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Publications [#320187] of Jianfeng Lu

Papers Published

  1. Lu, J; Zhou, Z, Improved sampling and validation of frozen Gaussian approximation with surface hopping algorithm for nonadiabatic dynamics., The Journal of chemical physics, vol. 145 no. 12 (September, 2016), pp. 124109 [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/09/17)

    In the spirit of the fewest switches surface hopping, the frozen Gaussian approximation with surface hopping (FGA-SH) method samples a path integral representation of the non-adiabatic dynamics in the semiclassical regime. An improved sampling scheme is developed in this work for FGA-SH based on birth and death branching processes. The algorithm is validated for the standard test examples of non-adiabatic dynamics.
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Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320