebraic curves, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2015 no. 16 (January, 2015), pp. 7436-7472
  11. Amini, O; Baker, M; Brugallé, E; Rabinoff, J, Lifting harmonic morphisms ii: Tropical curves and metrized complexes, Algebra and Number Theory, vol. 9 no. 2 (January, 2015), pp. 267-315
  12. Rabinoff, J, Higher-level canonical subgroups for p-divisible groups, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, vol. 11 no. 2 (April, 2012), pp. 363-419
  13. Rabinoff, J, Tropical analytic geometry, Newton polygons, and tropical intersections, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 229 no. 6 (April, 2012), pp. 3192-3255
  14. Rabinoff, J, Hybrid grids and the Homing Robot, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 140 no. 1-3 (May, 2004), pp. 155-168